The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
hi all . its a windy morning here temp is close tp 60 but wind makes it feel cold , topped off tank yesterday at  $2.36 at chevron . well tried to get my self  going on painting more LPB's but fizzled out so I went back to tying and worked on filling scud box.
Good afternoon folks

A very nice 55 right now. Our high is supposed to be 57.

Spent some time outside sweeping the driveway and cleaning my car out. Dog is in the animal hospital. As suspected he has diabetes. His ketones were high so they are hydrating him and have him on antibiotics. They are also starting him insulin. We expect him to come home over the weekend.

Wife wants to take her car out. It is has not moved in a few days. She does need to get gas. Last time I looked gas was still over $2.10 in these parts.

I hope everybody has a good day.

Started weathering a PS-2 Lehigh & New England cement covered hopper.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, kind of a chilly one here for us, mid-60's with a slight chance of rain. That's a good 15 degrees below normal. I guess it doesn't matter if you can't go anywhere anyway. Went to the small Walmart to pick up something for breakfast and saw a few shoppers, but lots more goods on the shelves. Soup, eggs, milk were stocked well, didn't check the paper goods since we've got enough of that for now. We're shopping as we normally would, looks like the hoarders have their fill and are leaving things for others. The Governor has called in the National Guard to help stock stores. Think: a large camo-painted truck pulling up to the delivery door and a couple of guys in camo gear jump out to help unload. Eek 

Don't know for sure, but if we are not sequestered in place, we're going to try to go target shooting tomorrow. Our governor is holding back on doing that, but for the most part, he's saying to stay at home, just not ordering you to.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Guess what? It's cloudy - again (or is that still?)! 41 headed for the upper 50s later with a 50% chance of rain today. That jumps to 90% for tonight and tomorrow.

Finished the last Harry Potter movie last night. Once I get caught up on the stuff I have recorded I'll look for something with spaceships and explosions. I'll probably work in the yard later on. Also need to get the plastic off the windows in my office. Years ago I devised a system where I could cover all 6 windows in about 20 minutes. Tear down is equally easy.

Gas dropped another 2¢ yesterday. Down to $1.58.

Our first case of coronavirus in the county was reported yesterday. According to the newspaper “The people who met the criteria for notification were notified by Webster County Public Health.” Our governor is urging people to maintain "social distancing" but not mandating a lockdown at this time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 50s today.
No news, we have been on lock down for several days now. They are not bothering people in cars but are going after business' that should have closed. Almost all have. The Detroit area is like a huge ghost town. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Sun came out.  Then clouds.  Must be out again as jumped from 70 to 78 and a few.  Mowed grass while waiting for food boxes [enough for families for weekend] to be prepared.  Hope I get enough.  4 trailer parks to cover.  

Then go to FIL's to help whatever.  Seems In-laws think I should be there every day all day long.  I have had a young man hired to help me do stuff here.  BTW: tractor is running.  I may have to rebuild generator.  That I can do.  Not moving there per Wifey now.  Wind changed. 

Stay well and safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is a nice 59 going up to 64.

The pup is still in the hospital. Ketones are refusing to come down but everything else is improving. His appetite is coming back.

Did some clean up in the driveway and vacuumed my car. Wife never got her car out. Will try again today. I think I will try to get some of the outdoor furniture out. What else is there to do?

Worked on weathering another cement covered hopper. Almost finished the LNE cement covered hopper.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . is rather cool here barely got into the 60's with a cold wind stayed in house today  worked on filling scud box. tichy has some new products six pack of baggage carts for 20$ , here's the link for rest of new products .
We went the farthest we've been in 2 weeks -- Kitchener (about 20 miles, or is it 12?). I dropped a little project off at a friends place, then we went for a walk in their park to see the swans. Saw one couple wearing masks.
Gas at Costco is now in mid-50s, but we've only used about 1/4 tank since last Saturday.
I'm doing odd projects. I dug out a coach whose truck had fallen apart (cast metal). Don't know what glue was used but it dried brown. Scraped most of it off. tried to reassemble with superglue, but second side of the bolster woudn't fit in the sideframe recess. And it was like a conjuring trick trying to hold the axles while it put it together. I put the thing back on the shelf. It was from somebody's estate anyways.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, so far we're still allowed to go where we want, when we want. The only problem with that is when you get there, the place is most likely closed. Temps today could hit 70, still below normal, but ramping up as next week goes on. AccuWeather gives Wednesday a 1% chance of rain, 4% on Thursday. Wouldn't that be a kicker if it did rain?

Got a free day today, going target shooting. Even if we were on lock-down, my friend owns a security company and is on the "essential business" list, and I, of course, have been one of his vendors for years and we're going out testing a new product out on the range. Icon_rolleyes Fortunately, it's not coming to that since our governor has yet to issue that proclamation. Nope

Been getting stuff done on my build challenge. We've still got openings and are accepting new participants, so think of a project on your layout, diorama or something related and enter. It the all encompassing, "One square foot, give or take and dependent on what scale you're modeling in,challenge" Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

45 right now headed for 52. Just had a light ran shower pas through. Strong storms possible later this afternoon. with winds up to 35 mph. Even higher winds possible overnight. All of my friends at the NWS have promised me personally that there will be sunshine tomorrow. Well, maybe not personally but they are at least pretending to hold out a little hope for some sun tomorrow. If it happens it will be the first time since a brief period late Monday afternoon.

Got my chores done yesterday and got the rain gauge cleaned up and set out. Also burned some leaves in the fire pit. Supposed to be a no-no they don't police it unless someone complains. Only items on the agenda for today are laundry and trying to make a wrench to fit a retaining screw on a LifeLike 0-6-0. I need to adjust the eccentric arms.

All stay safe (and 6 ft apart).

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning. 78 and sunny. Been relaxing for a while. Did sleep until 8:15. Much needed sleep. Wiley the Yorkie had to come wake me as Mom was outside digging in gardens. 

Off to FIL's to work and have lunch. Seems Uncles and Cousins cook every Saturday.  Those folks don't understand I have things here to do. Move there, will always be in your business. Expected to be in theirs's.

No feeding sites open and not delivery food this weekend.  Why we delivered weekend boxes yesterday.   

Lost a State Trooper last night in an auto crash.  Not much details on the news.

Everyone stay safe and well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is a raw wet 45 this afternoon. High is supposed to be 48. Not sure it will feel any different. Been raining all day.

The dog is still in the hospital. Ketones have come down but now he is not eating. Another day of waiting.

We did some yard work yesterday. Started getting things ready for bringing out the outdoor furniture. Got the top on the gazebo. Still need to add the top to the pergola on the front patio.

Continued weathering covered hoppers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Howdy gang
Storms here, my dog is frantic. They should be gone in another half hour then I can get her calmed down. 
Contacted a cousin i hadn't seen for 52 years. We had a great talk, but when I asked if he had email and he did and I got his address it was all starts daylightsteamer@  so you can just imagine how the conversation went from there.  It runs in the family. 
I have sent him a link and home he joins up.  He models in z scale. 
I got a little more done on the aerotrain today, I had to go with battery lighting for the tail markers because the 2 wheel pick up wasn't steady enough. 
We are supposed to get more rain tomorrow so staying in is just OK  
Stay safe everyone. This too shall pass.
Good morning all. Happy Sunday to you and I guess we all will be eating breakfast at home. We could wait in the McD's drive-thru line, or have Denny's deliver cold pancakes or head down to Einstein's for hot bagels.

Did go target shooting yesterday. Being Saturday, it was a bit more crowded. We got there early and shot for a couple of hours when we noticed a car driving between us and the hill which is a good 100 yards away. We could barely see him through the bushes, but he turned around and left. A few minutes later, another car goes the same route, but this time they stop and get out, right in our line of fire. Nobody with any sense would drive by the front of where everyone else is set up to shoot. We couldn't change angles, we had other shooters on either side of us, so we left early since we wouldn't take a chance that a skipped or wayward bullet would make it their way. That's why we usually shoot on a weekday. As we drove out, we could see one man instructing a woman on how to handle a gun, and there were others set up in areas that are normally not used because of the angle they were shooting at. These a probably some of the people that used to shoot elbow to elbow in another area that finally go shut down after someone got shot.

Today, I've got to fix my table saw. Got an exact replacement switch, well, almost exact. Found the mounting spacing was different, and after getting through that, now the buttons don't work because the mounting plate is between them and the switch. Gotta tear it all apart for about the fifth time to relocate the mounting plate so I can use the saw again. Well, we are not sheltered in place yet, but there's still very few places to go, so I guess I'll have time to work on it today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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