The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 34 headed for the upper 40s. A slight chance for sprinkles later tonight.

Got rid of the yard waste yesterday morning and then ran the car through the car wash. Wasted $10. Didn't get the car clean and left spots all over it. With the cloudy skies today I may just wash it by had. Spent the rest of the day trying to recover the information on my Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. The device failed to start so I took the drive out of it and discovered the information (movies, photos, documents, etc.) are still there. I just need to spend about $100 for software to copy it to a new drive. Also need to buy a new NAS. Very convenient when working with 4 different computers.

Today is bill paying day. Also a trip to the gym and if my paper ever shows up it's time for breakfast.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good folks of Big Blue, it's close to 5:00 with temps at 56, heading to the mid-80's. Going to be that way through the weekend, then drop about 10 degrees for a while. Still no rain in the forecast, but I'm still dealing with weeds from the last time it rained. I pick a small bucket full just about everyday, then stop. There's more, but I'll tend to them tomorrow.

No appointments today, I might try a run to Costco, two things about that, get gas early in the morning, their station here opens at 6:00, but wait until mid-afternoon to shop, easier to find a parking space, plus the checkout lines are short. Ours has a self-check, but the lines there are always long. I usually like self-check, I use it a lot at Walmart. My choices are to wait behind a few folks that have full baskets, or go do it myself without waiting. My only complaint is with those @!!#$ bags, some are designed so the next one opens when you pull one off, others you have to fight each one to get open. Same goes for those in the produce dep't. Found a trick there, if you pick up a cucumber first, you get enough wax on your fingers that opening those produce bags are easier. That's my Tip of the Day..... Misngth 

No change here in gas prices, even though oil prices are dropping. They will say that it takes a few weeks for that to hit the pumps, but they have no qualms about raising prices in step with oil when it goes up.

Well, anyway, enjoy your day and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun this morning temp is 31/45 for the day. At least no rain for a few days. Frost this morning, snow usually starts for real around Thanksgiving.
I miss Da Chief, we always fired shots at each other about haircuts and grits.
Voted yesterday, did no good, just like DC, the same ole people got re-elected.
Gas was $3.29 when we were out yesterday. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(11-03-2021, 06:10 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Greetings, gang.

  Spent the rest of the day trying to recover the information on my Network Attached Storage (NAS) device.  The device failed to start so I took the drive out of it and discovered the information (movies, photos, documents, etc.) are still there.  I just need to spend about $100 for software to copy it to a new drive. Also need to buy a new NAS.  Very convenient when working with 4 different computers.

Today is bill paying day.  Also a trip to the gym and if my paper ever shows up it's time for breakfast.

All stay safe.

Tom, would this be something you could use. I have several external hard drives but I just ordered this as a way to retrieve some old data from other drives I have from older computers. I have a unit that plugs into USB and the drives but the power supplies are not very dependable. 
Thanks for the suggestion, Charlie. I already have a SATA to USB 3.0 adapter. I just need to do some research to see if I can find some free software to copy the stuff to a new drive. Otherwise it will be about $100. Either way I'm ok with it. Many years of videos, documents, pictures, and assorted other stuff.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(11-03-2021, 09:52 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Thanks for the suggestion, Charlie.  I already have a SATA to USB 3.0 adapter.  I just need to do some research to see if I can find some free software to copy the stuff to a new drive.  Otherwise it will be about $100.  Either way I'm ok with it.  Many years of videos, documents, pictures, and assorted other stuff.


Can't you just move it to your computer using your SATA adapter, then to your new network drive? No special transfer software required.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
No, Don. The NAS uses Linux based software. The disk formatting is also different. I did find some free software that showed that the files are still there and it even allows for a preview but this particular vendor wants $200 bucks to be able to transfer. I did find one software that only wants $80 but that's for 1 platter. it appears I have at least 2 platters which would run the cost up to $120. found another one that wants $100 and that looks like my best bet at the moment. Still looking for free. Free is always better!

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(11-03-2021, 11:44 AM)FiatFan Wrote: No, Don.  The NAS uses Linux based software.  The disk formatting is also different.  I did find some free software that showed that the files are still there and it even allows for a preview but this particular vendor wants $200 bucks to be able to transfer.  I did find one software that only wants $80 but that's for 1 platter.  it appears I have at least 2 platters which would run the cost up to $120.  found another one that wants $100 and that looks like my best bet at the moment.  Still looking for free.  Free is always better!


Hookie dookie, that does make things a bit more complex. I just assumed it was Windows based formatting. Free is good, sometimes not so good. I hope you find some that is good.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 36 headed for a little less cloudy and 53. 60s by Monday, or so "they" say.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Had to stop swimming about 3 laps short of my usual. Kept getting cramps in my legs and feet. Got the bills all paid yesterday and considered burning a small pile of brush (illegal here but if no one complains a lot of people get away with it) but just as I was going out the wind started to pick up. For some reason the neighbors seem a little sensitive if it's too windy and I burn down their house. The city council normally lifts the burning ban for about a week in the fall and in the spring but otherwise burning outdoors is not allowed except in a fire pit. Today will be another leaf roundup day and not much else. Wasn't sure if I was going to be able to post. Internet has been up and down all morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, a bit chilly this morning, still in the 50's for a while, heading to "plenty of sunshine" for a good week before we drop into the 70's for highs. No rain, we are still in a drought, and they are saying Hoover Dam is cutting back on it's power output and they are also cutting back on water distribution from the Colorado River. If you look at the dam, you can see why, it's about 150 feet below where it should normally be. They tell us not to worry since a lot of what we use is groundwater. But that's drying up too and soon we'll be seeing sinkholes, and we should worry. Got my utility bill yesterday, $84.89, take away garbage, sewer, water base rate and taxes and my actual water use was $2.37 so there's really no incentive for me to cut back, and I couldn't, I'm at the bare minimum as it is.

Moving on, not much else going on, one appointment today, going to do some work on my layout, trying to get the roadbed down, need to do some wiring but I want to wait until I get all the track down. And so, that's how my day is going...

I hope your day is a good one, take care and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a crisp 44 going up to 50. This was our second morning of Frost Warnings. I brought in all the potted plants on Monday.

I have not been here due to a whole bunch of crazy around these parts. Monday we were supposed to get the outside backdoor replaced. The installer was late and of course the job turned out to be much more complicated than expected. He got the door hung but had to come back on Tuesday to finish up the latch assembly and trim work.

Yesterday I got my covid booster and flu shot. I had to try to catch up on some of the running around I missed out on Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday was also a medical problem day. My wife had a major allergic reaction on her way to work. She made it to work safely and thought she was good. On her way to the library where she works the reaction flared up. She tried her rescue inhalers, but they did not work, and the ambulance had to be called. On her way to the ER, they had to administer an epinephrine pen. They gave her several breathing treatments in the ER and ran a bunch of inconclusive tests. Finally, they gave a name to her problem. The respiratory therapist called it Reactive Upper Respiratory syndrome. The cherry on the cake was when we were ready to leave, she went to use the bathroom. Another patient was illegally smoking in the bathroom and smoke is her most severe trigger. She went into a major reaction. Luckily, they were able to get it down quickly and we were able to leave after nearly 10 hours.

Today we are getting a handrail on the basement steps. The carpenters were just here to take measurements and then headed out to pick up materials.

Over the last few days, the only modeling I got done was inspecting a dozen cars from the last run by. Four of the cars passed. The other cars need various things from new metal wheels to screws added to the coupler clips. I hope to inspect some more tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Wow, Tom, what a day!

Hope she's better now.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning everyone, yes, it's Friday already, just minutes away from yet another weekend and not that far from the real start of the holidays, not the one's that the stores started a few months ago.

Got another free day today, so I plan on spending some time on my layout. I didn't get to Costco except to fill the tank, they are now at $3.49 for regular. I'm going to try to get there today, they have a few things in their sales flyer that I want to get. I watched a bit of football last night, but it seems that every time I switch to the game, the Colts had just scored again. And how about that high school game, 106 to zip and they went for two points when they were leading by 104. The school just now apologized for running up the score, almost a week later.

Tom, I agree, what a day, I hope your wife is doing better today, that person should be cited for smoking, especially in a hospital, allergies cannot be taken lightly as you well know. Our prayers are with you both.

Take care everybody and have a fine day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 38 headed for the upper 50s. Very mild for this time of year.

Cleaned up the yard yesterday and that's about the only thing I did. Today doesn't look to be any more productive than yesterday. When I tried to glue the plexiglass for the display case of course the super glue had dried out. Time for a road trip to Menards for more.

Tom - hope your wife is feeling better today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, folks

It is a chilly 33 and heading up to 51.

The wife is feeling much better. The prednisone is helping and for once is not playing havoc with her blood sugars. Me on the other hand, having been have a few side effects from the covid booster. Nothing big just some pain in the area of the shot. Fatigue has been the biggest issue just like the previous doses.

I found out that the bathroom smoker was an inmate from the county prison which is down the road. The ER nurses were going to “take care of him.” Not sure if the prison will do anything to him. My wife used to work at that prison in HR. It is the last privately run prison in the state and the company running it is horrible. My wife who also had worked in one of Pennsylvania’s state maximum security prison refused to go inside the county prison with the inmates unlike she did at the maximum security prison. She said she felt safer in the maximum security prison than the county prison.

With the all the frost and the near freezing temperatures the last of the pepper plants and the impatiens are done. I removed them from the gardens as we begin to get the gardens ready for winter.

We now have a new railing going down the basement steps. Between the railing installation and the fatigue, I have not gotten any modeling done.

Today I have a few errands to run.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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