The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Another warm and sunny day in store for me today. Upper 80s again predicted.

Looks to be not only a very quiet day but a very quiet week until Friday. Biggest project for today is to get the big ladder out and clean out a bird nest in the gutter by the back door. Also need to clean the screen on the exhaust fan for the upstairs bathroom.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good morning, yes Tom, it's Tuesday already, it'll be October in a few days and 2022 in a few more days. Yes Tom, that's how fast time goes by when you get this old. As for ladders, we no longer get along, that's also an indication that you've been on earth a very long time.... Icon_rolleyes

Suppose to have rained yesterday, it did, just a bit outside the valley, slight chance everyday for a while, not likely is more the case. Temps in the 80's and low 90's, and yes, we will go target shooting on Monday, that's a given. Ammo is a bit easier to get and if you're lucky, you'll only pay double what it was two years ago. Still lots of stuff, including ammo sitting on ships waiting to be unloaded. Last count there were 50 container ships sitting outside Long Beach and Los Angeles. They're sorely in need of dockworkers and truck drivers. A pity, I'd go get one of those jobs, but I think I no longer qualify to even be a Walmart greeter.... Icon_cry

Going to try to do some trackwork today, no wiring, just get the track in place so I know what I have to work with as far as scenery goes.

Prayers for Frank and everyone else in need, take care and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greeting, gang.

Cloudy and 60 headed for even cloudier and 86.  Chances for rain start this evening and last through Friday.

Ladder project did not go well yesterday.  Got it into position and discovered the problem was not where I thought it was.  I'll need to get up on the roof.  Not real keen on that idea.  I also struggled quite a bit simply moving the ladder and getting it into position.  The ladder has gotten much heavier over the years.  Must be the years of accumulated dust.  Crazy Guess I'll have to work harder at the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, nice time to be here, yesterday got up to 90, today around 84 with a slight chance of showers later on.

Got an appointment for my booster shot today, will try to get my flu shot at the same time. My insurance company not only pays for the flu shot, but they will send me a $5.00 debit card for getting it. It's that time of the year where you can change Medicare Advantage plans, so time to bulk up when I pick up the mail with lots of, "you need our plan" junk. My insurance company has five different plans and that's confusing enough without all these others wanting your business.

Tom, one way to solve your ladder problem is to get a shorter one, half the height, half the weight and you can skip the gym. My personal solution is even simpler, I call my son and he brings the ladder with him.... Worship

Noted a ten cent increase in gas, up to $3.25 in most places.

Stay safe everyone and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

A low grade thunderstorm underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 65 now headed for the upper 70s with continued chances for rain through tomorrow.

Yesterday was a little more productive than originally expected. In the afternoon I cleaned up a batch of leaves and then ran the edger around the sidewalk and driveway. Got lazy and didn't mow even though I should have. Not much on the agenda for today. I did get a text from my granddaughter yesterday. I may not be going to Omaha this weekend. Seems they are all getting sick again. I've been trying to go there to watch the great-grandkids football games. I try to get there at least once each season for them. What is extra disappointing is that it will be my great-granddaughter's first homecoming.

In other family news my youngest grandson signed up for the Army yesterday. He will be going in next spring after HS graduation. Mom and day are happy/sad at this next step in his life.

Continuing prayers for Frank and all others as needed.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, only got to 84 yesterday, just as they predicted, now if they could only get that accurate with their rain forecasts. "nuff said....

Got my shots yesterday, Covid-19 booster in one arm, Flu shot in the other. I'm a side sleeper, doesn't matter which side, so I tried to go to sleep, can't lay on that side, shoulder hurts from the shot.... can't lay on the other side for the same reason. Tossed around for two hours, woke up a hour early and so today I am a bit grumpy, irritable and my shoulders hurt (especially the Covid-19 one), but I am now protected for the season. I'm not a nap person, but I'm betting there's one coming up sometime today. Just a heads-up, but I made an appointment at Walmart on their website for the booster shot, filled in all the info they asked for. When I got there, I didn't have to sit with a clipboard and fill out two or three sheets of questions, just one signature was all they needed.

I'm now into the one area of modeling that is at the bottom of my "like to do" list, trackwork... But, as they say, "a man's got to do what a man's got to do", and so I guess I got to do it.... Eek

Prayers for Frank and all in need, have a great day everyone and do something today that pleases you or someone else. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a nice 63 with a high of 67. Could fall be here? Or is it the typical Pennsylvania weather teasing us? We can have all four seasons in one day in these parts.

Been getting to the computer late this week. I usually do the normal household chores before I sit down. The last few days that has taken longer than usual. I also am trying to take a walk n the morning before I begin my day with a walk. Thus far I have done two this week, today and Monday. After I am done here I have to call a doctor about getting a prescription renewed for my wife and then make a grocery store run.

I have painted the area around the passenger station I plan to scenic. I started relaying track in the area. I put down the crossover but after some thought I removed it in favor of some switches. I hope to finish laying the track and running trains to make sure there are no problems. I will then outline the track location and begin laying the foam roadbed.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We changed over to winter clothes today. Finally flannel sheets on the bed!
And the warning for tonight is frost.
It looks as if the bridge work downtown will be going on for a bunch more weekends. They seem to do one section each weekend and there are about 7 sections. (This is the rly bridge wast of the station -- crosses 2 streets, a river and another railway. One of the streets is the alternate route because the E-W highway is blocked for sewer construction since ... May?)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, damp, and 63 heady for possibly rainy and the mid 70s.  Got an inch and a half of rain in the last 24 hours.

Update on Frank:

Talked with the Chief this evening, actually I called him Wednesday.  When I called he didn't sound too good, as it turns out he went to the rehab facility on Tuesday.  He didn't get much sleep that night and was not feeling that well.  So, I asked him to call me on Thursday when he was feeling better.  So he called tonight, and sounded quite a bit better!  Still not normal but definetly better than on Wednesday.  Tonight he told me he didn't do much this morning, then all of a sudden began to feel pretty good.  So we talked for about 15 minutes.  He said he is enjoying the PT, and was told he is doing well.  He plans on only being there until he has more stamina and feels he can fend for himself at home.  No more than 20 days at rehab.  His attitude was good, but still not "himself".  I don't know what treatments if any he is receiving if any.  I pretty much let him guide the conversation the way he wants, and don't push him with a bunch of questions.  I know he is glad to be out of the hospital, and looking forward to getting home.  Sorry I don't have more information.

Continuing prayers for him and all others as needed.  Please note I did not talk to the Chief myself.  The above is copied and pasted from another forum.

In other news I may not be going to Omaha this weekend.  Seems numerous members of my granddaughter's family are coming down with something.  I always enjoy the great-grandkids sports activities but I was really looking forward to seeing my oldest great-granddaughters first homecoming.  I'll find out later today whether I'll be traveling.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, Friday morning at that. Neighbors are starting to put up their Halloween decorations, you can tell who has kids that way.

I guess it's time to change into winter clothes here as well just that I'm going to skip to flannel sheets and thick comforter for now. I have a friend that wears shorts and a T shirt all summer. He announced that he had his winter clothes on the other day, shorts and T shirt. He's from the northeast, so it makes sense.  Our temps right now are in the high 80's/low 90's, typical for this time of the year. It rained yesterday, all on the east side, like there was a big wall up I-17, nothing got past it. Our "Monsoon season" is over for now, one of the top four wettest ones on record, mostly on the east side though....

Sports betting is now legal in Arizona. I saw a commercial on TV for a sports betting group, followed by a commercial for "Speedy Cash", kind of ironic, gamble away all your money, then go get a loan against your vehicle. If it's not that, it's some casino showing bunches of people winning big bucks and having the time of their lives.

Thanks Tom for the update. I'm sure we are have Frank in our prayers...

Hope you all have a great day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is a cool 62 with sunshine. Heading up to 67.

Getting here late. I went back to sleep for a while after the wife left for work. I got up threw some laundry in and did a few quick chores around the house. I just got back from the grocery store with a few things I need for dinner. I will change the laundry around and put the meat in the crock pot shortly. Then I need to head to PetSmart to grab some supplies for the Guinea pigs and cat food.

Laid some more track last night. I still have more to put down.

This weekend there is some shopping to do, and the wife wants to start on the Halloween decorations. From now until mid-January our house is in a constant state of decoration. I may also try to get some yard work done depending on how my back feels.

On the layout I want to finish relaying the track in the area I painted the foam. Next will be testing and making sure there are no track issues. Then outline the track and begin laying foam roadbed. I also have a few passenger cars to remove the plastic couplers and add Kadee couplers.

Tom, thanks for the update on Chief. Keeping him in our prayers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I'm here. .Rehab,  will check in later.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun and 70s today.
We finally had a few dry days but rain is coming back Saturday evening through Tuesday. Not all the time but throughout those days.
A Detroit 3 Railers club meet tomorrow evening.
Geez next week more various doctor appointments. The car seems to have only two destinations, grocery stores and doctors.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Take your time, Chief.

We went to a hobby shop today -- second one this week. I needed some scale lumber and the first one had hardly anything. This one had a better selection, but I cleaned them out of a couple of sizes (and I only bought 3 packets). And some Kadees and a couple of magazines.
Driving is getting harrowing again. We were trapped going up the hill from Lake Ontario behind a truck and there was steady stream of cars passing in the next lane.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, not much happening his way. It's Saturday and as usual, I got some extra sleep time in. No change in the weather until Tuesday when they say temps could drop into the 70's and they expect rain. Good thing that we plan on going target shooting on Monday, the first time since the end of April. Been a real hot summer.

Frank, good to hear from you, there are ups and downs, but it sounds like you're getting the care you need. Take it slow and easy my friend, you are in our prayers.

David, all that traffic should be heading our way. The racing flag drops on October 1, signaling the snowbirds to start their annual migration. One big problem though is that a lot of the RV and trailer park land is getting too valuable and is being sold to developers and I don't know where a lot of these folks can go. Lots of them pay rent on spaces all year just so they know they have someplace to park when they get here.

Everyone have a great weekend, have fun, rest, watch some football, build something, whatever turns your crank.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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