The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Produce boxes delivered to gracious people [mostly Hispanic].  99 and HUMID.  Staying in.  Was going to mow.  Maybe later.  Got soaked filling bird feeder and putting truck up in back. 

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 82. We may get thunderstorms later. The weather guessers have been saying that for a week now but we haven't gotten any in Drexel Hill. They keep going around us. Nearby towns get rain but we haven't.

Didn't get any modeling done the last few days. Did some yard work and a few little jobs around the house. I have a locomotive I got off Ebay that I want to test.If it is OK I intend to remove the numbers and road name and redo it as a Pennsylvania Reading Seashore Lines.

I have been tinkering with trying to create an inventory on the computer for my models. Anybody here have an inventory? If so what do you use, Excel, Access, or something else?

I hope everybody has a good day?
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning folks, temps getting back up there, heading to 110 by this weekend. A slight chance of rain today, so some say, others say not a chance. Going up to Prescott today to pick up a few things at a store there. Mostly just using it as a chance to get out of town for a few hours.

Regarding road repairs, they used to do what they called, "chip seal", around here. That was a layer of small stones over some tar and the traffic was what would press the stones in. There was no recourse to the city when the vehicle in front of you kicked up a loose stone and broke your windshield or chipped your paint. The citizens complained, but the city said they were saving us money using this technique and were not responsible for any damages. It took many years before they listened. So now, they just spray on a layer of oil that conforms to the cracks and bumps making the street look good for a while, doing nothing to improve the surface, but saving us even more money. Applause  And no, it's a rare thing when they actually scrape the surface and put down a new layer of asphalt. It's almost like it was coming out of their own pockets.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy World UFO Day, gang.

Sunny and 71 headed for sunny and 89 with lots of humidity thrown in at no extra charge.

Watched the crew finish up removing old asphalt yesterday and start on the new. They'll finish up today (I hope). Several people working on the paving machine this morning but it just fired up and is running so hopefully they can finish.

Don - that type of surfacing/repair is called macadam and they did that to my street about 3 weeks ago, just before they came along and ripped the whole thing out. Just typical government stupidity. The asphalt crew was grumbling about how the fresh tar was gumming up their equipment.

All stay safe and Watch The Skies.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  89 and going into the 90's.  Humid.  Probably mow.  Not much else on agenda.  

Hope all OK.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 80 heading up to 89.

Have to run to Petsmart to get pet supplies. Can't do curbside pick up because I have to get prescription diet dog food. I did order everything else online to get the 15% off discount. Then we will head to the produce store. Have to do the big shopping but leaving that until tomorrow when my daughter can help.

We appear to be doomed. The Governor ordered masks worn anytime you leave the house due to an increase in cases in areas in the "green". Philadelphia is holding back on opening up. I went to Chick-fil-a to get breakfast this morning. It is a six mile round trip. During the trip I saw about seventy people. Only one person was wearing a mask and there was very little social distancing. We were hoping to take a day trip to either the Delaware beaches or Ocean City, MD but after the 11 morons who had to party in Dewy Beach and then go to parties in Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach. They managed to infect a bunch of people and now all the bars and many restaurants in all the Delaware shore towns have been ordered closed. In Rehoboth Beach 3 lifeguards tested positive and you now are required to wear masks all the time you are outside. There is even talk the Governor of Delaware may close the beaches. Sorry for the rant but my views on this have changed after the death of my father-in-law.

Now back to happier things. I stole some trucks out of an undecorated Athearn kit to replace the metal trucks on the pickle tank car. I began weathering them yesterday. I also tested my latest Ebay purchase, an older IHC Santa Fe 2-6-0 Mogul. Loco runs fine. I plan on removing the numbers and lettering and making it a NYO&W loco.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun and 90's into next week. For us that's hot. No rain in sight.
A trip to Aldia's this morning, they were busier than usual. An at home haircut yesterday. Looks just as good as any.
So far there has been one death of a known friend. I'm afraid it won't be the only one.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, many who have today off in celebration of the Fourth of July.... I suppose that we'll be woke up tonight and tomorrow night with folks shooting off fireworks. "Only on private property", which means if you live in a close-in subdivision, like we do, annoying your neighbors is entirely legal.

Went up to Prescott yesterday. Gun stores here in the valley are down to the dregs, both in guns and ammo. There's a gun store up there that has plenty of everything. Their display cases and walls were full, and ammo in most any caliber. Wasn't crowded either, but they do have lines outside on weekends. Went up the back way through Yarnell. Passed by the memorial for the Granite Mountain Hotshots that's where the 14 were lost in that wildfire seven years ago. There were cars in the parking lot, glad to see that some folks remembered and stopped to pay tribute.

One thing I always pass when I go that way is an overpass with the marking of the Santa Fe Railroad. Somehow, the weather has been good to it and it looks like it could have been painted just a few years ago. I've been meaning to take a shot of it, but never had a camera with me or remembered beforehand. This time, I had my smart phone ready and when I approached it, I had no place to pull off and stop. Just two lanes and ditches close in on both sides of the road. The next time I go I'll take someone with me to take a shot while I'm driving.

No rain yesterday, an none in the forecast. Turning out to be a bust of a "monsoon" season. I'm actually going out and hand watering a tree that we got cited by the HOA for not looking too good. The rest of our plants are all desert dwellers and collect enough water when it does rain.
Have a great and safe holiday weekend..... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and hot (again). 72 now headed for 89 along with the ever present high humidity.

They finished my street repaving yesterday and I was the first one to drive on it. When I left for my Thursday group I moved one of the cones so I cold get out. Put it back when I got home. Yesterday morning around 11 I got out one of the trains and ran it for a while. Wasn't too long and all the paving crew were in my back yard watching it. Decided to put it away again when I started sweating while sitting in a lawn chair.

I'll be heading out on the bike soon then swim at the gym around 10. The rest of the day will be spent indoors.

Gas prices jumped 11 cents yesterday back to $2.14.9.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  Hot [96] and humid.  Washing clothes that Wifey didn't get to last night.  She is running shop until 2.  Grass mowed yesterday late.  Try to stay in.  

Tom gas here at Sam's $1.86 but $2.00+ everywhere else.  Had gone up $.3 since Wednesday when I filled pickup.

NC keeps jumping in cases and hospitalizations. Mask requirements are good but some ignore. Nothing being done about those who don't wear. Myrtle Beach requiring them. $100 fine. Showed guy on TV this am with his citation. Good for them. 20 young folks [mostly white girls] blocked Capital Blvd in Raleigh. Got arrested. undefined Sky 5 showed one jumping on hood of car. Car stops. Some surround. Good thing person didn't have weapon. Seems PD not putting up with blocking traffic. Should give them jail time. General population. Become someone's boy friend and girl friend. They would not want to go back to jail anymore.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 91 at 4:30 in the afternoon. They say it will reach 94.

My daughter and I got back from shopping a couple of hours ago. It took us four stores to get everything we needed. I am still recovering. We try to buy for the month. On some things we are successful, others not so.

Didn't get a chance to finish weathering the trucks for the pickle tank car. Maybe I will get to them tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, and a Happy Independence Day to you all. As I suspected, someone in our neighborhood was getting a head start on celebrating and was popping off fireworks as soon as it got dark. I'm sure that will repeat tonight.

Got a break today and we're going out early to do some target shooting.Everyone should be here by 6:00, it's not suppose to get to 100 until around 11:00, so by our standards, it should be cool while we're out there. The TV lady was showing video of heavy rain "in the area", so I was a bit bummed out since we had none in our neighborhood. Turns out it was taken up in Flagstaff (150 miles north of us), nothing down here, not a drop anywhere close and still nothing in the forecast. Nope

Have a safe and fun-filled weekend. Some of the national parks in the state are closed to campers this weekend, not because of the virus, but because of the fire danger. Way too dry, even if it did rain up in Flagstaff.... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and hot - what's new!

I was quietly productive yesterday. Swim and ride the bike in the morning. In the afternoon I did some much needed maintenance on the outdoor trains - lube, clean wheels, etc. When the asphalt crew left on Thursday they had the street still blocked off with cones. Apparently someone decided early Friday morning that the street was ready to reopened and stacked all the cones neatly at the curb on each end of the block.

This morning I have a few projects line up. Laundry, mow the yard, ride the bike, and maybe run some trains this afternoon. Also need to take a string trimmer out to Carol's grave and trim around the edges. She always wanted the sidewalks trimmed to the point where in the early days she took a kitchen knife out to keep the lawn from encroaching on the sidewalk.

My furry creature chaser that I ordered two month ago landed in Chicago on June 28th. 4 days later it resurfaced in, of all places, El Paso, TX. It arrived in Des Moines at 2:30 this morning and left there at 3:45 AM. With luck it should be here Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully that will keep squirrels, cats, deer, raccoons, and other woodland creatures away from the trains and solar lights in the back yard.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Happy 4th of July Blue.
HOT(for us) High 90's all week and no rain.
One of the grandsons is hosting the family today. We will be two old people home alone as my wife is still recovering from surgery and doesn't want to travel that far. Since she seems to be doing well I'm wondering if its just an excuse to stay home.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Being lazy.  Slept late.  Then phone started. 95 and extra humid.  Probably water back garden.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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