The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It is bright and sunny and a hot as Mikey said. Temperature is 92 which is supposed to be the high. Heat Advisory until tomorrow evening when there may be some storms.

Got up early and let the dog out and feed the cats and Guinea pigs. Decided to go back to bed, a perk of being retired. Got up a few hours later have been doing chores. I am in the process of doing the heavy-duty cleaning of the 1st floor floors. Did the kitchen yesterday. I am waiting for the breakfast nook to dry so I can wax it. I will probably have to run to the hardware store to get more wax.

I began fiddling with the engine terminal again. This is a major change. I moved the location and things seem to fit better. I have the coaling tower in place. I have a sanding tower and water column to assemble. I also needed to order a second water column. I think I found the place for the water tower, the sand storge, and the cinder conveyer. Now I need to work in the engine house. Will work on it more tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

64 in my back yard this morning. The high is supposed to be in the low 80s and sunny/hazy. The sky is still hazy from the wild fires in Canada.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Gym in the morning and I let my ambition ride the bike without me. Laundry this morning and a birthday party this afternoon for one of the greand-grandkids. Tried to watch F1 qualifying this morning but cable is out. I hope it's back by 10:30 when they have the sprint race.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a  good Saturday morning to you all. Had what looked like a decent storm come though last night, but the rain map says were were on the low end, another .04" while the rest of the valley got 1/4" or better. Temps are lower and rain in the forecast every day for the next week or so, may not get to 100 on most days. Worship TV news is all about the weather now, sports news about the Phoenix Suns is down to a mere 25% of the broadcast.

Saw a  Frank & Ernest cartoon this morning, the guy says, as he's leaving the gym floor, "I'm not sweating, my muscles are crying!", reminds me of when I'm finishing a physical therapy session. Eek They say that you shouldn't hurt doing P/T, who are they kidding, they get you to use muscles that have been dormant for decades and they say it shouldn't hurt.... Aside from that, I got to say that whatever they're having me do, is working, so I really shouldn't complain.

Take care, have a great day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
81 and hot sun. Going to be another hot one. Possible showers this AM.

Good night's sleep after Wifey got in at 12:20 from Wilmington. Wedding went great.

Good morning resting up. Two slices of cheese toast and coffee. Shower and shave later. Take more breathing treatments [been a little slack on that]. Feel a lot better. If I could get this blood ox to stay up without aux. O2, I'd be good. Can't go out for long periods as heat and humidity hit you when you go out.

Hope all have a great, safe and happy weekend.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Well after a day and a half of rain we have a little sun in the 70s.
I checked and lubed a few Lionel engines a friend wants to sell. A trip tp Kroger this past week, they had some meat on sale. The store is very big, a newer one but only two cashiers the rest was self checkout. Not my thing, if I buy there I expect decent service in return.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, the start of a new week, and more than halfway through July already. Just means one thing, only two more months of blazing heat. Got those signs in front of schools saying that school starts in a few weeks. I remember when I was in school in NJ, we started the day after Labor Day, but then, our term didn't end until mid-June. Here they end a lot sooner. It never made sense to me starting classes when it's still well over 100.

The Phoenix Suns lost again last night, they may have to cancel that victory party they've been planning. Up 2-0, now down 2-3. I'm not into sports, but it's hard to avoid here if you want to watch the local news, even the newspaper's headlines and front page was dedicated to the game. Yesterday's newspaper had 8 pages of local, national and world news, but 16 pages in the sports sections. You can see where their priorities are.

Just going to kick back today and rest. Do my P/T exercises, would like to go out to eat, still not use to doing that alone. Since I'm surrounded by retirement communities, I guess that's not unusual to see older folks eating alone, but I'm  still hesitant. The pandemic thing didn't help that either. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Busy day. 84 and suppose to be raining. Missed it here.

Started off real slow. Showered and it took all my O2. Did eat my two pieces of cheese toast. Frankie called and bringing Carolina Bar-B-q, fried chicken and works.

Sat and ate the largest meal since hospital. Doing great this afternoon. Had biggie visitor from WakeMed [even thought she is petite]. She raided that tomatoes and peppers. Pharmacist walked in as I started to post. Our friend Gail came by and Wifey went with her to a house she has made offer on. Finally Wifey, dogs and self.

Early out tomorrow. Chest CT at Duke/Raleigh at 8:20. undefined

Think I am selling my 97 Silverado [can't drive for months] to a guy begging for it and Wifey's CVR. Why not. Only one driver and guys offers good $$$. After this is all over, buy a Colorado.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, no change around here, weather is cool, a bit over 100, maybe rain, no one really knows for sure. Looking forward to Friday, something supposedly coming in from the Gulf, temps drop to the low 90's with a good chance of rain.

Why so concerned about it raining? Well, they say that we are in the worse drought since the year 800AD. I didn't know records went back that far, but for instance, Lake Mead, behind Hoover Dam is down 150', that's where Las Vegas, Phoenix and even parts of Los Angeles gets their water. They are saying that farmers are looking at a 25% cut in water allotments. Some aren't planting right now because of the lack of water and crops are drying up. That's why we need rain. Just a thought, they can pump oil and gas across the country using pipelines, why not do the same with water? Got too much water in New England or Mississippi? Pump it into Lake Mead....

Got a few appointments today, beyond that, still catching up on some much needed rest. Watch some of the old TV shows from the 50's and 60's. Even ones in B&W. Some plots are a bit lame, but they were the state of the art back then. Now we have CG and you can't tell what's real and what's not, but they all look the same to me, lots of action, shooting weird-looking guns, maiming, torture, cars and people flying in the air and even space ships, all this happening on a different planet than earth.

So much for that, have a great day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another hazy day with a high in the mid 80s. Gradual warming trend to the 90s by the weekend. 67 right now. No rain in sight

Watched a fairly entertaining F1 race yesterday and that was pretty much it for the day. Today is a day to stay off the bicycle. Several thousand cyclists will converge on Fort Dodge to in an event call RAGBRAI which is the Register's (a Des Moines newspaper) Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. It's more like a party on bicycles as everyone gets up early and rides for 50-80 miles and then drinks for the rest of the day. I'll be staying home to avoid that. Only plan is to hit the gym and come straight home.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Sun and 80s today. Sky is hazy from fires out west.
We finally had a few days without rain. The ground is squishy.
We started school after labor day and was out by Memorial day. Didn't have all those silly days off like now.
Can't tell you what's for breakfast as the cooks not in the kitchen yet. lol 
I still remember how posters at OGR use to make comments about the CTT Coffee Pot.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
73 and raining. Good pour downs but not as bad as doom and gloom TV station is saying.

CT was fast and out the door. Wifey went shopping at several places and I sat in car.

Leftover gizzards and a thigh.

Now TV and rest. Arnold palmer to drink [miss one good ingredient].

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 87 heading up to 88 with a lot of sun.

It has been one of those days. My wife spent most of the morning on the phone with doctors. She needs to get several tests done and they are dragging their feet on scheduling. She called her primary doctor,
and he spent some time yellowing at these people about how critical it was for my wife to get the tests this week and not at the end of August. We were told it would be handled today but we are still waiting.

We had a rather productive weekend. I did a heavy-duty cleaning and maxing of the kitchen, breakfast nook, and dining room floors, We weeded one of the gardens.

Saturday night we had some window rattlers roll through with one heck of a light show and rain.

I did not make it to the layout so modelwise the week was a bust. Maybe tonight?

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, not much to talk about that's different here. Decent weather, slight chance of rain. Much crying, thrashing, whaling and gnashing of teeth about the Suns loosing three games in a row during the playoffs. Still made the headlines in the Arizona Republic for the second time in a week. Waiting No more yelling, "Suns in four".... Nope

Still got appointments this week, got a free day on Friday, might be a good day to go target shooting, forecast is for under 90, but then there's a really good chance of rain, so I guess I'll just stay home. Got some layout plans running around in my head that I need to get on paper, that should keep me busy and out of trouble.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Still hazy from the smoke but otherwise fairly nice again today. 64 at the moment headed for the mid 80s. 90s by Thursday.

Yesterday went fairly well. I set a new personal best in swimming the half mile - 25 minutes and 48 seconds. After lunch I mowed the yard and then trimmed some bushes by the front steps. Remember the bike ride I talked about yesterday? Well, I guess I'm going to be part of that. Not the whole thing though. Wile I was digging out some volunteer trees yesterday one of the neighbors walked over and invited me to ride with him but only for 13 miles from Callender to Fort Dodge on Monday. It's only 13 miles and only one really nasty hill. Then wander around downtown with the other people and maybe have a drink or two. The biggest drawback is that we won't be able to ride until about 3 in the afternoon and the high is supposed to be near 90. This morning I need to make a run to Walmart to stock up on Powerade among other things.

All stay safe.


Edit to add: gas price goofiness strikes again. Last Tuesday gas prices jumped from $2.82 to $2.99. As of yesterday the price is back to $2.82. Go figure!
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Gas price goofiness round 2: Just got back from running errands. Gas is now back up to $2.99 except Walmart which is at $2.79. I figure they just haven't received the memo yet to raise prices.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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