The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
(12-05-2019, 07:43 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Don and Jim - did you guys lose your lottery ticket?  $14 million could buy a lot of trains.

All stay safe.


A bit too late to start looking for it. Oh yeah, that's right, we haven't bought a lottery ticket in probably 20 years and haven't been in a casino in probably 15. I know, we're missing out on all the fun that they show people having in those TV commercials with those winners jumping up and down. That has to hurt.... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
I thought we were gonna get some sun today but it didn't happen. High of 36. No snow.
Busy some days goofing off others. Took my Escape to the dealer for an oil change, it has 18000 miles on it, 6 years old, they wanted to change EVERY fluid in the car. Yea right. I guess they think an old guy would believe them. If they had just said Anti-freeze I might have gone for it.
No new train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, kind of a weird day yesterday. Lots of heavy dark clouds in the morning, but a big break in the clouds let the sun through and made driving a bit scary for a while. Things cleared up and their forecast of 0% chance of rain was fulfilled. Rain scheduled for tomorrow through Tuesday. Looked at AccuWeather and they have forecasts like, 59% and 17%, that's really getting down there with their "accurate" guesses I'd say.

Still pecking away at my layout scenery, got some modeler's glue that leaked and came in contact with the foam, made a big sinkhole underneath the horse barn. Icon_redface Stupid rookie mistake, but fixable. That's what I like about modeling, patch something up and no one would know unless you say something... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 26 this morning outside my window. The high for today is only supposed to be in the low 30s. Warmer over the weekend then the bottom falls out of the thermometer next week.

Yesterday went as advertised. Went to the gym in the morning and in the afternoon I brought down the tree and several boxes of ornaments and decorations. I'l probably have to make more trips to the attic as I'm sure I missed several items. I'll start assembling the tree next week. Christmas program fro great-grandson was entertaining. Half hour drive to get there. Half hour program. Half hour drive home.

Nothing really on the agenda for today other than a trip to the gym. The paper just arrived so now it's time for breakfast.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Clouding up.  Chance of a shower.  Errands and lunch with developer GF.  Going to fairgrounds later this afternoon.  Taking some NS diesels I never run.  Will sell tomorrow and Sunday at our TCA meet.  Actually hope they sell tomorrow.  Prices will be real low to get rid of them.  Saves boxing and shipping.  All have TMCC and etc.  I run only Legacy now.  Why have them and not run them.  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Out the door to train meet and show.  Think NS diesels are going to sell fast.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
And a good Saturday morning to ya all. Kicking back time for some, home work or shopping for others, and just another day of the week for us retired folk. If you hit Walmart around 7:00 AM during the week, you can usually find a decent parking spot and beat the crowds. Yeah, you may trip over a pallet of boxes in the aisles or step over someone stocking shelves, but it's worth the risk, especially during this time of the year.

Rain forecast for yesterday, now pushed up to tonight and tomorrow. Today's forecast says anywhere from 20% to 70%, I guess if it does rain or doesn't, they can all take credit for being right, regardless... Do I sound cynical, well, those weather guessers are an easy target....
2285_ Blaster
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Remember the Day of Infamy, gang.

25 at the moment headed for 47 later this afternoon.

Easy day at the gym yesterday. After that one of my daughters stopped by. We had a nice visit for a couple of hours. This morning is a basketball game for a great-grandson. This afternoon is open but this evening is a birthday party for my newest great-grandson. He turned 1 on Thursday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
My wife and I decided not to upgrade our low used old Apple iPhones (6 and 6plus) with the current expensive line of iPhones but go with much cheeper mobile phones matching our low usage profile.
The "fun part" of that decision was on me. I had to setup two Samsung A50 with Android software I saw the first time in my life. It is basically no big difference between Apple's IOS and Android (both are more or less UNIX based) except two points that are a challenge to me
a. Where the heck is the equivalent setting hidden in the tons of options
b. Entering userids and strong passwords with thick fingers and thin eyes is a nightmare on the tiny keyboard.
I think it's done and both are running fine for a fraction of Apple cost.

A funny example how to get mad on a small detail. I like to have plain black background. I had never a problem setting the background to black on Windows, OS/2, macOS and IOS but I could not find a dialog to select a plain color with Android. The internet had the solution. There is no plain background in Android. An Australian guy programmed a little app to get plain black background. Toke me two hours to get a black background .... :-(
Good morning all, looked outside around 7:00 last night and saw that it was really raining, just like those soothsayers forecast. I'll give them credit this time. The map shows about .31" in our area, we're slowly catching up from our deficit. Still a good chance for more today and tomorrow.

So much for the weather, yesterday, Dec 7, is always a big day here in Arizona considering what happened 78 years ago. As was said in another thread here, we should never forget. We should also remain on guard since there are still a lot of bad guys out there willing to test those of us that live in free nations. Enough said for now....

Have a great week. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Rain and a bit of snow in the forecast this week. Hopefully we can send some snow down South for you all to enjoy. Smile

Of all the dozen or so layouts I've designed and built, only 1 was an O Scale. Well it turns out that a friend just purchased an American Flyer set and asked me to help him. Of course, I can't resist the fun involved in the creation of another layout, so off I go. Smile Pictures to follow.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 32 at the moment with an anticipated high in the low 40s. Rain/snow chances for tomorrow are up to about 70%. That's up from 20% which was predicted on Wed.

Yesterday went as planned. Basketball game n the morning and pizza/birthday in the evening. It was nice enough yesterday afternoon I was able to sit on the porch for a while. This morning I've already been to Walmart. The rest of the day's activities are still being developed.

Mikey - looking forward to pictures.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 33 degrees.
I watched the Buckeye win. Seems it took the 4th quarter to wake them up.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Back from Church.  55 degrees and windy.  Rain on the way by evening.  Opted out of parade today.  Don't ant to get this cold to go in reverse.  Got things to do here and then at Wifey's parents' old house.

6 NS diesels sold before noon yesterday.

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, still wet out, rained on and off most of yesterday and it looks like it did the same during the night. Just that the rain gauge near us seems to be stuck. Yesterday morning it read .31", after a day of rain, this morning it still shows at .31". This is from a map furnished by the county. Maybe they don't update on weekends, yeah, that's it, of course....

Other than that, there's lots of things going around. APS had their annual light parade when everyone and everything in it is lit up. I'm sure they're glad that they invented LED's. Many towns had their "Holiday" celebrations this weekend, don't know how they turned out because of the rain, but Santa should be used to that. There was this group not too far from our house that had this machine that made snow and had it piled on a small hill for the kids to slide down. I see that some teacher got fired because she told her young students that there was no Santa or Tooth Fairy. I suppose she never saw the movie, "The Santa Clause".
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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