The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

38 and clear headed for 50 and clear. Not quite so windy today. Wind speeds yesterday wee mostly north of 40 mph. Only 15-20 mph today.

Yesterday was very productive. Good workout at the gym. Then called the company handling y son's 401K. All they need was how to get the money to me. Told them to just send me a check. How complicated can that be? After lunch I took my son's car to see what it would cost to get the hood scoop re-attached. It was coming loose on one side. Said they could probably fix it in a day. Left the car and walked home. Finisihed up my son's taxes. Just as I was finishing that the body shop called. Walked back there, sprinkled some money, and brought it home. A shower and a Corona (not the virus) completed my day. Today I only have a couple of chores. I need to take my son's taxes to the post office and I need to get a tire repaired.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, beautiful day here yesterday. I saw one TV lady had us getting up to 90, but according to what I find, Phoenix hit 88 and here in Surprise, only 84. We're almost there, then they start the "guess the date and time it will hit 100" contests. Over the years, we've had, "how long will it take to melt this block of ice?", and there was always the newbie reporter with their, "let's see how long it takes to fry an egg on the sidewalk" thing.  That gets old really quickly.

We did go target shooting, started to get hot well before we were ready to leave, maybe that's why we had trouble hitting our targets, need to acclimate to the heat. As in every sport, there's always a good list of excuses why you didn't do as well as you wanted to.  I swear that one golf ball must have cost us $50 in ammo trying to hit it. But then again, hitting something that small at around 100' is no simple task for a novice shooter (just one more excuse) Icon_rolleyes . Anyway, like running trains, you can't have a bad day target shooting, just as long as you bring enough ammo along with you.

Take care and have a great day. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Warming fast. 56 degrees. Sunny. High 70's.

Take JD mower to the JD place for estimate to do some repairs. [use to do myself] May just trade it.

Disk garden again and do some potato rows. Wifey doing some USDA/NCSU Extension stuff on varieties. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning
      Well, I have already done more today then i did yesterday. Yesterday I went to return a quart of wax hat was ordered on line for shipment to the hardware store. I ordered and was billed for NON slip but was shipped high gloss. The young fellow at the store told me it was the same thing and even tried to tell me it was the same number. when i went to school 15467 was not the same as 13096, but I never learned new math  Icon_rolleyes. I told him I wanted a credit regardless and then he said their computers were down and he couldn't give me a credit. I came home with the wax and went back on line and discovered that the store had the non slip on the shelf. While I was there I was supposed to get my wife a new wheel barrow. Guess what. Not from there. 
      I had some movement with the car shelter in the wind the other day and I found 2 tiedown cables rusted and broke. I replaced them this morning and I have one more anchor screwed into the ground with one more to go. Its a temporary shelter from shelter logic and the vinyl cover was ruined 3 years ago so I covered it with a heavy rubber army surplus tent floor and it made a nice shelter, and no real estate tax. Our county is terrible for that, they tax even rented portable buildings and I figure the more I save in taxes the more I can spend on trains. 
       We burned some limbs off the willow trees that the neighbor planted on the property line 10 years ago. Every time there is a strong wind we get the dead branches falling in the yard. He would cut them down but he is 87 years old and not able. I can't do it either. I keep hoping his daughter will have someone cut them but they are not a problem for them so it is unlikely.  
        We are to have a nice day today but that four letter word is in the coming forecast. I was going to put the snow blower away but that will have to wait. 
         Time to think about another chat. 
Good morning folks

It is a bright and sunny 53 going to 63 and the wind has calmed down.

I spent a good portion of yesterday looking at possible vacation places. Our last attempt at a trip got canceled due to the beginning of covid back in April 2020. This time we are looking for July. By then hopefully we should all be vaccinated. My son must wait since he is 22 and does not have any of the 1a or 1B qualifiers. My daughter goes for her second shot Saturday.

Today with the good weather we hope to finish the new pergola. Then will come the dragging out of the outdoor furniture.

I am hoping to play around with the track on the layout later today.

I need to run to the pharmacy and PetSmart. I probably should hit the meat market and possibly the grocery store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, didn't get to 90 yet, tomorrow is suppose to be 91 or higher, pushing 100 by this weekend. Had the vehicle's A/C on already yesterday. Got a rock chip in my windshield, insurance pays 100% for repairs and replacements with no penalty on your premiums. The glass company wants to upsell, "you'll need new windshield wipers" says the guy on the phone. "The vehicle is less than a year old", I reply. "Well, they could be damaged from the chip, plus they should be changed every 6 months", more hard-sell. The repair guy comes out, "I understand you want new wipers",
"no, the guy on the phone wants me to buy new ones".
"OK, let's look, nope, they look good, yeah, the phone guy is from sales, that's his job to sell things".....

I remember years ago there was a meat market in town that would advertise low prices, but when you go there, they show you a decrepit side of beef and sell you the higher priced stuff. Bait and switch, and if it's not illegal, it is certainly immoral. Lots of scammers rely on sales pressure to make you think you need what it is they're selling.

Almost finished with my train display cabinet, add hinges and latches and it's good to go. Got to finish it be Friday, Pat's coming over to help me hang it on Saturday. It should have room for around 150 cars/engines.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
OK, we need some photos of this cabinet- or it did not happen. LOL
Was sunny and now clouds moving in. Afternoon rain. Was just 70 degrees but dropped to 69.

Thick Egos. Dishes washed [my plate and dog bowls] and sweet ice tea made.

Out to disk garden I didn't get to do. Hope to get finished before rain.

Go pickup up new JD mower tomorrow afternoon.  Old one was 11 years old.  Did not realize it.  Will sell in front yard.  

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 58 and raining which it is supposed to do all day. They say the high will be 65.

We finished the pergola yesterday and did some running around. We went to Delaware to get gas. Paid 2.63 there. Best price in Pennsylvania we saw was 2.89 at a station right at the Delaware state line. Wife and I stopped and had dinner at one of our favorite places in Delaware. Second time we ae there since the pandemic began. Since the first lockdown we have eaten out only four times, three in Delaware and once in Pennsylvania.

We just got home from the vampires and getting our annual bloodletting for the doctors’ tests. First time in a long time we could coordinate both of us going at the same time.

I need to make the big monthly grocery store run later today. Maybe some trains afterwards.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
(03-31-2021, 06:50 AM)woodone Wrote: OK, we need some photos of this cabinet- or it did not happen.  LOL

Will do when I get it on the wall. Had a gross error earlier that would have been too embarrassing to show. Made 17 sets of dados in the sides, each about 1/2" too close to each other. Icon_redface Well, I meant to do that, just that there wasn't enough room to get to the back row that way.

That reminds me of Homer Simpson doing, "La-la-la-la", as his wife is talking. He says, "If I can't hear her, she never said it".... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My garden is ready. Disked again. Shoveled up 3 rows for Wifey's potato experiment project. [I was nice. Started with only 2.] Cramped my operation but will be OK.  Will be several weeks before I plant due to a sudden chill may happen. Like this Friday [29] and Saturday [30]. Tomatoes and 1 pepper plant are really growing in greenhouse.

Now shower and get ready to go to Sam's Club for pickup gas and rotisserie chicken [Wifey loves]. Also use it for dogs' breakfast. Spoiled.

Will see how much rain we get. Hope not a lot at the farms. They got soaked last weekend. Farmer trying to get land ready to plant.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Snowed very briefly at 8500' and higher yesterday. Bright and sunny again today. Spring in the Rockies.

If the pandemic is real, why does it need to be forcefully and constantly mentioned every day and why does a vaccination - which does not prevent it - have to be pushed? Why only bad news about COVID, 24/7, after an entire year? And if masks work, why are we still wearing them? Or, if they do not work, why aren't we all dead? Sounds like a sales job and not a disease at all.

BTW_ I practiced medicine for thirty years and spent several years dealing with infectious diseases including things like HIV, so I know a real pandemic when I see one.

I don't see anything much to discuss about railroading, so I'm off to make my little world a better place, if I don't break something in the process!
Happy April Fools Day gang.

Misleading bright sunshine outside my window this morning. Misleading in that the temperature is only 16 degrees. High for today is supposed to be in the upper 40s. Then 60s and 70s for the weekend.

Figured out how to get the lug nuts loose on my son's car yesterday. Then I couldn't get the wheel off the hub. Gave up and took it to the tire shop. All fixed. Gym this morning and house cleaning in preparation for all the visitors next weekend. Finally got my Iowa tax refund overnight. Now I can afford a meal from McDonald's.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
53 and windy. Wow. What a difference a day makes. Freeze tonight. 

Busy morning on long call about food distribution.

Go get new JD mower. Put old one out front for sale.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

The temperature says it is 44 but it feels a lot colder. High is supposed to be 56. Tonight they are calling for a low of 30. I haven’t seen any Freeze Warnings for our area. I have seen some for North Jersey and central Delaware. We will probably bring the window boxes in to be safe.

Laid some track last night. I now have the two loops finished.

I should make a grocery store run sometime today.

I would like to start working on the Engine House if time allows it.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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