doctorwayne's sorta one-foot challenge...
Applause Worship Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
WOW!!! Eek  Eek  Eek SLAP OUTSTANDING JOB Wayne!! Applause Applause Applause
As usual, the attention to detail is just phenomenal, EVERYTHING looks and fits in just PERFECTLY, WELL DONE! Worship Worship Worship Worship
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Yup, he sets the bar really high, truly remarkable. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Here's a couple newer photos of the "BEE's" service area, as I thought the cinders used for ground cover were a little too dark.  I added some very fine (powder-like) real dirt to both the cinders and the parking area, and a little more ground foam "weed growth".....

I think this might be the foreman's car...

[Image: Service%20area%20for%20the%20quotBEEquot%20-%201.jpg]

...this view shows the in-track framing and cover-plate for hooking-up a tank car, when the fuel tank needs filling...

[Image: Service%20area%20for%20the%20quotBEEquot.jpg]

...and an over-all view of the somewhat toned-down cinders....

[Image: Service%20area%20for%20the%20quotBEEquot%20-2.jpg]

I was a bit surprised by how much of the real dirt washed down into the Woodland Scenics cinder ballast, and may give it another application.

Looks great to me!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Yeah, it looks great!   The tank really adds a lot.    Thumbsup Thumbsup
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Can't agree more, mighty fine work my friend. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I've made some progress on the freight house at Mount Forest, re-installing the windows on the top floor, then adding a floor for that storey, and progressing down, a floor-at-a-time, adding windows and floors. 
It's definitely made the structure stronger and less likely to flex - especially important as I work on it.
I also opened (cut-out) some of the freight doors and was going to add a few interior details, but with its location near the back of the upper level of the layout, and behind the coaling tower, I doubt that such details would be noticeable.

While the two photos below show it almost finished (there were a couple of handrails missing on each end of the building, so I used some styrene rod to re-build them - they still need a coat of paint).... 

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%201.jpg]

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%202.jpg] occurred to me that a building like this should have elevators - not necessarily working models of them or even static representations, but at least the head-houses for elevators on the roof.  I wonder why Walthers never included
such details?   The stock kit would have required only two, but my version, built with both long walls facing the viewer, should probably have four.  I can't imagine that the LPEs (Little Plastic Employees) would be carrying freight for temporary storage up three flights of stairs, then carrying it back down when it was time to ship it out.

I'm taking the structure off of the layout to paint those handrails, and will see if I can add head-houses for the not-modelled elevators.

Well, here I am again, more than a day late and a dollar short, but with the Mount Forest freight warehouse updated and completed.

Here are a few views, with the concrete elevator headhouses in place...

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%203.jpg]

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%204.jpg]

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%205.jpg]

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%206.jpg]

[Image: FREIGHT%20HOUSE%20AT%20MOUNT%20FOREST%20-%207.jpg]

...which completes my 175.3 sq. inch Challenge.   Big Grin

Nice touch Wayne!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Thanks Mike!  I always enjoy these Challenges, because it usually encourages me to do stuff, particularly projects that have stalled or ones in which I've lost interest....the warehouse was one of the latter, but I'm pleased with the results.

My next project is converting an old Tyco (metal) Pacific into a Hudson, and making it a dead rail locomotive (battery-powered, and with a decoder) - this job is for a friend, but may also include some additional projects, promised several years ago, but put on the back-burner for too long.


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