The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, good chance of rain yesterday, but zip, nada, zero. Forecasts have changed, only one gives us any chance of rain for the next few days, they all show that we're back up into the 110+ starting Friday. We've gone from "excessive heat warning", to, "flood watch", back to, "excessive heat warning" all in one week.

Our virus numbers are dropping so much that the governor's press conference yesterday was all about getting the flu shot. I got an email from the facility where my wife is staying, that they will be open to in-person visits very soon. I think though, that they'll be a number of hoops to jump through before you can actually go there. Anyway, it's good that they're keeping us informed and that things are changing.

Prayers for those affected by the hurricane, still a mess there, no power for a while yet.

Jim, wishing you the best of luck with that leg, good luck with getting help from the VA as well.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun 68/81 for the day.
Sunset here is now at 8:05. We sat out till dark.
The A/C has been off for several days now as the humidity has been low.
It may go back on before today is over.
The annual Detroit fireworks (4th of July) were canceled because of the China Virus But they did have them last night without spectators. We were to watch on TV instead. Lots of new patterns and colors.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 73 with a supposed high of 79. Earlier the weather guessers said no rain. Now they are saying 30% chance. Who knows? They don’t.

I have to run to Petsmart and pick up pet food. I need to go to Staples to get ink and now a new mouse for my computer. Looks like the one I had for quite awhile kicked the bucket.

I started decaling the P54 Combine for Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines. The number I am using is not prototypically accurate, but it is in the series for baggage cars and combines. At least that is what I can find out. Still in the process of weathering two Athearn reefers. I finished renumbering the Accurail CNJ wood reefer and gave it a shot of Dullcoat this morning to seal the decals. Will continue working on the reefers today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Home. Cloudy and 84.

Afraid this will be sad news.

Maybe mow wet grass.

Long agenda tomorrow. Last item is atty. representing a block of homeowners. undefined Then Food Security meeting at 4:30 across the parking lot.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

57 headed for 84 and sunny.

I was getting ready to go for a walk yesterday morning when my granddaughter called. An hour and 15 minutes later she finally ran out of words. I did finally go for a walk but I cut it short because my arm was hurting even though it was just hanging around, so to speak. Otherwise not much accomplished. Today looks to be more of the same.

Frank - sad news. Hoping against hope for a good outcome.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good folks, today should be just another rubber stamp day, warm, muggy and no rain, same as the past few days. Temps ramp up starting tomorrow, should hit 110 again by Friday.

Got some work out in the garage again today, Pat's coming over and wants to cut some wood for built-in bookcases. Already messy from my projects the past few days, maybe enough time and energy left to finally clean up afterwards.

Got a golf cart for sale, don't know what the MPC (miles per charge), is, but the max MPH runs around 22, so I don't recommend buying it and driving it home unless you live a few blocks from my house. Around here, golf carts are allowed on streets with up to a 35 MPH speed limit. Lots of them around including all the streets running though any of the Sun Cities. Most golf carts around here aren't used for golf, sometimes it's the only means of transportation for some, that's why all the Sun Cities have lower speed limits. Need a new or used cart or need yours repaired? If you live in or near a Sun City, you can probably walk to several different golf shops, there's that many around.

Yeah Frank, keep up posted on what happens, that's always a sad thing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 75 going to 82 with a 40% chance of more rain.

I saw the news about the young siblings. Hoping for the best.

I finished weathering the two Athearn reefers and started 3 more Athearn and one Roundhouse. Working on getting the bubbles out of the decals on the now PRSL combine.The numbers are good, but I have some bubbles in the letter board.

It is the beginning of the month so I have to run around restocking the cupboards. Need to hit the meat market today. Also have to go to the pharmacy and get some medication for the wife's feet. Her plantar fasciitis is back and this is supposed to help with the pain. If it works I will be stealing some.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning folks. 
      I managed to go trackside for 4 hours yesterday  with "Railcop"   We sat and talked away 4 hours and saw 9 trains at our favored train watching spot. 
      We got more needed rain last night and this morning. We have been in a drought yet the 5 inch rain on 8/31 put us above average for the month.  That's the problem with "averages", they often don't reflect the true picture. 
       I hope everyone has a great day
Good morning all, almost the end of the week. Got news that I have a chance to visit my wife. We've been doing Skype visits, but she hasn't a clue what's going on with those. An in-person visit might help, but I wonder under the DHHS guidelines if that's going to work. Visit schedules are set by the facilities by lottery, need a Covid19 test withing 48 hours of the visit, self-quarantine for 48 hours, full PPE gear (Medical Grade Mask, Shields, Gowns and Gloves for visitors, patient and staff), 6' separation from patient and staff, no hugs, kisses or even holding hands. I'm not sure she'll even recognize me in full PPE gear. I know that they need to keep their population safe, but 100% of them have memory issues and this kind of visit might be more scary than productive. I'm willing to try though. Now I just have to wait for them to call me with my assigned time and day.

Don't see any signs of rain, temps on the rise though, back over 110 by tomorrow.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and breezy this morning. 68 right now headed for 77 with 30 mph winds. No bike ride today.

19 n the bike and 3 on foot yesterday and that's about it. This morning I find out (hopefully) what's wrong with my shoulder. This afternoon I'll go for a walk but as mentioned no bike ride. The city just showed up across the street to finish removing a tree from the neighbor's parking. He discovered a split in the tree last week and they came out and took down the most threatening part. Now they're back to finish the job. Could be a noisy morning.

Don - continuing prayers for you and your family in a difficult time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 73 on its way to 84 with a chance of storms. Looks pretty dreary out there now. It did rain some overnight.

Weird world we live in these days. My wife is in the dining room working with her student via Zoom. My daughter is in her bedroom doing the same but using Microsoft Team. She has an office area set up in her room. In a couple of hours my son will be awake and working via the computer in the office where I am now. At that point I have to find a place to do my stuff.

Still dealing with bubbles on the letterboard decal on the combine. I got one side fixed. The other side is just taking longer. More Dullcoating of reefers. Once that dries I will start with the chalks. Then I move on to the next group of reefers.

My wife forgot to tell me she is out of one of her allergy meds so I have to go to the pharmacy today. I might see if I can get another storage bin or two.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
65/85 for today.
Mostly just checking in. At our old age we only go out when the need is there. 
We sit on the front porch and watch the sunset and some evenings the planes heading for Detroit Metro fly over from the NE, too high for a close look but fun to watch them overhead just the same. They run at about five minute intervals.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  Hot and humid.  Out the door to Dr. follow-up.  

Off today for a change.  Produce boxes tomorrow.  USDA extended them.

One child found dead yesterday and still looking.  Mom came around curve in the dark.  Not a bridge but a pipe under road.  Not her fault.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I worked on an old kit building today. Age approaching 60 years -- built in high school. Card kit of an engine shed. Must have been assembled with some sort of hobby cement and its now pulling apart -- one side detached and a few other bits. Used the latest card glue and we'll see how long that lasts.
This building has been my sample at shows when people ask if cardboard can last witout warping -- it's been in 5 different basements over the years.

Also working on another that must have been dropped. The awnings over the front doors are banged up and loose. On that one the glue was stronger than the card.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 46 this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa.  High for today is supposed to be in the mid 80s and not nearly as windy as yesterday.

Doctor said yesterday that it's probably bursitis and set me up with some therapy.  I'll make arrangements for that today.  The city came back yesterday and finished taking down the neighbor's tree.  Glad the neighbor caught it before some serious damage was done.


Nothing much on the agenda for today.

Prayers for the family of the two small children.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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