The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, a rather cool day yesterday, a bit humid but tolerable. As for the forecasts, all over the map. It could be hot, there could be rain, but no one agrees on any of this.

Doesn't work Tom, I tried, if I leave the cart out on purpose, nothing, only when I forget to bring it in will it rain. It's kinda like that Harry Potter magic wand I bought on Amazon, it never works when you want it to.... Nope 

Still have folks here fighting the "shut down" edicts. I can't blame anyone for wanting to continue their livelihood, but this virus thing has the whole world screwed up. Just about everyone here is using masks. I saw one guy being refused entry into Walmart yesterday because he didn't have a mask on. I forget mine sometimes and that long trek back to the car when it's 110, isn't pleasant so I now carry a cloth one in my pocket that our insurance company sent. Yeah, it's got their name (advertising??) on it, but it's light and very compact and the price was right.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 90 today.
I gotta post this an EARTHQUAKE in Michigan yep 3.2 just southeast of Detroit.
Had to buy a new battery for my wife's car yesterday, It died at home. For that I am thankful.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
86 and partly cloudy.  Sun out and suddenly goes back in for a few.  Been babysitting Granddogs and cat.  Home to shower and a break.  Go back for a while to let them out and in and visit.  About 10 miles one way.  Come back and mow as grass needs drying after middle of the night rain.  Spoiled worse than ours.  Good bunch to keep though.  Spend the night and tomorrow AM.   Watch a lot of movies and do a lot of "rubbing".  

Masks.  UNC CH did poll.  Seems mainly Republicans are the ones who refuse to wear masks.  Seems they have not been educated.  Once educated, 10% wear masks.  

CA fires are horrible.  Then two hurricanes in the Gulf.  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 84 right now. Heading up to 85.

Still trying to stop water getting in under the window sill in our bedroom from the air conditioner. Pulled the unit out and caulked around window frame again. This time the sun stayed out unlike the last time when it rained as soon as I was done. I will put the unit back in the window later. I cleaned the pond filter. I started adding a bacteria to the filter which is keeping the water clear.

I weathered a few more cars with the pastels. I hope to continue weathering some more.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

64 and clear at the moment headed for 91 and sunny. Passing thunderstorms yesterday provided the remote reaches of northern Iowa with about 4 tenths of an inch of rain.

I did manage to get in a walk yesterday morning between showers. Walked to the farmers market but just because of a little lightning and thunder earlier they all chickened out. I was planning to get a tomato and a couple ears of corn for supper. Oh, well. I'll try again next weekend. Also got in a 12 mile bike ride and got the laundry caught up. A shower, a Corona (not the virus), and supper completed my day yesterday.

Another walk and bike ride today. May watch the race this afternoon. Otherwise not much planned for today.

Idle question of the day - why do so many cars look like they're trying out for a part in a Mad Max movie?

I've seen less action from a yo-yo. Gas price Friday was down to $1.91 from $1.99 on Thursday. Yesterday when I was out it was back up to $1.96.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good Sunday morning to ya all. Temps, like gas prices here are on the rise. A few days of normal, then back to an "excessive heat warning" starting tomorrow. More 110+ through the week, chances of rain.... who knows for sure, humidity and dew points are all up, so it could happen....

Gas at Costco is $1.99 up from $1.95 a few days ago, then it jumps to $1.39 to $1.45 at independents, about 10 cents more at name brands. Checked Gas Buddy, Bullhead City, really remote, is still leading the state for the lowest gas prices at $1.71. Now that's weird, it's on the Colorado River, halfway between I-10 and I-40.

Starting back on my layout, adding a bridge and a highway underpass, the only road that gets you out of town. Speaking of getting out of town, I'm thinking about a day trip to Sedona, temps there forecast for the mid to low 90's, just a few hours drive and a much needed break from this heat.  Plus, Sedona has to be the most beautiful place on earth with all their red rocks, the Chapel of the Holy Cross, and all those vortexes to bring peace and tranquility, (that I haven't a clue where they are). Some say that the Chapel is built on one, regardless, just going there is peaceful enough. Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Home from babysitting duty.  Granddogs  and cat were easy.  Don't let you sleep late.  Their Dad gets up early in the AM.  So, they think Granddad needs to too.

Now for some rest and then get saws and brush cutter ready for tomorrow.  Go to farms and clear a shooting lane.

Prayers for CA fires and  Gulf folks due to hurricanes.  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 68 at the moment. Supposed to be sunny and 97 later today.

Easy day yesterday. Walk and bike ride in the morning. Watched the Indy 500 yesterday but I taped it and fast forwarded through it to avoid all the commercials. Also sent off an e-mail to Walthers about my 0-6-0 asking about how I can fix the eccentric arm which is so out of position. Continuing on that productive note I also sent a message to the manufacturer of my drone. I actually got a response from them overnight verifying the part that I wanted and also asking for the Amazon the order number. That information has been provided. Walthers on the other had an auto-reply saying it could take 8-10 days before I might hear something.

Walk and a bike ride will pretty much cover my activities for the day today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, what a delightful forecast, providing I take them all and average them out. We have high temps, up to 114, and as low as 102, we have lots of rain, up to 20%, and no chance of rain, 0%, all on the same day. Don't know if these weather folks are using crystal ball, dart boards, magic wands, or some other ways to conjure up these numbers, but we need order, we need consistency, otherwise what they say cannot be trusted. I found one that forecast that on Sept 9 and 10, there will be a 56% chance of rain, that's over two weeks from today. How can they do that???

Enough on that, I think I spend too much time analyzing these weather prognosticators anyway....

Everyone have a great day, and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It 73 and heading to 86. The humidity machine is on full blast and pumping it up.

It rained last night and the weather morons said nothing about it. As a result since I did not put the covers on the furniture on the patio I now have the cushions spread out over the patio and front yard in the sun drying.

The wife is working today.... from the kitchen. Her back to school in service week is virtual. She did get her assignment and it is the student she had last year. They got along well so she is happy. My daughter is at her school sitting around doing nothing but waiting for someone to tell her what to do. In the meantime the volleyball team is practicing outside. My son takes over the office at 11 AM. He works from 11 AM to 8 PM online. Once he comes in me and my computer are wasterals and will set up wherever there is an available outlet.

I fixed a kitchen cabinet door that would not stay closed. I had to replace the magnetic stopper.

I finished weathering a couple of cabooses and express reefers. I began weathering four more reefers and built two more MDC/Roundhouse reefers, a Missouri Pacific, and a KATY.

Today is laundry, take the 17 year-old Maine Coon cat to the vet for blood work so he can be shaved. His fur gets matted and he will not let you groom his belly or backside. Since he nearly ripped several grooms up he has to knocked out to shave him, thus why the bloodwork.

I hope to continue the weathering and building.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . well it's Monday again still working in garage as leg permits ( getting real tired of it )  rely need to sort 30 years worth of tools to see what i need to keep already sold all the big stuff meaning anything over 1 &1/2 inch size . well tomorrow will be our 55 anniversary  Icon_e_surprised   don't seem like I'm going  be that old seems like it wasn't  but last week that we got hitched .  with the way things are we can't even go out to dinner some where , all the places worth going to around here are still take out only or patio seating only Eek Eek (can't imagine sitting out in 98 deg. temp) and enjoying a dinner ,  so every one out there have a safe day .
Back from farms.  Shooting lane cleared for new stand movement.  Fred wasn't with us so got it done and happy.  We also repaired shoot range backstop.  Did it OUR way and not Fred's.  Found Fred did not hook up battery and set timer in my deep woods feeder after he loaded it with corn.  I had gone to another feeder.   Thanks Fred.  Rule is, once you do anything to feeder, you run test.  He just put corn in and left.

These guys come about every day to check feeder even though it had been out of corn for two months.  At my deep woods stand.

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Big guy is showing his butt as his buddy looks on.

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A crazy horn.

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TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Hazy and 68 headed for a little less hazy and 96. Haze is the smoke from California. Prayers for resolution to that.

Quiet day yesterday. Walked early for 3 miles. By the time I got home it was already 80 with 70% humidity so I only took a short, slow bike ride. This morning I'm headed to Walmart for a few things.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks, yeah, the haze here from those fires makes Phoenix look like London with all the fog. Temps are high again, could get to 114 today, tying a record, or coming close. Sameo-sameo for the rest of the week.

Filled up at Costco at $1.99, the lowest price in the area, of course, Sam's Club had to follow suite since they're just about two miles apart. Still some name brands trying to get away at $2.59, but not too busy. The Costco station is open before the store will be, but lots of folks catching on, no lines yet, but the pumps were busy.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  90 and humid.  Going back to 90+ days and over 100 heat index.  That high pressure thingy steering the hurricane away from us is bringing summer temps back.  Why we went to the farms yesterday.  Hurricane and tropical storm is now missing my rifle buddy in NOLA and headed to fishing buddy at T Bend.  Maybe it will die like the tropical storm.  

Universities here are shutting down to on-line classes.  Too many virus outbreaks on campuses.  Should have never opened.  Forced by Republican majority legislature.  Now some school systems that reopened are having outbreaks.  Wake and most large districts are all on-line.  Private schools have had problems but keeping it quite.  Hit social media when first opened.  Schools told parents to not publicize after that.  

Resting up today.  Rest of week full of County things.  Friday may be the last produce box delivery.  Depends on USDA extension of grant.  

Stay safe and well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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