The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, lots of snow up north, sub-zero temps down here (well, it feels like it), but back into the mid to high 60's for a while. I'm thinking about going up to Prescott in the next few days, but not if there's snow on the ground there. Been too many years since I drove on snow and ice.

David, it's good to look ahead for protection. I have four Alexa Dot's in the house including the garage and phones in every room. I have an Alexa Connect so I can use the system to call 911 since it's connected to my landline and they'll have my address that way.

I'm back to my third try at a paint job on my DPM kit. Just not happy with how it looked and I'd prefer to strip it down than put more layers of paint on.

The Post Office here is a mad-house, took me like five minutes to get into the parking lot, only to drive out and come back later. Got all those snowbirds sending stuff to their folks back home.

Everyone, try to do something that's fun today...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greeting, gang.

Partly cloudy and 26 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The wind has died down from last night's 55 mph and the temperature will only be about half of yesterday's high of 70.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Spent most of it on the front porch watching various items blow past the house. Then about suppertime had a brief rainstorm but probably only a quarter inch of rain. Not much planned for today other than maybe take the car through the car wash.

Jim - glad to see you back. Hope you can get your medical issue resolved.

David - I'm with you. Still have an analog phone for exactly the same reasons. I also have the house populated with cordless phones (5 of them) which require power to the base unit so if the power goes out I can still use the phone.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Very windy with a Hi in the low 60s. 
I get a morning off as we have been doing Christmas shopping every morning this week. Only reason I got today off is it's her bowling day.
Tomorrow she wants to grocery shop. sigh, I don't like Friday shopping for groceries but going about 9:30 is not bad.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, been really chilly the past few days, going to stay in the 60's through next week. Not sure about the rain, a few days ago there was up to a 90% chance next week, now some say 0%, so as usual, we'll wait and see. Going up to Prescott this morning, they said there's some snow on the ground but the streets are clear which is fine because I haven't driven in snow and ice for a long time. Still going to be in the 20's this morning. There's one train shop there, but their web site shows, "by appointment only", so I doubt that I'll be doing any train shopping.

Had a problem with Alexa controlling some lights that were far away from my router, picked up a booster, (range extender) yesterday at Walmart, five-minute setup and everything works now.  Their website had it for $16 less than the store price, so they gave me the lower price. I've done that a number of times, the website has sales that the store doesn't and they'll honor that lower price. One time they didn't, the site had raised the price before I got to the store.

That's it, not much else on my schedule for today, just going to relax when I get back. Y'all have a great day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's a partly cloudy 18 outside my window this morning headed for the low 30s. No serious threat of rain or snow in the forecast through next week. On one had that's good from a personal standpoint but from an economic standpoint not so good. The area farmers need the moisture.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Took the car through the car wash and picked up some milk and bread. Still congested this morning due to my cold but it's definitely improving. No plans for today other than maybe a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning 
         I watched the news this morning and probably won't be done suffering until the beginning of the week. They were talking about the blood clots caused by the J&J vaccine and recommending the booster you get is from other manufacturers. I have decided to pass on the booster. 
          I got my wife a new laptop yesterday, Windows 11. I was able to get it set up and converted to windows 11 home (it comes in s mode). I installed her favorite programs and even her Microsoft Pictureit 2.0 (1997) runs, albeit sever glitches I had to work around. It has a solid state drive and is lightning fast.  I wanted to pick it up local but just got tired of trying to locate one. Walmart used to have an option to shop the local store but when I typed in "Laptop computer" there were over 3200 hits at my local store, and even though there may have been, I wasn't going to wade through all the pages. Best Buy got my bucks and free next day shipping. 
          I'm hoping everyone gets better and prays for Mrs. Tom.  

Good evening folks

Making what is becoming my norm, a late evening check in. I took my wife to get her first haircut in over six mmonths. We had tried in the past but with hernot feeling well she would cancel at the last minute. Last night she felt good well enough to getting her hair done. Today she went with me while I did the grocery shopping. She did not go in the grocery store. However, on the way home she wanted to stop at CVS and once there she did go into the store and shop. A little problem with breathing but no big deal. Her real problem was her back hurting by the time she was done.

I think we finally finished the Christmas decorating.

I did some thinking regarding the layout over the past few days. I decided to addd a third track at the passsenger station. I worked on getting the track in place. I have the switches in place on one end. I still have some more track work to do. I also came to the conclusion the engine terminal is not going to happen now. Without the engine terminal and adding the third track the layout will follow the original plan. Instead of the engine terminal I will have some type of industry. Over the weekend I hope to work some more on the third track and updating a bunch of frieght cars.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Don there is a VA  clinic in yuma  all they do is blood tests and yearly physicals all other others you have to go to Tucson as were in the southern VA area , Tucson is one of their flagship hospitals . and yes its a mystery why i get blood clots on blood thinners , i think there caused by leg cramps . did manage to get to layout for a bit today still fine tuning the track work

(12-17-2021, 09:13 PM)jim currie Wrote: Don there is a VA  clinic in yuma  all they do is blood tests and yearly physicals all other others you have to go to Tucson as were in the southern VA area , Tucson is one of their flagship hospitals . and yes its a mystery why i get blood clots on blood thinners , i think there caused by leg cramps . did manage to get to layout for a bit today still fine tuning the track work


We have that large VA hospital in Phoenix and the VA has a facility here in Surprise. I haven't a clue what they at that facility, but maybe like Yuma, just routine things. I usually eat breakfast with a guy that also goes to the VA, especially for his diabetes. Apparently, wait times for an appointment aren't so bad anymore. Me, I've never gone to the VA for anything but assistance for college and VA home loans a very long time ago. Still, I'm OK with my Medicare HMO plan, most of my doctors and hospitals are just a few miles away.

I did try to get into an Urgent Care center yesterday, she said to go home and get an appointment on their website. The earliest they had was this afternoon at 2:45. I few minutes later, that went to 3:45 and a few minutes after that, 4:45. I called another one, no X-ray machine, and another said "press 4 to talk to someone but expect a long wait on hold due to staffing shortages". No biggie, I dropped a piece of wood on my foot and now it's getting too big to put a shoe on it. Driving four hours to Prescott and back yesterday didn't help.

Have a good weekend everyone, for me, I think I'll play it as it goes...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greeting, gang.

Clear and 18 headed for sunny and 23 so not much warm up today.

Very quiet day yesterday. Only activity was weaning myself off the cold medications. Big project for today is the typical Saturday laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Jim - Glad you stopped in! Prayers that you get all this straightened out soon
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Hello Blue
32 degrees with some sleet on everything.
Grocery shopping yesterday saw lots of prices raised. I think we are being taken advantage of. Lowest gas we saw $3.19.
A lot of Christmas cookies will be baked here today. A good day to stay in.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, just a few more days until Christmas, we're having one gift-giving dinner at my son's MIL on Tuesday since she will be out of town on Christmas, and another at my son's house on Christmas. Got to get this foot looked at or I'm not going anywhere. Finally got an appointment at an urgent care center that will have an X-ray tech there today. I thought that just about all urgent care facilities would have an x-ray machine, but apparently, too few have one, the one I usually go to sometimes doesn't have a tech on duty to take pictures. Let's hope she shows up today because that's where I'm going.

All sit-down stuff today so I will continue to work on my DPM kit. I think I got it painted and weathered the way I want it so I'm into some assembly today. Probably watch some football too, that is, if there's any games on with Covid spreading though the NFL players who refuse to be told that they have to get their vaccine shots... Maybe they've gotten one too many hits and aren't thinking straight, but I wouldn't take such a risk with that close of a contact with others, but then again, I don't have to worry about getting a half-million per game unless they really run out of players that haven't had their shots. Call it the "Super-senior NFL", with automatic ten-minute time outs after every play and a one-hour nap at halftime. Icon_lol Icon_lol

Take care and have fun today....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

23 headed for the low 30s. Even the weather is boring lately.

Trip to the gym later this morning is the only item on the agenda for today. Did absolutely nothing yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, did watch the Arizona Cardinals who all they had to beat an 1-11 team to make the playoffs and they got whamped badly. Did finally get to Urgent Care after three days. Seems like they've taken the word, "Urgent" lightly, just like, hospitals take, "emergency".  I don't blame them, they are grossly understaffed and overworked. Anyway, my foot is damaged, but not broken, a good excuse to sit on the couch and like Tom, do nothing... Applause

Please, if you haven't yet, go to the link in this thread and view the memorial service for our friend Sumpter250. It is touching what those sailors do for their vets. Really impressive, you have to watch it all.

Christmas is sneaking up, I hope you all are prepared. I'm a bit bummed out, half my Christmas tree lights are out and impossible to find the one bulb that is burned out, and I'm not going to add any more, so it is what it is this year.

Take care and stay safe
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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