The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon all, I spent a great morning and 2 hours this afternoon  trackside taking turns telling tales with Kevin (Railcop). AA slow train day as there were only 3 in 5 hours (Heard 3 more clear the detector in the 10 minute drive home).  The first train hit suddenly (We sat for 2 hours and my camera was set on macro from layout pictures) so I got this fabulous shot.       
Maybe some day it will be a classic, as for today it was a classic case of not being prepared, however, it is an interesting picture of an empty seat.  Icon_e_biggrin
I am looking forward to Thursdays chat. 
Good morning everyone, well, today was suppose to be the first day of under 100, but I checked four different forecasts and they all show 100 and up, so we wait another day.

Charlie, got lots of those, "classics", got ten or twenty minutes of video of the ground as we walked around, lovely shots of the ceiling, floors and only half of my subject. Nice looking chair though..... Icon_e_surprised

Would like to go shooting today, but maybe tomorrow, a bit cooler. I may have to go alone for the first time, shooting buddies are all busy elsewhere and the family can only go on weekends. I would wait, just that there's just too many careless shooters there then.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

51 going to 78 and not much wind. Pleasant stretch of weather. Cooling down to the 60s next week and still no rain in sight.

Walk and bike ride and that's about it for yesterday. The good thing about yesterday's walk was that it included a cherry ice cream cone. Physical therapy this morning. Only 2 sessions left. May try a chiropractor next. Every time I get close to feeling better the physical therapists come up with something new and it sets me back again.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Beautiful day out.  Out the door to help as county commissioner distribute her campaign literature around R'ville.  Then chores here.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

68 right now and heading to 76.

I cleaned the fishpond filter. Then I discovered the outdoor GFI outlet is not functioning. Here I thought the filter was clogged. No it didn’t have power. Afterward my back hurt some but not to bad.

I weathered a D&H boxcar. My second all weathering with the Pan Pastel weathering chalks. They are really growing on me.

I have more weathering to do or assemble an AS-16 or an S-12.

In a few I am off to the produce store. Need carrots and peas for dinner.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Wifey and I lifted that bowl.  I held it on the edge of the pedestal base while she wound the pump cord in the hollow space for it in base.  ITS CONCRETE.  

[Image: enhance]

Outlet post I told you about.  Did away with drop cords running to that area. 

[Image: enhance]

Pergola [Arch De Triumph] where I have to install an outlet box at the top and do away with drop cord. 

[Image: enhance]

note: in the distance at the front brick walk to the house from the street, you see a lawn jockey.  Politically correct.  Face is white. Wink

BoJ's for dinner thanks to Wifey.  
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hi guys. I am late tonight but did do some modeling . Started to put together some old (1990) Walthers circus flar cars that I will use on my Strates train.  I have the weights glued to the base and will wait a day for it to set.  

Don, My wife and I were given a tour of the Hydroelectric plants that the company I worked for in the 1980's owned that were in upstate New York ( The Watertown area). I shot video tape as well as the supervisor friend. He too took his wife so the gals chatted while we talked shop.  He left his camera running accidentally and when we got back to his house I asked if I could copy what he shot so he put it on the TV and I hooked up and started a copy. 
        Well, Bill had used some very colorful language that was caught on tape and Helen, his wife was astonished, claimed she had never heard him say such words.  Icon_e_biggrin. I really think that was for our benefit because Bill was one of those guys that could say that stuff and you never gave it a second thought. 
He was one of the best people I have met in my life. 

I also found a tender I need for my wreck train crane while I was getting the circus car kits from the shelf so I put some trucks on that too.  I will pain it yellow to match the rest.  

     Frank, that was a good two days work. It looks great. I hope your back is OK. 

     Tom I hurt my back 3 years ago (I have no idea how) but I put up with the pain for 3 days and it got so bad the 3rd night I had my wife take me to the ER. 
They did a MTI and found nothing. The pain was so bad the morphine they gave me didn't relieve it.  I went to my PCP the next day and he sent me to a therapist.  My insurance agreed to 6 treatments and more if needed. The third treatment I was not a damned bit better and I really want to say the therapist did the right thing. He gave me a bunch of impossible exercises, and sat at his desk and read a book. It ticked me off enough that I called a chiropractor and went in that afternoon. One treatment and I felt better and she is not the kind to tell you you need to come back. I guess she knows you know when you should. I went back 2 more times and I still had some muscle pain and she had her massage therapist come and take a look.  I can't explain what she did but it felt like she got inside those muscles and pulled them out. I was quite uncomfortable, but when she was done the chiropractor made a few more adjustments and handed me a bottle of cold water, told me to get up slow because I would be light headed (I was) and I didn't go back for a year.  
     What really upset me was I paid her a copay of 20 bucks, but the PT co pay was 50. The insurance paid the PT guy 300 bucks a session and the chiropractor got a lousy 6.95. I did talk to my insurance and let them know I thought it should have been the other way around. 
      I hope you have similar good results. I have used several chiropractors in my life and I only had one that was going to do "treatments".  that is the word that makes me run.  (I had a chiropractor 30 years ago, ex navy) that told me he could fix a dislocated knee but it would hurt and I would probably call him names. 
It hurt almost as bad as when the horse kicked me but I did not call him names. He was too big for that. He retired 10 years ago, the good docs are all retiring. 

       Have a good evening everyone. See some of you tomorrow night. 
Good morning everyone, we have a 50% chance of yet another 100° day today. Half of the forecasts say yes, the other half say no. One thing that is certain, we've had 140 days this year of 100 or higher. That means that every day for five months has been at least at 100. It's really getting old.

Going target shooting by myself today, all my shooting buddies are away and I just need to get out for a while. Plus I need to try this new brand of ammo I bought and get some more if it works well. Got a few semi-autos that are fussy what I put in them and will shoot fine with one brand and jam with another. What's the difference? Haven't a clue, but like a pet, if you don't feed them what they like, they can get a bit nasty on you...

Gonna have a video chat tonight, nine or ten of us on Zoom, the past two we've had were fun, really nice seeing faces to the folks we've been talking with all these years.

Ya all have a great day....  Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear (again) and 41 outside my window this morning. High for today in the upper 70s. Only a slight chance of rain on Sunday evening.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. PT was easy (no new torturecises). When I got home the map update for my car had arrived. Installing that was easy. Insert disk and let it run. Only draw back was that I had to let the car run so it wouldn't drain the battery. Took an hour and a half. While that was running I got the logging train out and ran it. After the car was done I went for a 19 mile bike ride. Also got out a golf club and tried a few swings. I just found my chiropractor! After swinging the club in the general direction of a whiffle ball I found that my shoulder is MUCH less painful. This morning it's only a little sore from hurting for so long. Later on this morning I'm going to the gym to try some swimming and see how that works. Also considering a trip to Walmart for some groceries.

Gas prices are doing their usual goofy dance. They've been slowly dropping for the last week and a half. Then yesterday they jumped from $2.06 to $2.19.

Charlie - thanks for the advice on the chiropractor. After yesterday I may not need it.

Frank - nice looking yard!


All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

Is out and is predicated to be that way all day. High is supposed to be 65.

I had one of those days where it seemed like I did a lot but got nothing done. I will give it another try today.

My wife is supposed to report to her school on Monday. Due to past experiences with administration in the school district regarding them making sound decisions he is very apprehensive regarding the reopening. This district was the last one to close in our county back in March. They only closed several hours after the governor ordered all schools in the state closed. The administration is literally afraid of the parents. In the pre-COVID days it was not unusual for sick kids to be sent to school. They would be sent to the nurse and attempts would be made to contact the parents. The kid would remain in the nurse’s office until the end of the school day. Then the next day the situation would be repeated with the same kid. The district announced they are relying on the parents to do the right thing and that scares many of the teachers and staff.

I weathered three more boxcars last night. I had one with the fingerprint issue. I am not completely happy with the way the car turned out. I will take another look at it today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun 45/60s today. 
Power to the A/C is turned off for the year. Furnace temp is set at 72 and has been running most nights.
No train news. The last time I ran mine all was still working well.
We still stay home except for necessities.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning. Slept till 8. undefined Sunny and 69. Cooked redhots and eggs.

Now to get moving and go to Lowes. Get the cord to do the pergola outlet box.

SisterIL's hubby may have to have gallbladder removed. Acting up bad. She is having fits as they have to go to wedding in mountains. Claims she and daughter can't drive there.  Icon_rolleyes  Funny thing. Wifey says she rented a house on the top of a mountain that sleeps 15 [only 6 going]. The best part is its an hour from the venue.  Icon_rolleyes  Wifey asked why rented so far away? "I didn't think." Really blonde thing.

Got to turn down volume of fountain pump. Reach in under the base of second section and there is a volume control screwed to the top of the pump. Splattering out of the top pool bad.

Hope all have a good day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is a chilly 49 at the moment. Going up to 70.

I enjoyed the chat last evening and looking forward to the next one.

I am annoyed about contractors. I waited around all day yesterday for an electrician to show up. Both our outside GFI outlets are not working. The guy never showed up as scheduled. He did not call or text. I called and texted him several times and got no replies. I did not realize these guys are doing so well that they can just ghost potential customers. I will be giving him a bad rating on the website I found him on.

No modeling yesterday. I did look over the pile and pick out the next group of cars for weathering.

More weathering and hopefully running trains today. I do have to run out to the grocery store and grab a few things.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 62 headed for windy and 88. I wouldn't be surprised to see a red flag warning posted this afternoon. With low humidity, high winds, and lots of dry crops in the fields that's pretty much a recipe for fires that can quickly get out of control.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Thought I'd try swimming to see how my shoulder is doing. Of course the pool is closed this week. I did some resistance training but there were a few I couldn't do. Will try the chiropractor next. I have seen very little progress with physical therapy. This morning I have my last PT session and also need to get rid of some yard waste. If the wind in town isn't too bad i may try to clean up some more leaves.

Lots of fun in the zoom chat last night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, another Friday is upon us, how come so soon? Speaking of so soon, went to Walmart's garden section to get a BBQ brush, and found it's already set up for Christmas. Yeah, trees and shelves of decorations everywhere. Halloween stuff has it's own section elsewhere in the store, a bit too early to find Valentine candy though.... or is it????

Went target shooting by myself yesterday. I got there at 7:30 and I wasn't the first one there. People in a few spots driving service trucks were shooting already. Now you know why they don't show up to your house early. Was nice except the wind was blowing towards me and when I shot a bottle with water in it about 15-20 feet away, I got splashed in the face. A bit strong I'd say. Stopped at the pawn shop for some ammo, out of the $50 (500 rounds of 22 cal), stuff, got the $65 boxes now still one box limit. That's triple what ammo was going for a few months ago, but you feel blessed when you find any at any price. The place up in Prescott that advertises, "wholesale pricing" sells 500 rounds for $175 up to $226. Is this due to panic buying or a conspiracy?

Had our video chat last night, really a lot of fun, good to see everyone, a few new faces showed up as well....

Have a great day and a great weekend and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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