Prairie Town
With my Empire Coal project winding down, I'm looking to get started on another section of the layout...the prairie town. As layout construction draws nearer, I've been thinking a lot more about scenes instead of individual structures. In addition to coal, I want grain and livestock to be another operational focus of the Erie & Southern.

I like this industry. Livestock cars are something that you just don't see all the time, and they look interesting in any train. I've also always enjoyed pictures of "prairie skyscrapers", those old wooden grain elevators of yesteryear. Back in the day, it wasn't uncommon to see many lined up in a row. I've only ever seen two in person as most of them have either collapsed or been torn down to make way for concrete structures.

Law requires that livestock be rested and watered every 24-26 hours. Most livestock traveled from west to east and ended up either in Chicago or other points along the east coast. So, the E&S will be receiving a prairie town, complete with a wooden grain elevator complex of 2-3 elevators, and office/scale facilities. Across the way will be a small stockyard. This will be a rather large section of the layout, and will require 3-4 tracks in addition to a service area where livestock cars can be cleaned out and re-lined with straw.

I have already placed orders for a couple structures. Up first is the GC Laser Co-Op Elevator complex. This is actually 3 separate kits combined into one: elevator, mirror elevator, catwalk, and office. To date, this is the most expensive kit I have ever purchased @ $122. I have also ordered the Stockyard kit from N Scale Architect.

As the kits arrive through the mail, I will keep build updates for the entire complex in this thread.

[Image: 04207%20N%20CO-OP%20COMPLEX-400.jpg]

[Image: Stockyard.JPG]
Can't wait to see this scene come together! I love prairie towns.
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