59th and Rust
Brakie Wrote:One of my curses is seeing the whole photo beyond the main subject..
As a example..When looking at a photo most will focus on (say)Aunt Mary but,I see the beautiful painting on the wall behind her,the picture of great Aunt millie or a nice vase.

"As a example..When looking at a photo most will focus on (say)"
the locomotive. But,I see the beautiful Backdrop painting on the wall behind it, and the poster on the wall of the long gone circus that was in town two years ago, or a nicely modeled tree.
You have to be able to see these things first, to be able to model these things properly.
Sometimes we have to train ourselves to see, sometimes we just can, instinctively.
Either way, it is still one of our best, "tools for making a better layout".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
p.s i know my brakeman has only one leg,it's all i had.

PRR had a pegged leg crossing guard in Columbus,O..I was told he was a conductor till he lost his leg.Trainman called him "pegs"..Sadly he was killed by a drunk driver that disobey his stop sign and ran over him and into C&O's Sportsman as it was making a reverse move to the Union Depot.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Jack,you definitely need to go to specsavers!!!!

Managed to get the wiring tidied up on one board,also decided to add some frog juicers while i was at it,i had used peco point switch before but they where not that reliable,works a treat now,same to do on the other board.


Got myself another loco at Nottingham exhibition,while helping my mate with his exhibition layout Braddock,based on a American steelworks.


Also,things must be really tight as i took a photo of the"ladys of the night"trying doing there business,don't usaully see them in daytime,suppose everyone got to earn a crust some how!!!!


Photo of Braddock(not the best)


Been rather busy of late and not had much modeling time,managed a couple of hours in the last few days and changed one of the buildings,wasn't happy with the old one it was blocking to much of the view at the street end.
The new one a bit smaller and is call ICU MIRROR CO. i,m a lot happier with this one here are a few photos to keep you going






you have to watch where your walking in there back yard!!!!
Any question please ask
The barking dog in front of the mirror is outstanding 357
faraway Wrote:The barking dog in front of the mirror is outstanding 357

Couldn't agree with you more....

But what's the jogger doing inside the DH boxcar..?? Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
I'm so impressed by your eye for details that I think my eye overlooks. Things like the loose dangling letter on the ICU sign for example. The scene with the dog and the broken mirror is a lot of fun. Again, you noted details like the splashed water around his bowl...and you may be the first person I've ever seen to create scale doggy-doo! Smile Thumbsup
I can't say anything any better than Ralph. Having a pair of dogs I understand completely. Very enjoyable thread. You have a great eye and have missed nothing.
Thumbsup Thumbsup
Thanks everyone,i'm glad you all like the new building and the contents of the yard!!

Managed to get a few photo's of the PC local to day!

Not much of a train to day,a 50' boxcar for Goldberger doll and 40' one for Tino tools.

First job pick up the loaded CNJ box car

Then spot the RDG boxcar

Next spot the NYC 40' box car at Tino tools,the yellow CNJ reefer will be drop off on the way back along the branch.

All switching complete Caboose is proplelled to the rear of the train for the journey home.

to be continued
Train made up, just the brake test left to do

Passing a rather quiet team track

Horns blazing crossing Rust street

Not holding much traffic up today,won't belong before the end of the shift

Hope you enjoy the photo's,and once again thanks for your kind comments

Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Totally enjoyed the PC local! Thumbsup
By the way, I really like the eye catching signs for Tino tools and Goldberger Dolls.
Jack - Great stuff! How do you plant your track? It looks like industrial track built into the ground. Did you do that with ballast and ground cover? Thanks. Ric
Ric - that is Ray - I'm Jack! He's much better at that sort of stuff than I am!
Hi i'm Ray, that was Jack,and you are Ric,thats all the formalities out of the way :? :? Wink 357

To answer your question Ric (i got that right didn't i) the track was stuck down with clear Acrylic chaulk(that comes in a tube),while this was still wet i covered it with N gauge ballast,once dry everything was weathered,then ground foam (woodland scenics) was glued on using PVA glue (white glue), then all the junk is fixed using the same glue.

if you have any more question just ask

(Jack,Burt,i answer to anything)

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