The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
HAPPY St. PATRICK's DAY to all at Blue.
Club meet tonight.
Sun and 45 today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, a bit chilly out right now and there's some 0, 10, 20, 30 or even a 40% chance of rain depending on which channel you are tuned to. 35

Yes, Happy St. Paddy's Day. Not only is it that, but it's open house day at Luke AFB, just about 8 miles due south of us. Lots of old planes, a P51, a T33 among them. An the Navy's Blue Angles will be flying around as well. We saw them come in the other day, just about a mile south of where we were, five in formation as they banked to make their approach. I'm figuring that they weren't more than a few hundred feet up.

Here's another St. Patrick's Day image that I'm using as wallpaper. In case you cant read the poem at the right (it's a bit fuzzy), it says:

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
snow, snow and more snow Sad Still cladding the bathroom - it would be finished apart from playing trains Goldth
Morning. Sunday School and then a chicken biscuit. 58 and breezy. T'storm came through early this AM but I slept through it. Yesterday was up to 70 degrees. Crazy weather. May have "wintery mix" Wed.

Stayed busy yesterday. We collected 8 grocery carts full of food for Backpack Buddies at local gro.

See Tom is off visiting. Wink

Have a good week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning, no rain regardless of the forecasts, I guess the next "fake weathercast" is for rain later on this week....

The air show at Luke AFB yesterday was noisy, we did see a few plans from our house, the had a simulated Pearl Harbor raid and we did see a flight of maybe 15 or 20 WWII fighters flying in formation, but couldn't see much else that included pyrotechnics. Packey (our webmaster) works at Luke and says that on Friday they had rehearsals and everyone on base and their families got to watch.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear skies greeted me this morning. Haven't seen that since sometime last week. Right now it's 32 headed for a high of about 50 this afternoon. Looks to be a nice early spring day. Rain/snow mix moves back in tonight and tomorrow.

Had a very nice weekend with lady friend but it's good to be home also. Like the old joke - bad news is she lives 3 hours away. Good news is she lives 3 hours away.

Got an e-mail yesterday that the materials for the new kitchen floor will be delivered next Tuesday, the 27th. That will leave me with 4 days to get it installed before sister-in-law and her husband come for a visit on Easter Sunday. That also means I'll need to spend this week doing some serious cleaning before they arrive.

On tap for this morning is grocery shopping followed by a trip top the gym. Also need to make an appointment in Des Moines. My car dealer sent me an invitation to test drive an Acura NSX. Waaaaay out of my price (they start at $147,000) range but at least I can say I drove one.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, a delightfully nice day yesterday. They were still doing the air show at Luke, and we were coming home when we saw the Blue Angels doing one of their loops. When we got home, we were outside pulling up a few weeds when a formation of six planes flew right over our house and banked left about a mile away. The were flying really low and was really impressive to be sure. Luke is a training base for F15's and the new F35 so we hear and see jets everyday, but not like this.... 2285_ 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 32 headed for cloudy, rainy/snowy and 38. Not the nicest way to start spring.

Got some of my grocery shopping done yesterday. Need to go to another store to stock up on meats. Didn't make it to the gym but did walk for an hour yesterday afternoon. Very nice day yesterday with mostly sunny and 50 degrees. After my walk I sat on the porch and read for about an hour and a half. After supper I started on the taxes. About half way done with that.

Today I plan to finish the taxes and go to the gym. Supper will be some leftover chili from the freezer.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning. Rainy and 52 degrees. Go do blood for blood test and errands. Next two days, sun up to into the night. Too long. Why retiring this Mayor stuff.

DAZ, when the F15's come over farm, you hear a thunder, look and right above the trees, first one goes by, then you see wingman, about 30 seconds later another and his wingman. Moving out!!!!! Impressive. As the jet flies, not far from Seymour Johnson AFB.

Another school shooting.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon, a really nice day, the first day of spring and we're going to top out at around 80. They are forecasting our first 90 degree day of the year in a few days and it can only go up from there....

Yeah Frank, it's always good to hear the sounds of freedom flying overhead. I never get tired of it. Those our the real heroes up there, not the ones that swing a bat or throw a ball and accept the title of "hero" along with millions in pay.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. Light snow just started. Too warm to stick. Busy day. Off to HS and then a 200 Club luncheon that helps with finances of fallen first responders. We pay $200 a year to belong. Fund has finally mushroomed. Now doing scholarships for their kids. Then babysit Grands late this afternoon and maybe night. Frankie and Lea on special duty incase of a show down at Capital.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hey there everyone, I'm rich , I'm rich!!!! 2285_ 2285_ yeah, no kidding, I just got an email saying that I just won 2.3 million dollars whoo hooo.... All I need to do is to contact a Mr. Curtis at some outlook email address. Hmmm, I wonder if this is the same Mr. Curtis that keeps telling me that I have computer problems that he can fix, or is it the one that tells me I won a all-paid trip to the Bahamas. Cheers

Yeah, I'd really like to follow up and see just how far this scam would go, but I don't want anyone to think they got a hold of a real email address since it didn't have anything in the TO: line and that's a sign of just sending a few million emails out all at once.... Let's see, if a million people all won $2,300,000 that would come to over 2 trillion dollars... Crazy

Temps yesterday came to 80, today 85 and tomorrow, it's suppose to reach 91. Happy Spring.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

32 right now headed for the low 40s.

Quiet but somewhat busy day yesterday. Finally made it to the grocery store for much needed meats. Also got the car washed and several loads of laundry done. Also got a call yesterday afternoon that the flooring is ready for delivery. They will be here sometime between 11 and 2 today. Hopefully I can get that installed and the house cleaned before sister-in-law and her husband arrive either late on Easter Sunday or sometime Monday morning. looks like I'll have a busy 10 days ahead of me. Also sent an e-mail to the Acura dealer to schedule a test drive on the NSX. Way out of my price range but what the heck.

Also watching for the waste disposal truck. Trying to get rid of the old flooring from the kitchen. I live on a corner lot so after the truck goes past in one direction I will refill the container and set it on the other street. Two for one day!

Prayers for those in need.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
7 AM meeting, back for a visitation of a friend that passed, drop in on several middle schools kids at Town Hall, DR. and then Chamber dinner. Was as bad or worse than yesterday. Yesterday did include Grands and taking them to dinner.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
lovely day here - spring must have come --- but the weather girl on TV tell us we are in for a white Easter Eek
take care guys ...

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