doctorwayne's 2021 Do Something Challenge - Part 1
Well, I managed to get the mortar effects done on most of the DPM structures and also Dullcoted them (so that using washes for weathering won't remove the mortar).

I put almost all of them in Mount Forest, on the layout's partial upper level, but they won't all stay there.  At least they're no longer in the workshop, so it's going to allow me to get back to work on those head-end cars, which were part of the Challenge.

Here's a few photos...





Pretty-well all of them need their "iron" fronts painted, eaves troughs and downspouts installed, plus some roof details, window "glass", and some representation of interior details, along with streets and sidewalks.

Head-end cars are next, although with my real car finally returned after more than six weeks of restoration work, I have plenty of places that I need to catch-up on visiting.


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