Suggestions for listening to my fav. music
What music do you like and what types of workouts do you do?

Model Conrail

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Hmmm that was too easy I guess, we have a winner! Congrats T!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
What did I win ? Icon_lol

Tom , my music tastes vary widely which is why putting my CD's on ipod makes a lot of sense .....anything from 60-70's rock , jazz guitar and tenor sax , Beethoven , some specific country artists , etc ....a real hodge-podge . I like what I like .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
"What did I win ? Icon_lol "

Bragging rights! Popcornbeer

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
T, you will need ITunes to convert mp3's to the IPod format. It's a free download. Any mp3 can be converted whether you downloaded off Amazon, ripped from your own cd's or vinyl albums, or however. My IPod has 120 gigs of storage and I have used about 2/3 of it and I have 35,000 songs on it. Did I say I like music? I converted over 1500 albums using some turntable that hooks into the computer, as well as 100's of cd's and downloaded stuff. I find free downloads on many band websites and once got three days of unlimited downloads of certain obscure artists from Amazon. IPod is the way to go right now, if you choose like me to not own a cellphone or other portable device.
So how do you catalogue these gazillion songs so that you can access a particular one ?

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Good Morning T,
IPod allows you to categorize songs and you can play them back by artist, album, genre, year, or many other things. You can also set-up unlimited playlists with your choice of songs. I have made some for walking/driving with all fast-paced songs like "Radar Love" by Golden Earring...hope you can relate to that one. I make other playlists for more relaxing stuff like the Moody Blues. All of this is done with the ITunes software on your computer and utilizes the stuff you have downloaded onto the IPad (using ITunes). If you can deal with mp3's on your computer all of this is really easy with ITunes/IPod. Load everything into ITunes, caterogize, and transfer to the IPod; then play. The IPod itself has several menu screens that give many playback choices. Or you could just use "shuffle" and go.
Hey Willie, sounds like we like the same types of music. Yes, the iTunes flexibility is awesome, I've made playlists for barbeque get togethers so I don't need to concern myself with changing records (cd's) I've done this prior to get togethers a few times, so have several like "4th july" "new years" etc A couple for dinner type music. Party type for while on vacation. Click and drag to make new playlists to burn to disc as a gift. Create "smart lists" which makes a playlist of any combination of genres, etc. My "prog" play list is extensive. So are rock and blues. I have enough different play lists that I can be sure I can play music and not have anything play that a particular visitor doesn't like. I keep the stuff that I'm pretty much the only person who wants to hear it on the "gary" play list. And a "bette" list for my wife, and workout music as well. I regard the iPod as the best electronics purchase I ever made because my music can travel with me. A good set of ear buds and a nice docking station completes the package. I use a cable with RCA jacks at one end and a headphone jack at the other end to connect to my home stereo. The sound, to my ears, is as good as cd quality, although audiophiles will disagree.
Yeah, I forgot to mention, the docking station is my way to go. I can't afford to lose any more hearing by using the ear buds. Headphones and front row concert seats in the 60's and 70's have made me 40% deaf. Additionally the ear bud cord could easily snag something on the layout and send it crashing to the floor.

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