The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Another nice day under way. 35 now headed for 68 this afternoon but with winds in the neighborhood of 35 mph I'm not sure if I'll go for a walk this afternoon.

Yesterday went as planned. Got everything I needed at Menards but I forgot the rebate form so I'll stop in there the next time I take the car to the car wash. In the afternoon I went for a nice walk. Part of that walk took me past the ice cream store. Cars at the drive up window were lined up down the alley (almost a block long) and there were a couple of cars in the street waiting to urn into the alley. Projects lined up for today are getting the bicycle out of the shed and cleaned up. No ride this afternoon with the aforementioned high winds. Also need to get the plastic off the windows on the north side of the house.

Wow, Don! Glad you weren't injured when the gun came apart.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, another day in the high 80's, just typical winter visitor weather. Forecasts call for rain later this week. I'll go with the Weather Channel, they give the best chance.

Tom, my shooting buddy was shooting it at the time. He felt bad because this was the second gun of mine he was shooting when he says, "he broke them". Not his fault, the first one only cost a few dollars to fix, this one, I've now got a pile of spare parts if I ever need them.

I was reading an article about how dirty things are that we use. An RLU is a method they use to test for mold and bacteria. A score of 50 or less is passing. For example, a toilet has an RLU of around 866 which should be the benchmark for dirtiness. But it's not. Here's the short list if what's on top:
  • Shopping carts: 22,521
  • Takeout containers: 8691
  • TV Remotes: 7,349 
  • iPad/tablet: 6,993
  • Headphones: 6,339
  • Laptop: 4,915
  • Phone: 3,866
  • Keys: 1476
Some stores, like Walmart, spray their carts, but do they always? And where does gas station pump handles come in? I didn't see that on their list, but I'm sure it's right up there with shopping carts.

Have a great day, and try to not be drinking your Starbucks coffee with headphones on while you're pushing a shopping cart and holding onto your keys, (39,027 RLUs ), or 45 times dirtier than if you were carrying your toilet with you. Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
53 and about a 10 MPH breeze. Church was outside for a change. Our building [leased] is too small for inside now.

Can't eat anything until after test at 11 tomorrow. Gator Aid. Hurting bad when I exert myself. After Church, was in fence with dogs. Finished pruning on grapevines. Got cold and chest hurt [burping like crazy].

Suppose to stay dry for all week. undefined

Have a good week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

Temperature is a bright and sunny 38 going to 40.

Just getting online as I slept in. Had a rough night where I just could not get comfortable. I have no reason to blame it on, just couldn’t get to sleep. Finally fell asleep about 5:30. Did a couple of small chores. I feel whopped and have a slight fever today with a headache. I guess it from the COVID shot last week. My wife had side effects for about four days, and this would be day four for me. I need to run to PetSmart, but I may ask my daughter and wife to do it. Just don’t feel like a trip today. I could put it off until tomorrow if necessary.

I weathered five cabooses last night. I need to seal them. I wanted to get them off the workbench as I need to start building some buildings. I am trying to figure out the configuration of a small engine terminal and I made cardboard cut outs of the possible structures.

If I feel better, I might go and stare at the layout for awhile and contemplate my next move. Perhaps I should run a few trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, stayed home all day yesterday, just didn't feel like going anywhere which is probably not a bad thing considering even with two shots, I'm not 100% protected. I still feel a bit icky after looking at that list of things out there that can be 50 time dirtier than a toilet. No wonder the virus spread so quickly.

Temps today are still up in the 80's but will drop some 20 degrees later this week. Cold and damp, supposedly. It going to be a busy two weeks for me. I have a "procedure" next week, so lot's of tests before that including another one for Covid-19. I told the woman that I had both my shots, she answered, "immaterial". I knew that, I just was telling her in case someone wanted to know, apparently not....

Everyone have a great week, and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning all
      The second shot hit like a ton of bricks. I spent all day yesterday in and out of bed. My body ached everywhere and I was stiff as a hardwood board. 
This morning I am much better with just some soreness in the arm where I got the shot.  I have some outside work I may attempt as soon as the air gets warmer. It is currently 22 degrees. 

      Looks like we are to have a nice week. 
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny early spring day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 36 right now headed for 66 this afternoon with only light breezes, unlike yesterday's 30+ mph winds.

I got the bike cleaned up and the chain cleaned and oiled. Today I'll be riding it for the first time this year. Only about 4 -5 miles as I have learned my lesson about too much too soon. Also planning a trip to the gym this morning. At some point I need to pick up oil and a filter for my car. It's been a while (last Nov.). No word yet from the guy who owns the storage place. If I don't hear from him by Wed. I'll give him a call. If he doesn't respond by the weekend I'll use a bolt cutter to resolve the problem.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
37 and going into the 60's. Sunny and beautiful. 

Second dose of poorly grape flavored dish washing detergent followed by three 12 oz. bottles of Gatorade. Several trips to the ---. Now wait for the trip to town. 11AM.

Tom, bolt cutter is a great key.  Keep one in my truck took box.  2 in the shop. 

Hope all have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
All OK.  Got pictures of my esophagus, stomach, colon and intestines.  Don't think you want me to post. Eek  One snippy in the colon [it fine looking but sent off].  Same with snippy in the tummy and esophagus.  Found bacteria from my Advair inhaler.  Seems some get past the "wind pipe".  Had it before.  Simple antibiotic for a week.  Still hurting like h--- when I exert.  Not heart.  Press and burp.  Dr. says this may stop it.  Also, if not, will change reflux meds.  In the past, have taken 4 different kinds.  Seems I get "immune" to them after a long period.  Problem now may be the big cheese burger with a slice of onion on it.  Dr. said OK.  Wifey told him we were going to Bad Daddy's. 

Got phone calls from adopted daughter [former Chair of Count Comm.] lawyer.  Checking on me.  Then more calls.  Wifey had to go get first shot.  Went as a Human Services Board member to observe Wink [our employees giving].  Very efficient.  Then visited with the Church [New Bethel Baptist] secretary and custodian [her hubby].  

Went by Hardees for an ice cream.  "We are out and will not have any until tomorrow when truck comes." [self, poor employees are put in a bad position]  [always something there should close it]  OH, finally put back the good neck trash can at drive thru. A Town ordinance I had enacted years ago. Stops litter on the streets.  All other drive thrus in Town have them and it works. Hardees up in management told me they were doing away with all outside garbage cans.  Don't want to use manpower to empty.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
We are now on the list for under-80s CV shots. Maybe should pre-order a brass Beyer-Garratt and see which comes first.
We should have several days above freezing.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, temps suppose to start dropping today, should be a bone-chilling, sub-freezing 60 by Friday. Maybe even some rain.

Had a fire in the hen house down at Hickman's Farms, they lost two barns and 160,000 egg-laying hens. Let's hope that doesn't start a panic buying of eggs like a year ago. It doesn't seem to take much now days to trigger hoarding and reselling at exorbitant prices.

Some relief here, restaurants, gyms, bars and even water parks can go to 100% capacity, that is if anyone wants to go dipping into ice-cold water. Social distancing and masks are still the norm though. Hmm, let's think about that, is a mask required while swimming? More places, like CVS, are opening up giving shots, still age related and job related. Some folks, like restaurant workers are upset because they're not included in the "essential worker" class. Even the clergy aren't on that list.

So, have a great day, stay safe and do something that's fun. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

The clouds are moving out and the sky is supposed to be clear for the rest of the day. 73 is the predicted high but the sun will take away some of the fun as it's supposed to be around 30 mph. Rain tonight and tomorrow. Could get up to 3/4 inch.

Had a pretty good day yesterday. Good workout at the gym. Then picked up the oil and filter for my car. In the afternoon I went for a slow 5 mile bike ride. This morning is swimming at the gym. Then change the oil. After that I plan to ride over to Webster City to see if the WD-40 has worked its magic on the padlock. It will be too windy for a bike ride but I plan to go for a nice walk this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
59 and sunny.  Beautiful day.  Still hurting some.  Slept till 8:30. 

Ate a sausage biscuit along with two Egos.  [real maple syrup]  Lots of coffee with Almond Joy Creamer.  Can't see how Wifey drinks that stuff straight.  Going to brew some sweet ice tea.  Can't drink soft drinks [sodas to some] until tomorrow. 

Errands and maybe tractor and disk garden.  It has dried out some. 

Cardinals will not use new feeder.  All other birds do.  They get what drops on the ground. :confused:  Wifey trying to get me to put old feeder back up.  Maybe Get another one with trough.  Haven't seen a squirrel near this one.  Interesting.

Enjoy your day.   
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun, going into the 50s today. 62 yesterday. Won't last going back to the 40s in a few days.
Went for blood work this morning, noticed gas is still rising. A steady incline ever since the election.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . not much to report on physical therapy is going well regained about 60 to 70 % use of leg over did excises Friday and put my back out it's better now thanks to good old absorbine .

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