Project "Blue Box" GP40-2
Painted Grimy Black, then drilled #77 holes in both ends.....
[Image: IMG_20130511_004500.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Installed air piping, with CA....
[Image: IMG_20130511_011626_848-1.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
I forgot to mention the Atlas spare part horns. You get a bunch of them for little money if you do not 100% stick to the prototype.
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
DA air filter/dryer assembly!! [Image: IMG_20130514_241547_541-1.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Here's the Air Tanks - painted and installed!! [Image: IMG_20130511_013314_591-1.jpg]
IMO, looks way better than the stock, plastic half tanks!!

Makes me wonder, why I never did this before!! Tongue
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Details West Air Filter/Dryer Assembly. I mounted it on the underside of the Engineer's side walkway, on the body... [Image: IMG_20130514_241547_541-1.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
I then placed the body on the frame, and the trucks, to double check there was enough truck swing clearance... [Image: IMG_20130514_243954_912-1.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Time to get some decals on!!! [Image: IMG_20130523_155544_090-1.jpg]
The flags were a new idea, starting with THIS Loco!!! Big Grin
My layout is set around 1977, so a bit of a Bicentennial Theme was in order!! Wink I didn't want to COPY the ÜberlitigiousPayouts Flags ('cause I didn't want to be SUED by the ÜP!!!), but did want a waving flag!!! Thumbsup 2285_
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Don't sell yourself short, you're doing a fantastic job!

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Thank you Tom!!! Smile

UPDATE: Corporate Decision!
I decided that the frame should be Grey.... [Image: IMG_20130524_015738_016-1.jpg] The reason - so all the detail work I did on the frame, can actually be seen!!!! Tongue
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
Carmine, a very good job. I like the grey frame too. The Air tanks do make a difference, as does any details. Cheers
The Grey on the frame, with the frame attached details, ended up looking GREAT - against the black underbody, and black body attached details!!! [Image: IMG_20130526_235843_113-1.jpg] I DID amp up the flash settings A LOT!!!! Tongue

I promise!! I'm not this good!!
This project is falling together - all by itself!!! Big Grin 35 8-)
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
One more....
This time, aft of the tank..... [Image: IMG_20130527_240527_608-1.jpg] This is - and has been - a VERY satisfying project!!!! Smile
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!
pacbelt Wrote:Thank you Tom!!! Smile
UPDATE: Corporate Decision!
I decided that the frame should be Grey.... [Image: IMG_20130524_015738_016-1.jpg] The reason - so all the detail work I did on the frame, can actually be seen!!!! Tongue

Moved pic to another locale -
[Image: IMG_20130524_203747_621-1-2.jpg]
Carmine A. - CEO, Engineer, and Chief Bottle Washer! Tongue
Pacific Belt Model RR, Created 1975 - in my mind!

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