The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
77 and sunny. Been lazy this AM. Slept so much between dinner and actual bedtime, figured would not sleep well. Signed off here and went right to sleep. Woke at 6:50.

Shave and shower main things on agenda. Shower is when I get so tired.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
We are now getting haze in the air and, according to my wife, smell. This is from fires in northwestern Ontario. I didn't know about these ... all the news coverage has been the other side of the Rockies.
With a slight opening up, we are supposed to have a concert from the Elderly Brothers tomorrow. The last one, on Saturday, was rained out. Attendance capped at 100.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning good people, an easy day today, just breakfast out with a friend, then lots of appointments tomorrow and next week. Just thinking about going out of town for a day or two. Prescott, Sedona or Flagstaff. My wife and I would go to Sedona for a few days and usually go through Cottonwood up to the "ghost town" of Jerome, and drive through Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff sometime during the trip. More than once, we'd stop in Clarkdale and take the Verde Canyon Railroad out to Perkinsville and back. Jerome is an old mining town up on the middle of a hill. It was abandon until around the 60's, when some Hippies moved in. Now, most of the town is settled and it's a tourist destination. Just talking about it makes me want to go, besides, it'a about 20 degrees cooler up that way.

Oh, BTW, I see where the Phoenix Suns won two and lost four straight. So now the fans rioting is in Milwaukee rather than here. I wonder what today's headlines will read. Waiting

Take care, have a fun and safe day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Hazy sunshine and already 78. Supposed to get to the mid to upper 80s today. It has been cooling off at night so the temperature is bearable. One more night of cooler temperatures then I'll have to turn the air on probably tomorrow.

I've been giving some serious consideration to changing my mind about riding next Monday. The virus seems to be starting up again and I'm a little concerned about it. On the other hand the articles I've read seem to indicate that the latest variation is mostly affecting unvaccinated people. Otherwise not much going on today. Looks like I'll be babysitting the great-grandkids next week and the week after. Could be fun (or a disaster!)

Continuing prayers for Frank.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
89 hot and sunny degrees.

Doing good today. Morning's are always a little slow due to sleep meds wearing off. Still a good morning.

Two County Commissioners bringing lunch. Ordered fried catfish.

Tomorrow is early Human Services Board followed by blood draw at 9 AM. Then Chemo around 11.

Hope all have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 85 going up to 87. It is humid but not oppressive. It seems to be a little less smokey. Yesterday you could see the smoke as you were driving. It was as if there was a fire nearby. NWS just put us under a Serve Thunderstorm Watch.

Yesterday was a long day. Wife had to do Pre Admission Testing for a procedure she is scheduled to have next week. We were at the hospital for over three hours. My wife said it was a pain the butt but she was happy that they were very through. Tomorrow and Friday she has stress tests.

I worked a little on the layout and got frustrated again. This time regarding a loco and stalling at a switch.

I have to run to pharmacy and the grocery store shortly.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
69 and sunny. Big air quality warning. Smoke from western states is actually making it look cloudy.

Out the door to blood work and chemo after a quick attendance to Human Services Board meeting by computer.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. Just a bit humid right now, Saw the TV lady talk about a couple of huge storms, one coming from Wickenburg heading our way, another from the south. Got flood warnings, got a email from the city where to find sandbags got everything but the sirens blasting, and, of course, the rain. Just checked the rain map, the storm heading our way veered off to the west, so once again, we were in an anti-rain bubble.

Got some news yesterday that they have gated our shooting area. I was hoping it didn't lead to that, but so many stupid and thoughtless people leave the place a mess, plus others were just using it as a dumping ground so they didn't have to pay the landfill fees. Another area was shut down a few years ago when a pregnant woman was shot, they're now taking two years to clean that space up of lead, then turning into a park. Ammo is still in short supply, but it doesn't matter if there's no place to go target shooting. And no, we will avoid places like Target World or the few target ranges where you're elbow to elbow with novice or careless shooters in an organized setting just shooting at paper targets.

Overslept this morning, got two appointments, one after the other, so gotta go. Take care and have a great day. And yes Frank, you are still in our prayers, as are a few others that I know need help.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening everyone.
         It was a beautiful day here so I got a lot done. 
         I have been missing from the forum for a few days (other than my daily picture if I find a good one).
         My quest for  motor home ended Monday when I got the unit I have been searching for.  I wanted an early model with no computer controlled anything that had a good motor and tranny and a good frame with a decent body. I found a 1981 Coachmen Leprechaun 22 foot class C with a rebuilt Ford 351W crate motor and a C6 transmission 
         It needs work but we expected that, but there is very little water damage and what there is is easily fixed. We had planned on gutting whatever we found and making it work for us so that is what we are doing. I will remove all the windows and put new caulking around them. there are a lot of new materials that work way better than what was available 40 years ago. It did come with 6 brand new tires so that is good too. 
         Praying that you get some rain in the southwest. Lake Mead being so low could damage the concrete in the Hoover Dam. the hydro plant I ran was a run of the river plant but the engineering firm told us to keep enough water flowing over the dam to protect the concrete. I know one side of the Hoover is not covered at all but the other side was.
          Hope everyone is well or on the mend.  Frank, keep gaining the weight back and continued prayers that the treatments do the job. 
Greetings, gang.

The heat has arrived. 90s today and for the next several weeks. Not uncommon for the latter half of July.

This morning I'm meeting my daughter for breakfast. After that I'll go to the gym but only for resistance work. I know better than to swim after eating a large meal, which I will do. Love breakfast! The rest of the day will probably be spent indoors.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, big storm last night, some areas got 2 1/2", most got at least 1/2" all except us, we got ZERO....again. The storm stayed on the east and to the north of us. Still suppose to be a good chance of rain today, temps in the low 90's... suppose to be.

I had the shocking news yesterday that our shooting area was, "gated". It bothered me so much that I had to go look for myself. It's almost a 60 mile drive and I left shortly after noon, but it was bad info. Not posted, no gates or fences, and in fact, someone took the time to remove a lot of the target junk and even some of the garbage that was dumped there. I brought a gun I wanted to test since it was misfiring and had put the bolt assembly in my new ultrasound cleaner. I fired about 50 rounds through it without a misfire, so I have another use for that ultrasound since there was no way I was going to take that assembly apart. It was 104 when I got there so I didn't hang around too long.

Charlie, about Hoover Dam, I heard a few times that the concrete inside is still curing, some 90 years later.

Got a free day today, maybe I'll go get the truck washed, that should guarantee rain...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
74 and sunny. No hazy smoke.

Thick Egos with real maple syrup.

Slept OK. Little slow today but Ok since chemo yesterday.

SisterIL bringing Chinese takeout for dinner.

Off ozy. Doing Tylenol.

Hope all have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is a comfortable 80 with little humidity. High will be heading up to 82.

My wife’s stress test went well as could be expected. It took about 5 hours. She was supposed to go back today but she had breathing issues overnight, so we didn’t go. Just before I was going to call they called saying the imager was down. Try again Monday morning.

No trains yesterday as I was just too tired.

Today we are just trying to recover from yesterday. Not sure what we will do.

I got a package from Bachmann Parts Department. I can hopefully fix the Spectrum Light Mountain and its problems with stalling on a turnout.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

74 already headed for 91. Looks like there might be a sprinkle or light shower headed my way.

Had a very nice visit with my daughter yesterday. Breakfast at a local diner followed by 2 hours of family gossip. Never did make it to the gym but the visit was time better spent. I'll be headed out for a bike ride shortly after the rain passes. After that the only big project will be laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks, well, the east side got slammed again, some places over two inches with streets flooding. We had a thunder storm roll in, only got the first half of that, thunder and 0.08" of rain. Probably what bounced off the floods on the east side. Temps for today are in the LOW 80's, unheard of for this time of the year.

Not much doing today, been repairing and reworking a couple of buildings to put on Main St. They weren't too damaged until they got knocked on the floor the other day and so I've made a few "adjustments" to make them more suitable. I have plans drawn up for expanding my layout, got some moving around to do, plus I may have to see the bank about financing a full sheet of MDF. Waiting I can do a 2' x 4' addition with about 3/4 of a sheet, nothing else except some foam that I already have.

Have a great weekend......
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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