The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good late afternoon folks

We had a great weather day with plenty of sun and a high of 74. It is 68 currently.

The good weather meant I did some outdoor things. I brought in and pack all the outside Halloween decorations. The blow-up dragon fought with me to go back in its box. First time it has done that usually it goes smoothly. Checked the fishpond out. I have some leaves to remove and then put the cover over it. It is a screen cover to prevent leaves and other junk form getting in the water over the winter. I still need to fill the bird feeder.

We went to Christkindlmarkt in Bethlehem on Saturday. I got some Christmas shopping done. The market was different this year as there were no big tents, usually there are four. The venders were spread out in clusters of four or six stalls. You were not tripping over people in narrow aisles as in the tents. There were fewer vendors than in past years, but it was still good. The biggest disappointment was the kettle popcorn guy was missing. I could hear and feel trains going by, but I could not see them due to a bunch of autoracks on the siding next to the market. I did catch something blue with Norfolk Southern markings go by.

Sunday was recovering day. I did get a couple of boxcars prepped for weathering but that was it.

There is hope for tonight, however.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
G-o-o-o-ddd m-o-o-rn-ing all, it's chilly-bone cold outside, mid-40's, heading to the low to mid-60's. We seem to go from one extreme to the other. Last week we were 15-20 degrees over normal, this week, we're 15-20 degrees below normal, and still no measurable rain.

Starting to box up the stuff in my train room getting ready to move my layout. You don't realize just how much stuff you have in order to build and run your railroad until you have to move it all. Look around, you know that it's true..... Gotta figure out how to organize it better once I unpack it, I need more room which is why it's being moved in the first place.

Have a great time at whatever you are doing today......
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and just at the freezing point outside my window this morning. 32 right now headed for 35 and possibly more rain/snow in the forecast. About an inch of rain has fallen since yesterday and there's some ice on the trees.

Skipped the gym but I did get in a nice walk before the wind switched to the north and the temperature dropped. Also made some good progress on the toyboxes. Still a very long way to go yet. Need to make a grocery run this morning and will try to get to the gym. No toybox work today. Too cold/wet to work outside. Warm later in the week so plenty of time.

The local newspaper was so upset over the election they only ran a small article on page 5. The death of Alex Trebek got a bigger headllne.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Sunny and real warm. Rain suppose to come in this afternoon. [didn't as guessed yesterday]. Suppose to pour tomorrow during Veterans' Day ceremony.  May get up to 3 inches in the next dew days. Hope they guess wrong.

Got in husky stacks yesterday.  Guy did not read email right.  Still owes me two more.  He said, "Oops."

Lunch with buddy. She text she wanted us to get back to having lunches each week. County Commissioner buddy says she is filling in for Gov. at Capital building for State Veterans' Day ceremony. Reelected Gov must not care anymore. 

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is another nice one. Temperature is 70 going up to 73. Rain is expected the next two days and then a cool down.

Just got in from putting the netting over the fishpond and putting in the heater. I am going to be sore later tonight. The heater does not heat the pond. It is meant to keep a hole in any ice so the fish can breathe. We lost power two winters ago and the pond froze over completely. We didn’t realize the heater we had at the time got fried in a power surge. As a result, we lost all the fish.

I weathered three Atlas boxcars last night. I need to seal them. I even got to run some trains. My next group of cars to weather are going to be open hoppers. I prepped four of them for weathering.

I plan to weather the last of the ready to run boxcars tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We had a walk down by where they're going to put 6167. They have an interesting concrete structure to put it on -- not sure how it will work. (photos still on my wife's phone).
We were overtaken on our walk (well, I had to stand there for a few minutes) by a Guelph Junction train. At the crossing I counted 4 cars running the flashing lights and the engineer gave them a loud blast. Some of them had just come around the corner and could have stopped -- they could not have seen the train.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning folks, one more day in the 60's and we start a slow climb up to the 80's. Got no rain in the forecast, I see some about two weeks away, but that could just be from the fog on the forecaster's crystal ball.

Today is Veteran's Day, honor a vet in some way if you can, especially those who risked everything in order that we, and those living in other countries, have the rights that we do. There's not much more a person can give for their country, especially those that come back broken physically or mentally and are not receiving the care that they need. Please, put a smile on the face of a vet, a simple, "thank you for your service", will do just that.

BTW, I thank all you vets here for your service, regardless of your country. Worship Worship Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
        We have rain here but still quite warm. My sister in law has been visiting for the past week and will return to her home near Phoenix today. It has been warmer here than it has been in AZ. She was so glad to be back with warm weather she insisted on sleeping on the day bed on our sun porch.  

        Not much modeling down in the past 2 days. I have been scanning more photos for my cousin. Had a booklet of 100 negatives taken on a European cruise in the early 1900's. My cousin didn't think there would be any thing interesting but I found some goodies.

Happy Veteran's Day, gang.

Sunny skies greeted me this morning but the temperature is rather cool at 24. High for today is predicted to be in the low to mid 40s. Got about an inch of rain yesterday. About a quarter inch of that rain froze on the trees and power lines. Fortunately no power lines came down that I am aware of.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. I did make a jig so that when I put the screws in the toyboxes they will line up properly. Still waiting for the newspaper. I'll head to the gym this morning. Nothing else planned at the moment. If it does get warm this afternoon I may do some more sanding on the toyboxes.

All stay safe.


Update: the door to the porch was iced over. The paper was outside on the steps. Had to go out the back door and around the house to get it. The ice should melt off fairly quickly with the warmer weather today.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Few drops of rain finally. 75 degrees.  Getting ready for our ceremony at Vets' memorial. Rain or shine. Very short. After that, who knows???

Special thanks to all vets.

Have a good one and safe one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

Dark and cloudy this morning. Looks and feels like rain. Temperature is 6 719 at the moment. High is predicated to be 71.

After yesterday’s crawling around placing the netting over the fishpond I am surprised how little pain there is this morning. I need to rearrange a couple of the kitchen cabinets. Seems like the stuff we don’t need keeps getting in the way of the stuff we need.

I weathered three more boxcars. I assembled a Bowser N5 caboose kit. It is lettered for Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines.

Today I hope to weather the last two RTR boxcars and the PRSL caboose.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Haven't checked in for a couple days cause the China virus is keeping us home except for necessities. We had a streak of summer with high 70s for a few days but yesterday's storm front has dropped us back into the 50.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Got through our Veterans' Day ceremony without rain. Out of courtesy, my garden club lady leading the ceremony, asked new Mayor to speak. As usual, he can't speak and pronounce words correctly.  Went fine besides that.

Drove to Wake Forest. Flooded and thunderstorm. Took Wifey to mall. Coming back flooded and thunderstorm. In November!

Weather station shows 1.29" [I adjusted on that part yesterday. If I turned the screw the wrong way, can adjust back].  76 degrees.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, temps today should just squeak into the 70's. Current temp is 46, chilly for sure.

Spent most of yesterday with my son finishing up my train workbench. Got it inside, next step is to move the layout tomorrow. Little-by-little it's all coming together, the object is to get the layout out of the cramped room it's in and give me more working space and more light.

Not much else going on, so y'all  have a great day and stay safe....Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 31 headed for cloudy and 41 with a chance of rain/snow later.

I did make it to the gym and had a decent workout. Able to lift 40 lbs on the shoulder lift. Before I started the massage therapy I could only do 20. Before the injury I could do 55 so progress is being made. Equal improvement on other machines as well. Worked on the toyboxes some more and had a nice chat with the neighbor when he got home from work. He's a youngster at 62 so I tell him to keep working to pay for my social security. Got a text from my son last night. He wanted a couple of recipes so I took photos of them and e-mailed them. Much easier than typing them out. Also got a text from my granddaughter-in-law that the boys' basketball games are now limited to 2 spectators so I can't go on Saturday. However, there is no restriction to walking the track above the basketball court so there may be someone up there watching. The trees yesterday morning sure looked nice covered in ice with the sun shining behind them. Made them look like glass trees.

The day is off to a decent start but it sounds like the weather could go downhill this afternoon. Not much planned for today - toybox work and a walk. I try to give the muscles a rest between workouts so I'll skip the gym today. I was talking to my son whose daughter has cancer. He told me she's not afraid to take shameless advantage of it. If he asks her to do something she says in her whiniest voice "But I have cancer." Sounds like she has a positive outlook at the moment.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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