The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It has been a dreary weather day. Temperature is 48. They said it supposed to go to 50. It has been drizzling off and on all day.

Just got in from the grocery store. I was going to do some gardening, but the weather canceled that.

If I can, I may try to wander downstairs and weather a few boxcars.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 20 at the moment headed for sunny and 29 this afternoon. Got about 3 inches of way too early snow yesterday.

Massage at 9:45 followed by a trip to the gym. Also need to pick up milk and bread at the grocery store. This afternoon I'll st up an appointment to get my eyes tested. Otherwise a quiet day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, downright cold outside right now, windy and ominous-looking dark clouds suggest a heavy downpour, but the guessers are saying a 0 to 10% chance of rain. Even the newspaper came without being in a plastic bag. High temps expected to stay in the mid 60's. We've gone from Summer to Winter and forgot to pass Fall. Oh yeah, they expect snow up in Flagstaff....

Went to the new Costco yesterday afternoon, found a decent parking spot, got what I came for and checked out quickly. The parking lot was full, so I think my timing was just good, or I got lucky and hit a lull. Gas there is still $1.92, a slight drop everywhere else. I see some $2.29, $2.32 and a few name brands still around $2.45

Got some time today to do a few things on my layout. Mostly though, straighten up my train room since we'll have a bunch of people here on Thursday. I doubt that I'll be able to run anything since I'm still weathering and ballasting the track but I'll try to get the lighting to work.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  Lazy, damp, cloudy and chilly morning.

On phone with Sirius over account.  Person is Asian.  Can't understand anything.  Trying to play games.    They have been sued over lifetime subscriptions.  I have 2.  Get told something different every time you call. :  They say it is fixed. Rolleyes 

Got to go to FIL's and work.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . Monday again not much going on to day been trying to find new belts for my drill press and so far have been batting zero , have to go to VA in Tucson tomorrow will try hitting a few spots there . just cant seem to get in modeling grove , cold here 54 now same site that said 110 last week for today is now saying 69, gas here is 2.29 will post Tucson's  prices on Wednesday. 
Good afternoon folks

It is a chilly 58 with off and on drizzle. High is supposed to be 64.

Had a busy morning. I had to run my son to the satellite election office in our township, one of three in the county. Today is the last day of in person early voting at that site. Tomorrow is the last date statewide. He is doing voter education which is basically making sure people put their ballots in the secrecy envelope, put the secrecy envelope in the outside envelope, and sign the declaration on the outside envelope. It is crazy with over 2 million mail ballots requested and over 50% submitted. I have no idea how many in person early voters. According to my son is taking two to three hours to do the in person.

I cleaned out the fridge. Amazing how much stuff accumulates in there after a couple of weeks. I could identify everything so that was a good thing.

I did not get any modeling done the whole weekend. Maybe today or tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good afternoon.
        I worked on switches today figuring how to do the electric ones and locating the terminal block for the CD unit to power them. Looks like it won't be hard. 
I'm going to have to find some #2x1/2 inch screws. Most of the machines have the screws in the box but a couple are missing.  Search engines on the web are really getting to be a pain. I even was lured to Home Depots site because google said they had them, but the first 4 items were nothing near the size and the fifth item was a garage sale sign. I suppose you could use #2 screws to hang a sign but why waste our time. 
        My under table creeper is the right thing for that work. I did one big job on one of my manual switches. I replaced a broken rubber band that was the return spring with a real spring. I have about 8 more that have broken so I will replace all of them. 
        It's a dreary fall day here. 
Good morning all, we went from boiling hot to sub-freezing in a matter of days. Temps are 20 degrees below normal, low to mid-60's, for a few more days then zoom back up to around 90 next week. No rain here, just some snow up to the north of us. It's so weird, jacket weather today but I still see folks running around with flip-flops, tank tops and shorts. Gotta be from another planet....

Busy day again today, got my train room just about looking neat, I hope I can find everything once I get back to working on it.

Have a great day, remember, those political ads will be over soon and maybe we can even go back to watching the news on TV again...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 18 outside my window this morning. The high for today is supposed to be in the mid 30s.

Fairly routine day most of yesterday. Then I went to get something out of the lazy susan in the kitchen and it wouldn't revolve all the way. Tried looking with a flashlight thinking that something had fallen off. Nope. The contents and the twirly are spread all over my kitchen floor. Seems the problem was old age. Parts have worn down and just need to be rebuilt. Should be able to finish that project today. Started (re)watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy last night. One of my favorite movies (and books).

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning.
         I played around with Skype last night and it works well and is very easy. I had one member of my dog group test with me.  Another emailed that she used Firefox but I tried it with firefox and it will not work. Skype says Chrome or Edge so that's that.  I enjoyed our group chats so I though I would set one up for our Samoyed folks. We usually have a get together but with the You know what it isn't going to happen. Here is a picture from the pawty I hosted in 2011. The majority of them are held at a Samoyed friends home in North Carolina because she is about in the center of the group for location.  One of the girls comes in from Sydney, AU.  Sadly most of the 2011 fur babies have gone to the rainbow bridge. 
         I will attempt more under layout work today.  I had a leg cramp under the table last night and it put a crimp in my style.   Icon_e_biggrin

         It's too wet to mow. One more time and the mower will be drained and stored until spring. Time for the snow blower. 

When it's time to go home Charlie, how do you know you have the right dog with you?????

As far as Skype and Firefox, I've been using both for years now without any problems. Maybe if you don't have Skype installed, that would make a difference.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(10-27-2020, 09:03 AM)ezdays Wrote: When it's time to go home Charlie, how do you know you have the right dog with you?????

As far as Skype and Firefox, I've been using both for years now without any problems. Maybe if you don't have Skype installed, that would make a difference.

We never have a problem picking out our own dog. They all have different personalities.  Icon_e_biggrin  They are smart enough to know they are well fed and well treated where they live and wouldn't take a chance on trying elsewhere. 

It appears it is only the version that is not installed that doesn't work with Firefox. 
Wow, what a nice looking gang of pets [humans too].  Home from tax appeals hearings.  One big property owner was rude.  Didn't get what he wanted.  We had a big guy from Macy's today too.  Nice guy.

Now I'll rest.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 26 headed for sunny and 45 this afternoon.

Spent most of yesterday crawling around inside the kitchen cupboards. Finally got the lazy susan put back together and restocked. Only scheduled item for today is a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Slept till 8. Foggy and now warming up. May get frost next week. Getting ready for a virtual Human Services Board appeal on an environmental issue. Mobile home park out in the county. Owner wants to put two mobile homes on one septic tank. The capacity is based on the number of bedrooms. He has removed a closet from the bedroom and calling it a multipurpose room. I know this guy and he has always cheated. Now I must have an "open mind".

Then off to FIL's to do more carpenter work.

Prayers for NOLA and LA.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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