The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone. Jacket weather again, got into the mid to low 40's, A/C kicked on during the night, need to turn the heat on right now giving me zero days between summer and winter settings. Some years I don't have either on for a few weeks, this is not one of them.

Waited all day for some flowers to be delivered, found out they won't show up until today between 8 and 9. I thought that wasn't so bad, a one-hour window, until they said that is, 8 AM to 9 PM..... Gotta call and get a better idea.

Been isolating myself from TV for now. I think there's talk of an election going on, something about a World Series being played, football, basketball and soccer are all back, as well as riots, hurricanes, viruses and nuclear arming. I think I'm going to have to dig a root cellar to go hid in for a while.

Cheers, and have a great day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 57 with a high of 64. Very cloudy. I think it is trying to decide to rain or not.

Two rough nights in Philadelphia. Thus far the police have prevented slipover into our township. The last time our shopping district, 69th Street got hit pretty hard. The police with help from other departments in the county have been blockading the roads out of Philadelphia. My son had a few friends who were trying to get home from work in Philadelphia who were denied passage for a time. The looting on Monday night occurred in West Philadelphia which is about 5 miles from here. Last night the trouble spot was in Port Richmond. There have been a couple of small incidents in Upper Darby; a couple of broken windows, and somebody tried to loot a furniture store. They were caught by a softball team playing next to the store and detained for the police. I had to drive to the 69th Street area this afternoon. It was surreal. Lots of police and some businesses boarded up. We are hoping for a quiet night.

Yesterday I had to drive my son out to Chester County to do his Election Education gig at the County Government Center. By the time I drove out and back several hours later and did a few chores around the house I was too tired to do any modeling. I hope for a better night tonight.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . went to VA in Tucson yesterday and said i would post prices  in Tucson was $1.74 .doc in Tucson said i had the most prefect Basel cell carcinoma he ever seen took photos of it and a biopsy of it . 
Couldn't make it past 7:15 this AM. Cooked stuffed sausage [butterflied] and biscuits for Wifey and self. She has to work today. Seems the hurricane is over pans right now with rain and wind. Doom and gloom guessers here want the wind to blow here but say very little rain. We'll see. No rain guessed yesterday and it poured for a while.

Plan to goof off today. We'll see. Now looks like I babysit tomorrow afternoon late and tomorrow night. Prob hunt Sat. afternoon. Seems "something big" is being forecasted for 8:30 tomorrow night. DIL off Sat. and works Sunday. ???? Time to bust some heads for unruly protestors. Raleigh Mayor [whinny and crying] and PD Chief have no backbone.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 35 right now but according to our friends at the National Weather Service it should clear off and reach a balmy 39 by this afternoon.

Not much happened around here yesterday. Gym in the morning and a walk in the afternoon. Probably none of that will happen today. Gas jumped yesterday from $1.74 to $1.89. As predicted, it occurred 2 days before I need to gas up the car. Oh, well. As little as I travel lately it's not that big of a deal.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

It is 53 going up to 58. It is pouring rain at the moment. We are hoping we don’t water in the basement.

I weathered three boxcars. I still have to seal them. Speaking of sealing has anyone else experienced issues getting Testors Dullcote. It is out of stock everywhere. On that bidding site a can is listed for $17 and higher. I am down to my last can and I ordered some Tamiya Flat Sealer.

I hope to continue weathering boxcars.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We were going to move the motor home to a new storage today. When we got there, it wouldn't start. The lady who runs the lot brought her truck and jumper cables over, but it still wouldn't go. I don't think the problem was the battery as all the dash lights came on. I could hear the relay click but not starter.
SWMBO decided that we could leave it there to next spring as we won't be doing any winter travelling.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
(10-29-2020, 08:03 PM)BR60103 Wrote: We were going to move the motor home to a new storage today. When we got there, it wouldn't start. The lady who runs the lot brought her truck and jumper cables over, but it still wouldn't go. I don't think the problem was the battery as all the dash lights came on. I could hear the relay click but not starter.
SWMBO decided that we could leave it there to next spring as we won't be doing any winter travelling.

That sounds like the wire right at the starter is loose or corroded That was a problem with alot of older Fords
Slept late. Coffee good. Turned cooler. Off to do baseboards at FIL's and then babysit Grands.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and cool this morning. 29 now headed for the mid 40s. Up and down temperatures over the weekend but 60s for the early part of next week.

Got a call from my son last night. They finally got the feeding tube issue resolved. He should hopefully be getting out today. Granddaughter is now in the hospital with pneumonia. She's getting grumpy. Wants to get going on the chemo. Have an extra afternoon free tomorrow. Nebraska-Wisconsin football canceled due to covid.

Back from massage. Gas price down 4 cent to $1.83. Gym at 10. Not sure what else I'll do today. Still waiting for the newspaper.

All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is cold this morning with the current temperature is 39. High is supposed to be 48. What is important is the overnight low which is predicated to be 33. We are under Freeze Warning for tonight and tomorrow morning. I have to bring some plants in today.

I weathered three boxcars. I have a bunch more to go.

I am going to run out to the produce store later to pick up a few items.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good afternoon everyone. Went out shooting this morning, I needed a diversion, and when you are target shooting, you thoughts are fully diverted to what you're doing, if not, I pray that you're not shooting near where I am. We left real early, 5:30, had a truck stop breakfast and it was just getting light out when we left the restaurant. Temps today should be pushing 90, same thing for all next week as well. I just turned the A/C of and the heat on, now I think it's back to the A/C.... Slight chance of rain for Monday and Tuesday says some of the guessers, we'll wait and see.

Just going to take it easy for the next few days and unwind. Don't see any appointment on my calendar for the next two weeks, can do a lot of unwinding in that much time.... 219
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
It's 9:45 pm and 34 degrees. Not liking this at all. sigh
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is a cold 31 this bright morning in the Delaware Valley. High will be 46. Heater kicked on this morning.

I am up early for a Saturday morning. I had to make sure my son got out the door for work. If is ride did not show I was his back up.

I sealed four boxcars I finished weathering. I also test ran my new additions to the steam roster, a Bachmann Spectrum New York Ontario & Western 4-8-2 Mountain, and a IHC Lehigh & New England 2-8-0 Consolidation.

Today will be busy as we need to put out a few last-minute decorations for Halloween and prepare for social distancing trick or treat.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

It's a clear 40 degrees outside my window this morning. The high for today should approach 60 degrees. 43 tomorrow and then 60 and above for all of next week. So sayeth the national Weather Service.

Got a phone call from one of my daughters yesterday and forgot all about going to the gym. Made up for it yesterday afternoon. Went for a nice long walk and then trimmed the bridal wreath on the west side of the house. Burning ban is lifted starting today for the next week so I'm hoping to be able to burn it all sometime late next week. Had to call the newspaper 4 times to get my paper yesterday. I was sitting on my porch late yesterday afternoon when I saw the neighbor lady out walking. She came over with a smile on her face. Told me that she had been thinking that I needed to trim the bushes back and decided that I had read her mind. Also had a chat with the new neighbor guy to the west of me. At one point he asked how old I was. When I told him 74 he said "Oh, I though maybe you were in your 80s." Yes, he is quite young. Probably in his mid 20s.

Today is a no football day. Nebraska-Wisconsin got cancelled due to the virus. Big project for today will be to cut up the branches from the bushes and reduced them to a smaller pile. Probably go for a walk as 30+ mph winds are not conducive to bike riding.

Don - diversions are good at this time. I would be happy to chat with you at any time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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