The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

28 outside my window this morning. High for today is supposed around 58 with only very light breezes.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Lots of fun again in the zoom chat. Not much planned for today. Bike ride this afternoon and maybe get the drone out for a while.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, temps still running in the triple-digits through the end of the week, then we drop below average. No middle ground when it comes to the weather. Going to try to go shooting this week, not sure which day, but even if it's 100° out, that's not bad compared to a few weeks ago.

Had a nice video chat yesterday with a bunch from Big Blue, as doctorwayne put it, it's always nice to put a face to a name. We'll have more, and anyone can start and host one, just open a thread here with a date and time and see what happens.

Still working on that one scene on my layout that I just can't get to look natural. I guess I could always invoke the 4' rule (or is that 2' in N scale?), and move on, but then I would know that I didn't accomplish what I wanted, and that's not why we do what we do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  57 outside.  Wifey asked for heat to be turned on to get the chill out of the house. [about time]  She is always the hold out.

Agenda for today????  Changed from last night.  Want me to go back to FIL's to finish a wall.  We'll see.  I got big three tier fountain ready to put together.  Need three good lifters for bottom bowl.  Then some simple wiring for pump outlet.  

Hope all have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning
        Once again a great chat.  I may try some in the evenings going through Blue. I generally chat with Railcop so maybe we can move one here and get some others to join in. 
        A cool 48 here this AM. I have some yard work I hope to do 

         Don, why don't you post a picture of the area you are having trouble with so we can help you figure out what's wrong, after all that's why we are here. 

         Frank, I hope you too can join in on one of our chats, it would be good to get your words of wisdom too. 
(10-04-2020, 08:04 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good Morning
        Once again a great chat.  I may try some in the evenings going through Blue. I generally chat with Railcop so maybe we can move one here and get some others to join in. 
        A cool 48 here this AM. I have some yard work I hope to do 

         Don, why don't you post a picture of the area you are having trouble with so we can help you figure out what's wrong, after all that's why we are here. 

         Frank, I hope you too can join in on one of our chats, it would be good to get your words of wisdom too. 

I'm in favor of a weekday evening chat, pick a time and day Charlie and see if it sticks.

Speaking of sticks, like I said during chat, one problem is my "peel and stick", peels, but doesn't stick. Eek Some double-back tape cures that. My real problem is self-satisfaction, if it doesn't feel right, it isn't. I'll post some photos on my build thread and see what others think.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 45 at the moment with a guessed at high in the mid 70s today with winds above 35 mph.  No bike ride today.

Fairly routine day yesterday.  Went for a walk late yesterday morning.  After lunch I washed a load of rags and tried to go for a bike ride.  Decided it was a little too chilly and came back home.  Took the drone and went down by the river.  As you can see the water level is quite low.  Normally this area is covered in water from shore to shore.


Nothing major planned for today.  PT at 9:30 and a walk this afternoon.  As mentioned it will be too windy for a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It 51 and raining. When I went to bed there was nothing about rain. It is supposed to reach 67.

Spent most of Saturday putting up the outside Halloween decorations. I was so busy I missed the Zoom chat. I apparently did something to my back while decorating. Woke up yesterday with a lot of pain. At one-point walking was an issue. A couple of pain killers and some hot compresses and I was able to move slightly better. Things finally improved after dinner and I could do somethings as long as I did bend too much. This morning there is some lingering pain but not too bad.

I did not get any weathering done. I did assemble a Stewart Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines AS-16 and run it for some time.

Today I have grocery store and pharmacy runs. Perhaps some weathering in the future. I have another AS-16 to assemble and a S-8. The AS-16 is PRR and the S-8 is PRSL.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning. Slept late and then cooked stuffed sausage biscuits. Wifey and I watched 10 minutes of news. Then it started repeating what was on Friday. Guess they couldn't come up with anything new. Seemed good to not rush. Weather good until weekend. Farms tomorrow. Big fountain project today.

Tom, dry means easier grain harvest [I guess.  It does here]. 

Enjoy the day
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good mid-morning to you all. Well, it's not 8:00 yet, but that's mid-morning to me. Just got my Internet and landline back a few minutes ago. Called Cox around 5:00 on my cell phone, "working in your area until 6:00AM" says the recording. Called them again at 7:00, their whole network must have been down 'cause their main number wouldn't ring this time. Decided to use the time to print some new stuff for my layout, but that's acting up too, ruined one sheet of Avery, and wasted a lot of ink. Not a very good start, but remember, it's Monday folks...

A bit chilly (70°) this morning, but still heading up over 100. Another day or two and we start dropping to below normal. Eek AccuWeather says 50% chance of rain today, everyone else says 0, typical weather reporting, we'll see....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun 49/55 for today.
Doctor appointments  and grocery shopping is our activities. It's getting boring not being free to do things like we use to. Nobody is paying attention to our Mi. dicktator's orders anymore but we just don't feel comfortable doing things. Esp. miss eating out now and then.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
well Monday has come again , chat was good Saturday till the device i was using screwed up its one with windows 10 1803 on it  and i cant update it because 1803 wont recognize the added SD card, had to replace it with a new one and its not set up for zoom yet got to work on it , oldest boy is here to get a huge bee colony that set up in tree in front yard , he said it looks like there is between 5000 and 7000 bees in it , he wants to take them to his place in Colorado he already has 9 hives.
got to head to Tucson tomorrow to get another ultra sound on leg.
Morning. Out the door east. Fill the feeders completely full. Last past season. Clean out camper and have ready for next week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, today should be the last of the triple-digits here, maybe for the rest of the year. Still no rain though, can't see how one report showed a huge chance for yesterday, a few clouds and that's all.

It took me seven hours yesterday after the Internet came back on for me to get everything back in order. I had reset my router and modem to see if that wasn't the issue with no Internet. Bad move, that requires going and setting it and everything going to it back up. Reset the configurations (really tricky), passwords, wi-fi, all the Alexa devices, and even the TV and the Dish satellite. I'm glad I don't have a "smart house", or I'd still be resetting things. Icon_rolleyes Yes, I do have Alexa tied to my landline in case of emergency, but  no, my thermostat. refrigerator, toaster, toilets and lights still require manual control. Somehow, "Alexa, please flush the main bath toilet", seems to be a bit over the top for me.... Waiting 

Today should go a bit smoother, hope it does for you all as well, and good luck for those of you with doctor appointments.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Warm and windy again today. 45 now headed for 80 this afternoon but winds up to 25 mph.

Wend to a forum for sheriff and state representative last night. It was quite informative. Yesterday afternoon I got a section of track repaired. The tie strips are all 10 years old and slowly deteriorating. I replaced 5 more sections. Eventually they will all have to be replaced but doing small sections at a time makes the project manageable.

Looks to be a quiet day here. Not much planned. A walk for sure and maybe a bike ride. Winds up to 25 mph so we'll see. Supposed to be in the upper 70s and low 80s all week but the humidity is so low that it never feels that warm and cools down quiet rapidly in the evening.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a chilly 51 now. Going up to 68. It is supposed to be sunny today until Friday.

I did the big grocery store run yesterday. I also had to hit two pharmacies to get everything we needed. I went to hardware store to pick up more air conditioner insulation foam. I have been using it to protect my rolling stock in their boxes. Thanks, Wayne, for the suggestion.

I need to clean the fishpond filter and scrub the fountain. The fountain was removed for our inflatable Halloween dragon. Time to clean and store the fountain for winter. I am not sure if I will tackle them today. It depends on my back and hip. Back was starting to hurt after all the walking and putting groceries away yesterday. There is also some laundry to be put away but again it depends on if I can carry the basket from the basement to the bedroom. I will see if I can get a kid to bring the basket up during one their breaks.

No modeling yesterday. The only time I was in the basement was to put groceries in the freezer.

Today I will see if I can get some in. Weather some boxcars of put an AS-16 together.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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