The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Morning.  Did I sleep good.  Cooler and breezy.  Will spray pond path and etc. today.  

Tom, enjoy the Grands.  

DAZ, hope all OK with you.  Prayers.

Have a great weekend.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, and a happy Saturday to you all. Got some rain around the valley for the fourth day in a row, it just bypassed us. Some really heavy storms to the north and northeast of us and one to the west, but sometimes we act as an anti-magnet for rain and it goes everywhere except where we are. Tomorrow is suppose to be another big rain day, 30% chance says the TV people, 60 says my weather app. Rolleyes I think I've got to get a different app, it doesn't seem to correlate with others, and even some of their historical data is wrong. The one I'm using is from Microsoft and probably came along with Win10.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cloudy this morning, hoping for some rain. Everything outside needs it. 90 for the day.
We spent part of this week in the upper half of lower Michigan. Did some casinos, had a nice 2 hour boat ride and just enjoyed being away from the Detroit area of hustle and bustle.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Foggy, damp, and 68 this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Predicted high for today is supposed to be in the mid 80s.

OK, so I'm not the brightest guy. Yesterday was cloudy, cool, and humid. A good day to hand wash the car. Not too hot, humid so the water doesn't dry too quickly and leave water spots. Got about halfway through and realized I'm going to visit my grandson today. He lives 2.5 miles from the nearest paved road. Yep, I'll have to wash it again. Then yesterday afternoon I went for a bike ride. Made a slight change in my regular route, thinking it wouldn't add too much mileage. Wound up adding 2 additional miles making a total of over 16 miles. I'll be taking a day off from riding today so that parts of me can recover...

This afternoon, as mentioned, I'll be going to grandson's for a birthday party for his son. No other plans for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Wow Tom, 16 miles on a bike. Like I said before, I doubt that I could do a mile that way. Some parts of us wear out faster than others.

Got a light sprinkling yesterday, today should be a wet one with forecasts ranging from 30 to 50%. Our temps have been in the high 90's/low 100's thanks to the rain, but should be pushing 115 by the coming weekend and no rain either. Back to summer weather again. So much for the weather in the Arizona desert, but if I didn't talk about the weather, I'd have little else to talk about that was of interest. Not sure that talking about the weather is that interesting either.... Rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon.  Sunday School and brunch.  Now resting.  Lady friend brings kids to see gardens and trains.

Tom, pilot buddy of mine [stickler for everything] got mad with owner of flying service over not posting everything in a log book.  Quit them [teaching flying lessons].  Now rides his bike on paved trail along river for 15 miles each day.  He still flies med and organ flights.

Have a good week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Looks to be Chamber of Commerce weather for the next few days. Clear skies, low humidity, and temps in the low 80s.

Quiet day yesterday. Went to great-grandson's birthday party. Brought home a half of a Domino's pepperoni pizza. Won't have to cook supper one night. Also borrowed a couple of DVD's from grandson. Nothing really on tap for today.

Don and Frank - For the most part it's pretty flat around here so it's not too hard. I always start slow in the spring - about 4-5 miles a day - and gradually build up. Saturday was the longest ride I've taken in several years. I've been doing 14 miles a day for a while so it wasn't too much farther. About 5 miles is on crushed limestone but the rest is on paved roads/paths. Most of the hills are on old railroad rights of way so the grade is pretty easy. The 16 miles took me about an hour and a quarter.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good morning to ya all. Yesterday they said that we had a high possibility of rain, but I don't see any signs that we did. I guess it's tough forecasting the weather, especially this time of the year, but then again, that's what they're getting paid those big bucks for.

Had a guy here driving on the freeway last week with a vehicle he equipped with red/blue flashing lights and a siren. He was also decked out in a uniform with chevrons, badge and a utility belt complete with a Glock and pepper spray. He decided to pull over a yellow Mustang, and turned on his lights. When the car didn't pull over, he drove next to it and signaled them to pull over and stop. Unfortunately for him he chose the wrong car to do that to. The Mustang turned on their lights and pulled him over. Seems as though it was a real unmarked car occupied with two real state troopers. Why he pretended to be a cop is anyone's guess, but now he gets to see how they process criminals with a long list of charges. I guess you can buy anything on the Internet now including police equipment. Buying is one thing, using the stuff is yet another...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hot and humid.  No County Commissioners [glad I checked web site].  Moved this one to 4th Monday. ?????  Crazy month as no meeting earlier due to holiday.  

Tom, RR roadbed is great.  Usually not over 1% grade.  Keep up the good work.

Don, good fake LE story.  On internet ordering.  I get email all the time about carry conceal.  Offering a badge that looks like LE. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
(07-16-2018, 07:58 AM)Chief Eagles Wrote: Hot and humid.  No County Commissioners [glad I checked web site].  Moved this one to 4th Monday. ?????  Crazy month as no meeting earlier due to holiday.  

Tom, RR roadbed is great.  Usually not over 1% grade.  Keep up the good work.

Don, good fake LE story.  On internet ordering.  I get email all the time about carry conceal.  Offering a badge that looks like LE. 

Have a good one.

Yeah, I've gotten ads for that as well. Why would I need a fake badge to show I have a CCW permit when I have a card in my wallet for that purpose? Many years ago, I was working for a company that manufactured security equipment. Our local sales guy had a badge that had our company name on it, that's all, but when he flashed it in a bar trying to pick up girls, it sure looked real.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 62 with a predicted high about 20 degrees north of that. Chances of rain start tomorrow night and last through Thursday.

Quiet day yesterday. Got the yard mowed and started out for a bike ride. Got about 3 miles and decided my legs were really tired. Turned around and came home. Fixed a retaining wall on the tunnel for the Backyard & Southern. Need to let the landscape adhesive cure for a while before I can back fill around it.

This morning I need to run to Walmart and Fareway for some groceries.. Nothing else planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Rain was heading our way yesterday, but I'm not sure it made it. We had a light sprinkling on our way to breakfast, but the heavy stuff in the afternoon is what we were counting on, but it must have either bypassed us, or dissipated.

Another cop story to keep from talking more about the weather. We have a legislature that has immunity from arrest (except for felonies) while they are in session. One legislator has been taking advantage of that, a few months ago, he was stopped going 95 in a 55 mph zone and told the deputy not to waste his time since he was a member of the Arizona legislature and flashed the papers to prove it. The officer's body cam shows the guy bragging about how he has gone up to 140 mph on the freeway, and 110-120 wasn't an issue with him. The officer had to let him go, but they released the video a few days ago and the press had a field day. Seems as if this was not the first time he's been stopped, sometimes twice in one day. He of course, made a statement about regretting his, "bad judgement", but then again, he's up for reelection this year and his true self was captured by the deputy. I think they're still pondering whether he gets a ticket or not, but they should be pondering about abolishing that law.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

See yesterday's post for weather info. No changes for today.

Got a few things done yesterday. Grocery shopping, short bike ride, laundry, etc. Nothing planned yet for today but I'm thinking about running the edger around the sidewalk. Also need to run to a grocery store for a few things.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning all.  Not much on agenda.  We got some refreshing rain last night.  Sure helps with the heat.  Cooler today as front went through.  Guessers said 50% chance of rain yesterday.  50%ed all over the place.  Two counties south got flooding. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, "hump day" so they say but for us retirees, it's just another weekday. Rain still in the forecast for a few more days, but there's little or no rain happening around here. Temps going up and will be pushing 115 by next week.

Enough about the weather, now for yet another local story, this one is train related. With all this rain between the Tucson and Phoenix areas, it kinda softened up the roadbed for the BNSF line that runs south of here just north of Tucson. Well, that caused a derailment, over 20 cars carrying trailers went off the tracks, most of them were UPS trailers, and so shipping boxes were all over the place and getting dumped on, exposing the contents. One thing they found, of all things, was a box full of pot. Gee, who ever thought that they would ship illegal drugs by this means? They shouldn't have much problem finding the sender and recipient though. The good thing is that no one got hurt in all this.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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