The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, did get to 106 yesterday, a bit cooler today and down to 100 by tomorrow. Any cooler and I might try to go target shooting.

Must have been a scammer's day off yesterday, no calls from the "IRS", my "Grandson", my "credit card company" or even the "Package delivery service". Did get some garbage texts on my cell phone, can never figure out what those are all about. Just a string of letters and numbers.

Going to take it easy today, I have a scene on my layout that I'm working on, I might be able to do a bit on that, but nothing that might be construed as work.

I hope you all have a pleasant and relaxing day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Church on computer. Now 83 and sunny. Wifey gone to daughter's pool. Then she has another baby shower to attend.

Don't forget D Day.  A lot of great men died this day in history. 

I'm meded up so can't drive. Probably reclinerize.

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and warm here in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 83 already headed for 90. 90 and above for the upcoming week.

Got a 12 mile bike ride and all my outdoor chores done by 10. Hid in the house for the rest of the day. Watched a race early and then went for a bike ride. Not quite as warm today bu the humidity is higher so pretty nasty out. I may go sit on the porch this morning while it's still reasonably cool.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 69 headed for sunny and 90. Yesterday actually turned out to be a pretty nice day. Some clouds moved in and the humidity was still fairly low.

Not much accomplished yesterday. Baseball double header started at 4:30 and I didn't get home until after 9. Another one tonight that starts at 6 but younger players so 'll probably be home around 9 again. Otherwise not much on the to do list. Gym and a bike ride.

Got my plans in place for next week. I'll be leaving here Friday for Omaha. Need to pick up some stuff from my granddaughter. Then on Saturday I'll drive to Houston. With luck I should be able to make it in one long day. I'll be there for a week and head home the following Saturday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good Monday morning to you all. Temps down a bit, 100 +/-, just around normal until the weekend then we're looking at 115+ next week. Ahhhh, June a bit on the toasty and very dry side. I thought we might have rain the other day, really windy, no, it wasn't a dust storm (now referred to as Haaboobs)....

A very quiet D-Day anniversary yesterday in most places, nothing but a mention on the news and in the newspaper, but lots of pages of fluff. A pity we don't honor those that were there any more than we do.

We have a few more wildfires going, the entire town of Superior is on notice for evacuation, two fires up there, another one near Globe. We had a huge fire in south Phoenix, several recycling yards were burning. This was a nine alarm, 200 firefighter blaze that burned for two days. Welcome to paradise, high heat, wildfires and no rain, but masks are optional.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a humid 74 going up to 89. A couple of TV weather persons are saying it will reach 92. If that is the case, then we will have had three days of 90+ thus making it out first heatwave of 2021. Everybody agrees there could be storms later today.

We did get some planting done in the gardens near the fishpond but not much else got done outside. Inside did a few small chores.

I did get the couplers changed out on three more passenger cars. I also removed a portion of the center sills on some Walthers Heavyweights in accordance with their instructions to help them run better on the 24-inch curves. I finally got to run the passenger train I have been wanting to run for the past three weeks.

Today I am going to head to local hardware store to grab some bird food and a can of Yard Guard to deal with the flies and other annoying bugs that pop up this time every year. I need to search for some tomato cages for the plants in the raised vegetable garden on the front patio. I still have a few odds and ends from the grocery store to get.

I have three PRR passenger cars left to convert the couplers. After that there is a Penn Central Baggage car, two PRSL coaches, and a PRSL combine to convert.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
79 degrees, 79% humidity and cloudy. Chance of a shower this afternoon.

Resting up in recliner.

Treatment this afternoon.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 79 going to 85. We are expecting big thunderstorms for this afternoon, hoping they break the heat.

Ran to the bank, two grocery stores, a hardware store, and two Home Depots to get everything I needed to get yesterday. I started early around 9 AM hoping I could avoid some of the heat, but it was not so. Walking from the car to the store and back was brutal. I felted like a dried-out prune after a while.

I didn’t get any modeling done. I hope to do better today.

I need to clean the fishpond filter and make a pharmacy run. Other than that it is keep an eye on the sky to see when and if I need to cover the patio furniture.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

More heat. 71 now headed for 93 this afternoon. Supposed to stay this way until well into next week.

Yesterday was fairly routing. Bike ride and the gym. Then a baseball doubleheader. Game didn't get over until almost 9. Then a 40 minute drive home. Only a single game tonight in the same town but it doesn't start until 7:15 so it will be another late night. Walmart and Menards this morning but first a bike ride before it gets too hot. I also need to organize the stuff I'm hauling. Last night my granddaughter informed me that I have some clothes to take to my other granddaughter in Omaha.

Gas prices are goofy here. $2.89 through Memorial Dy then some stations dropped price to $2.77 the following Tuesday. Apparently they missed the memo because later in the day they raised the price back to $2.87. Finally dropped to $2.73 yesterday.

Continuing prayers for Frank.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, talk about crazy gas prices, some stations dropped down a nickle to $3.05 while Costco went up a nickle to $3.89. Cannot access Gas Buddy this morning, getting errors, something about not being able to return a null for a non-nullable something or other.  Why don't they just say, "things are screwed up and we're trying to fix them"...

Temps are still around normal, we are having more wildfires to the north and east of us. Some evacuations in the town of Superior, that fire was up to 56,000 acres yesterday with no containment. We should be getting some smoke this way from that fire and maybe some of the others to the east of us.

Got a early appointment today,the rest of the week is clear. I may try to go target shooting, this may be the last week of the summer where temps are around 100.

Remember, we have less than two weeks before our "do something" challenge ends. There's till time to enter if you have a quickie project.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
78 degrees and HUMID. Cloudy but very low chance of rain per guessers.

Slept messy. In bed for 2 hours. On couch for 1 hour. Recliner for 3. All this pain meds don't work. Just makes you high, see things and thirsty. Also can't type. Fingers all over the keyboard.

Ultra sound at 2. Radiation at 3:45. Both at same hospital facility. They have shuttle to get me around.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning
Frank, you are in my prayers. Keep a good attitude, it helps. 

Got a wake up visit from my grand daughter yesterday at 6AM. They were all supposed to leave for Myrtle Beach at 4am and her dog sitter backed out.  My son, who is also driving one of the caravan cars told her go to Nannies, she will watch him so here they were so we are now watching Clyde's brother. Did I mention we have Clyde because he did not get along with his brother. Well, my wife gave them both an attitude adjustment and our older Samoyed female plays referee when they get too wound up. It's fun to watch.       They are pure bred border collies and too smart for their own good. It will be a fun filled week. 
     I worked on my RS12 yesterday and when trying to reinstall the shell I found the plugs I installed so I could unplug the headlights if need be were not allowing  shell to sit tight. Easy fix, I will just eliminate the plugs, and consider it another lesson learned. (after 73 decoder installs you would think I would have learned.)
      We had rain yesterday, 2 inches in a half an hour so no watering needed today. I think I will just sit and watch the grass grow this afternoon. 
Good day to everyone and Hello to OB Jack that sometimes reads these posts. We are thinking of all of you. 
Hello Blue
High of 85 today.
Sct storms all around, none for us yet.
No train news. Just enjoying the beauties of summer.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

The heat wave continues. 93 today and 94 tomorrow.

Shopping trip yesterday was successful. Ballgame was fun last night. Great-grandson decided it was my turn to entertain him. We had a fun time together. Baseball is finished until I return from Texas. Only a couple of very small items added to the manifest by by granddaughter. Bike ride early then the gym this morning. After lunch I'll see if I can visit some friends south of town. He's been dealing with some serious health issues and they are careful of who can visit.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Still have a lot of wildfires to contend with. The "Telegraph" fire is now the 9th largest in state history, close to 77,000 acres and heading east towards Globe/Miami. There are evacuations in Superior, and structures burned. Still no rain. What was interesting to find out is that there are firefighters from Australia, Mexico and Canada helping fight these fires. Talk about international cooperation, these guy and gals need to be elected to run our countries. Applause

Yesterday was Best Friends Day. There was one TV commentator that simply could not accept the fact that by the nature of the word, "best", she could only have one best friend. These are the folks that supposedly have an eloquent command of our language.

Some good news, yesterday, I saw the doctor that did emergency surgery on me a few years ago, and he declared that part of my anatomy as being, "normal" now. I'm so glad that something I have is normal. Icon_e_smile I do feel blessed though that we have people like him in the medical profession. Worship Saw "America's Got Talent" last week, and there was a group of nurses that had formed a choir. A bunch of heroes that can sing, and impress to the point that the got a "Golden Buzzer"...... Thinking about all these folks, firefighters, doctors, nurses along with police and those in the military, and there are others, all give you a sense of comfort knowing that they are there to help regardless of how others treat them. If I could have more than one best friend, they would all be it....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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