The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good cold morning all. We had 22 degrees at 0700 but the sun is shining now and I hope that burns the frost off and dries the grass so I can do the final mow. 

Nothing planned, probably go to the train barn and pretend to do something.
Have a good day everyone. 

Good morning all. Saturday and for some reason, I'm able to sleep in, not sure why but my internal alarm clock just seems to know what day it is. Halloween today, social distancing and all that. We stopped with the trick-or-treat thing years ago when we wound up with an abundance of leftover candy a few years in a row, we just don't get that many kids going around our neighborhood and I just don't feel like sitting by the door waiting for two or three treaters to stop by. Tonight should even be worse.

Temps today are about average, mid to high 80's heading up to the mid-90's next week. Still some slight chance of rain in the forecast for next weekend. It would be nice, but I'm not changing my schedule based on what they're saying. We're near the end of the year and I don't think we're too much over four inches of rain so far, got to at least double that for an average year.

Prayers and concern for those anywhere near the new rioting areas. I just hope things get back to normal one of these days.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. Partly cloudy and chilly. This is good for deer season. Will hit the road for the farms soon. Fred only one hunting. Seeing does, rabbits, squirrels and a raccoon.  Headed east in a few.  Back tonight.  

Got home at 12:30 AM.  No protesters showed.  Funny.  Frankie was home by 11:30.  Had fun with oldest Granddaughter [she was in charge].  Grandson behaved and we all ate HOTDOGS.  He is a picky eater.  Ate all his hotdog and some of Papa Frank's french fries.  

NC, spiking in cases. No one backing us down. Granddaughter said last night, will probably do after election. No one wants to PO the whinners. Votes and not common sense.

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning and good November to ya all. Can't believe that in a few days we'll be back to watching lawyer, toothpaste, chia pets and car ads on TV and ads for turkeys and toys in the newspaper.

Temps still running in the low 90's, about 10 degrees above normal. You know it's been a dry year when I have to water the cactus, but there is a slight chance of rain today and next weekend as well.... Waiting Also, pigs can fly and there really is a tooth fairy... Icon_rolleyes 

Got some changes to make, moving my layout to a larger room and building a workbench that I can put near the layout. Seems like I have enough help that I can do both. I keep getting these 10% off coupons from Home Depot, so I cashed one in yesterday for the workbench material, still have another one that's good until the end of the month just in case I need something else. I am going to miss some of the tools that I either sold, gave away or "went missing" during our last move. Curse

Enough of that, I just have to remember now that we're two hours behind the east coast now, and yes, it's nice not to have to go around the house and change all the clocks. Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.  Chilly light rain.  Slept the extra hour.  I set clocks before going to bed.

Guess we are going to FIL's house and Wifey paint the final coat on the wall I built and trimmed.  Hope this is it.

Son and DIL say they hear riots Tuesday night and Wed. no matter how the elections goes.  Time to bust heads. 

Hope all have a good week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning. 
       Rain turning to snow today. 
       I mowed the back yard yesterday but the front 1/2 acre was too wet (the lawn tractor was getting muddy tires) so that was a waste. I decided against using the lawn sweeper in the back until all of the leaves are off the willows between the neighbors and us. This upcoming storm should clean them off.  I would leave them but our dog has a coat that attracts leaves like a magnet attracts steel and they end up all over the house. 

         Still scanning railroad pictures I bought. Lots of them. I will post more when I get them resized.  I did find a new program for windows 10 for will come up in the right click menu. It is very fast but it does put the original in the recycle bin if you goof (as long as the bin is enabled).

          I will be in the train barn for a while. Nothing else going on,
Gretings, gang.

Sunny and still breezy this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. High for today is supposed to be in the low to mid 40s. 60 to near 70 for the week starting tomorrow.

Got the branches cut up yesterday. It's surprising how much smaller the pile is. Also got the laundry done and went for a nice long walk. Shortly I'll be heading for Menards. going to meet my grandson there to get plywood to build toyboxes for his 3 boys. He'll also help me cut up the plywood to manageable sizes. After that it's "simply" a matter of assembly, sanding, and staining.

Halloween is over so the Easter candy should be out at Walmart by tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, looked like rain was heading our way yesterday, some guessers had a slight chance in their forecasts, but, zero. The only spots I see on my windshield are from the pigeons.

Big rush at Walmart selling next year's Halloween candy at 50% off. Tom, they may wait a few weeks with the Easter candy to make room for Valentine's Day stuff. Even though they seem to do this every year, I can't blame them this year. My heart goes out to the small guys, the mom & pop places that don't have billions in reserve to back them up through this pandemic.

Going to start on some preliminary work on my small workbench, I've got enough plywood cutoffs that are easy to work with. Got to wait for Pat to come over before I try to tackle that sheet of 3/4" MDF. He says, "don't try it on your own", I respond, "do you think I'm crazy?" I can't pick up a 50# sack of cement, never mind a 90# 4' x' 8' sheet of anything. I could have had Home Depot make a few cuts, but it's a bit too late now that it's in the garage.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 27 this morning. High for today is predicted to be in the low 60s. Looks like the week ahead will be a week of mild temperatures, with highs in the 60s to low 70s.

Picked up the plywood yesterday for the new toyboxes and got them cut out. Also got a call from my son. Seems he had a memorable weekend. Friday evening the discovered that the feeding tube had broken off and was floating around in his abdomen. After an emergency surgery around 9:30 Friday evening they now have it in place properly. He'll be in the hospital for a few more days while they make sure all is working properly, then start him on the Keyruda in another week or so. In other health news my granddaughter was released yesterday after getting her high fever under control. This morning she starts chemo.

Al;so this morning I have a massage at 8 followed by a trip to Menards, Walmart, and a grocery store. After that I need to separate the chopped up branches to allow them to dry better. Looks like the weather will hold so that I can burn on Thursday. Also more bike riding will occur this week, stretching my mileage record to new highs.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

Heater is cranking this morning with the temperature at 40 and the wind howling at upwards of 20 to 30 mph. We are under a wind advisory until 3 PM. High might be 45.

Halloween went off with a hitch. We had about 50 to 60 trick or treaters which is just below our normal amount. Our social distanced method seemed to work out. Then came Saturday night. A strong smell of burning wood throughout the area set off my wife’s asthma. If were not for the pandemic we would have gone to the hospital as her rescue inhalers and nebulizer medications were not working. There was no place to escape the odor. The smell was everywhere and, in a few areas, nearby it was hazy. It was so bad in three different locations the local fire companies were dispatched to investigate for a fire. No cause has been cited but people suspect it was a large number of fire pits being used by people giving out candy and all being extinguished about the same time. As a result, neither of us got much sleep. Just more of 2020. Sunday I was walking around exhausted and the rain just made everything worse.

Since we don’t have enough stress one of the players on my daughter’s volleyball team is positive for COVID. The girl’s stepmother tested positive on Wednesday. The girl had symptoms on Thursday and Friday but still went to school and practice. She went to the doctors on Saturday and was tested. The results won’t be back until today or tomorrow. The doctor strongly believes she is positive. As a result, my daughter is working virtually until further notice. Volleyball is canceled and all the players were told to stay out of school. If the girl tests positive the high school and possibly the district will be shut down for two weeks. Apparently, there have been cases in the elementary schools.

The district my wife works for as of Friday had 12 students and 4 staff members test positive. They are pushing forward like nothing is wrong. They did, however, shut down the special needs/life skills program in the high school due to positive cases there. They are now all virtual.

Even with all the fun going on I did get seven boxcars weathered and three more ready to be weathered. I also ran some trains.

With the passing of Sean Connery, I am going to try to find “Marnie”. The movie was filmed in Philadelphia and the surrounding area. They used 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. The scene where they are driving uses the Media Bypass, US Route 1. The Howard Johnson’s they pull into for lunch was in Springfield at the end of the Bypass about 3 miles from here. My wife and I ate at the HoJo’s several times but it was no longer a HoJo’s at that time.

Tom, hope everything works out for your son and he recovers quickly. Good news on your granddaughter and prayers for her continued recovery.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good Morning. Chilly and windy. Slow getting going. Waiting for the warm up that is not going to be that great. Need to pick all the peppers I can, paint the shelter doors and trim I did yesterday and get up leaves.

Wifey off to the shop to decorate for Christmas. undefined

Work tomorrow.

People that know they may have virus and keep on getting in contact with others are horrible.

Have a good ands safe day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Time change sucks. I wouldn't mind but my body now thinks 9 is bed time.
I had a football weekend. I did miss it but hope no one gets sick from being part of it.
A cold windy weekend, wind is still blowing  @ 45 degrees. We also had wet snow fall Sunday, way above 32 so no big deal.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . well another Monday has rolled up , not much going on in model world trying to finish the wiring project in garage and install three more lights and move two , cant spend much time on ladder as it makes leg hurt and swell up . stay safe and for you in the cold country stay warm . 
Good afternoon.
     It's warmed up and the 2 inches of snow has melted by it still feels like 20 below to me. 

      I'm building the circus flat cars and finishing up the coal tender that will be used by my wreck train.  I have to get my work area cleared so I can get to some of the electronic projects for the layout. Ambition is one of my short falls for some reason. I can't get the motor running much above idle. 

      Have a good day everyone. 
Good morning everyone, election day in the US of A.....I hope and pray that those wanting to do violent things don't use the results to cause chaos.  Innocent people suffer when they do.

It looked like it could rain both Sunday and yesterday, but looks are deceiving so they say. We managed to get into the 90's already. Sorry folks, I have the A/C off and don't plan on turning it on until Spring. Not sure what I'm going to do on Thursday when they're saying it could get up to 95, but then again, Sunday will be 30 degrees cooler than that with a decent chance of rain. So maybe I just need one of those "smart" thermostats, "Alexa, make it comfortable inside, I don't care how you do it, just do it"..... Applause 

Started working on my workbench, a great diversion, like target shooting, you need to concentrate on what you're doing or there can be dangerous results.. Icon_e_surprised . Like a lot of things nowadays, I can buy one ready-made cheaper, but that's not what I want.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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