The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and a positively balmy 24 degrees outside my window this morning. High for today is supposed to be around the freezing mark. Freezing drizzle, sleet, rain and wind are predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Into the 40s by next week.

Got the title for my car in the mail yesterday. All paid off. Also started doing some spring cleaning. Definitely needs to be done as the dust bunnies are evolving into dust dinosaurs. Also got the air filters ordered for the car. They had the cabin filter in stock but the engine air filter had to be ordered. I'll pick that up after I go to the gym this morning.

Don - not a fan of HOA's. To me they seem to be a bunch of petty tyrants. When we lived in Omaha the house we bought had an HOA but it was never enforced. That was back in 1970 when HOA's were just getting started.

Frank - thanks for the reminder of just how lousy the weather can be around here. On the bright side only 11 days til spring.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Bright sun and 24 degrees, going to 38 today. Xtend forecast 50s ahead.
I got the car washed and gassed yesterday. Reg was $2.49, up ten cents since last week. 
We have a D3R club meet tomorrow evening and that's my only toy train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all.

Tom, I agree about HOA's, they may keep neighbors from painting their house purple and green or keep someone from putting their car on blocks in their front yard, but they also rule the area with more power than a king. At least that's what some of them try to do. Glad to hear that your car payments are finished, it should feel good to get a clear car title, congrats....

It would have been a nice day yesterday if it wasn't for the chilling winds. I was wondering why they didn't call them hurricane force winds, but they just said that it would be a bit breezy out. Temps for the next week are all over the map from the low 60's to the high 70's. Rain also in the forecast starting tomorrow.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, misty, foggy, and 32 are the weather conditions outside my window this morning. Off and on rain for today. Tonight and tomorrow the winds will be a bit brisk at 35-40 mph.

Went to the gym yesterday which may 3 straight weeks of daily exercise. I don't go on the weekends because it's too crowded. Picked up the air cleaner for the car after that. After lunch I walked over my insurance agent's office (only 4 blocks away) and let them know the loan on the car was paid off. Also got a bunch of laundry done. Went to supper with some friends last night. All in all a very good day.

Nothing much planned for today other than watch the rain if it materializes.

Don - I was reading about an HOA a while back and they were so restrictive that if your garage door was open for an extended period of time then the garage had to be neat and organized. Really? I would definitely not fit in a neighborhood like that. Enough ranting.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(03-09-2019, 06:45 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Don - I was reading about an HOA a while back and they were so restrictive that if your garage door was open for an extended period of time then the garage had to be neat and organized.  Really?   I would definitely not fit in a neighborhood like that.  Enough ranting.

Yup, there is a number of Del Webb (Sun Cities), restricted age developments around our area, I read their CC&R's (which is also the HOA bible), and you could only have your garage door open when entering or leaving the premises. You also had to hide your trash bins, but then again, the only fence you could have is a wrought iron one that you can see through. They also dictate what plants and trees you can have and where you can plant them. Sun City Grand had a special meeting once to discuss plant pots, what kind, where to put them and how many you can have. Needless to say, we declined to move into those neighborhoods. The original Sun City development doesn't have an HOA per se, but a homeowners group you can voluntarily join (with dues of course).

Our HOA determined that since all houses in our neighborhood are around 10-12 years old, they ALL must be repainted on the outside.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon.  Yesterday, lots of water in the woods and lanes.  Never rained on us.  Waited until we got back.

Today, 49 and cloudy.  Possible rain.  Noon funeral.  Wifey and I shared a cheese steak and fries at NY real Italian place here.

Now Train Box and TV.

Remember, some of us have to change time tonight.  Crazy.  Leave it like it is. 

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Was out this afternoon and had to take off my jacket because it was so warm. Showers tonight and a high of 56 tomorrow. Warmest it's been since October.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
(03-09-2019, 09:31 PM)ngauger Wrote: Was out this afternoon and had to take off my jacket because it was so warm. Showers tonight and a high of 56 tomorrow. Warmest it's been since October.

Very jealous

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 21 with a predicted high of about 31 and sunny. Rained most of the day yesterday until late afternoon when it turned to a wet heavy snow. Hard work for the snow blower after supper last night.

Debating a run to the grocery store this morning. Otherwise nothing major planned for today.

Only 9 days til spring.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, an early one for those that had to "spring ahead" and lose an hour of sleep. Well, unless you slept in an extra hour...

Nice Mikey, I had the impression that the whole Northeast was blanketed by snow, ice and sub-freezing temps. Yesterday was OK here, no rain (10% forecast), not too windy, just a bit overcast but still got into the low 70's. The same forecast for today. Rain chances are pretty high starting on Monday, I'm waiting for the rain to stop before we call someone to do the weeding in the back yard. Some are getting up there, way too much work for us old folk....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My wife and I had a lot of "fun" this morning packing our old iMacs in the boxes and Styrofoam of the new ones for shipping. I assumed the iMacs did not change significantly. I was wrong and we had to reshape the Styrofoam to an extend I never dreamed of. We did it in my (train) room and I had a winter layout with lots of white snow temporary. What a mess!
It's all done and they are in the trunk now. 
There are a couple of companies that buy used computers online. You describe the unit and they give you a first estimate of price and you get the papers for free shipping. It is widely known that the price they actually pay is only a fraction of the first estimate. They estimated both iMac around 300€. I guess it will end close to 50€.

Weather is really nasty. Not so cold (50°) but rain and storm. A lot of trouble for the German Bahn. Many lines are closed due to trees on the tracks mostly in the north west. Stranded passengers in the main station of Cologne
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 21 headed for sunny and 32. Rains starts tomorrow and lasts through Thursday. Should get rid of a lot of snow but the risk of flooding is going to be high.

Went out a couple of times yesterday and chipped frozen slush off the sidewalks. Today I'm headed to the gym. Not much else planned.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, we should be looking at it raining later today through tomorrow, then another storm hits on Wednesday. The forecasts vary between 30% and 90% for the same days.Go figure, how each weatherperson can view the same data and come out with widely different conclusions. Temps should be in the 60's all week, but by this time next week, we're scheduled to hit the 80's. Ah yes, triple-digit summer weather isn't too far away.

Had an incident just a few miles south of us that made national news. Some woman wanted to take a selfi of her with a panther at a local zoo. She went past the barrier and got caught by the panther and required some stitches to put her back together. Made a big stink about the barriers being to low, but did come back the next day to apologize to the staff for her stupidity. That part never made it to the national news though.....

Ya all have a great week.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(03-11-2019, 06:21 AM)ezdays Wrote: ...Had an incident just a few miles south of us that made national news. Some woman wanted to take a selfi of her with a panther at a local zoo. She went past the barrier and got caught by the panther and required some stitches to put her back together. 
The news with a photo of the wound at the arm made it into a German online newspaper.
Morning.  Being lazy this AM for a change.  Nothing on agenda for a change.  Sunny and 68 [sorry Tom].  Was in the 70's yesterday.  Had a little snake run in the door last night ahead of the cat.  Got him tossed out.  Brown guy about 5 inches long.  A little early for those.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, a kind of wet and chilly one as predicted by those soothsayer weather people. It started to trickle on and off yesterday afternoon, and is now coming down light, but steady. Got more in store for tomorrow, then clear and warming into the 80's. Nothing unusual here, typical stuff.

Had most of yesterday to myself, got a lot done on my layout. My next free day I hope to be able to go out target shooting again. Got to get that in before temps get into the 100's. I can remember wearing gloves while shooting in the summer because the guns get too hot to hold otherwise. The TV weather-casters are constantly telling us just how much time we can spend outdoors before getting seriously burned, presented with lots of charts and graphs and advice on what kind of sunscreen to use... It's easier to just stay indoors than to do the things they recommend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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