The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
hi all , well it isn't paradise today 57 and a 30mph north wind makes it to cold to work on layout in unheated garage so I guess I will just sit and watch boob tube and work on cross stich.

Today started with rain. SWMBO reported that her early morning drive to the grocery store had a couple of slips on icy patches. When I went for mail just before noon the temperature was approaching freezing and there was a bit of snow. There is now a lot more snow and it may continue til Friday.

I managed to get some small push buttons. I found that my supply was a bag of normally closed which doesn't do for a dead-end siding. The outfit that replaced Radio Shack didn't seem to know what push buttons were but we have a really good store for 'leccy bits.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning folks

It is 39 and raining lightly. High will be 46 with more rain.

Did some laundry and a couple of little things around the house. Wife wants to get the Valentine decorations out.

I am having troubles with my new Walther's Mainline F40PH locos. The snowplows are catching on any gap in the track. One of them actually broke off the loco because of this. I have found out there are several other folks having the same problem. I emailed Walther's. I finished the base coat on the parts I am repainting for the Golden Valley Canning Company.

Not sure what will get done today. The wife has an appointment with the Ear Nose and Throat specialist today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, as Jim says, it's a bit chilly and breezy around these parts, it barely got into the 60's yesterday, the same for today. Glad I'm not up in Flagstaff, 14 right now with a high of 27, that's why we're so cold down this way. We'll be back in the 70's starting Sunday, not sure about the wind though.

Got a 4' x 10' hole in my ceiling covered in plastic with fans and dehumidifiers blowing away. It was pretty wet up there so a good thing I did go through the insurance. Two guys did a good job, just a bit ill equipped. Their job is to cut out wet drywall, "sir, is it OK if we use your ladder?, then I see that they only had one small keyhole saw. "Sir, you wouldn't have a saw we could use?", so I gave them my Sawzall (huge smile). Later on, "sir, would you like us to mop the floor?", When I said "yes", they asked if I had a mop they could use.... Now, this is a national franchised company that should have all the tools they need on their truck. It's like bringing your car in to the shop and the mechanic asking you if you had a set of wrenches with you. Waiting Waiting

Stay warm everyone, prayers for those in need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Yeah, it's a touch chilly here this morning also. -9 with a wind chill of -25. High for today is supposed to be +6. Big warm up for tomorrow with a high near +20. No precipitation in the foreseeable future, which according to the national Weather Service, is sometime yesterday afternoon.

Fairly routine day yesterday. Swam for 3/4 mile instead of the usual half mile. While I was swimming a woman decided to walk past an empty lane and use the one I was in. As she approached I moved to the side and she went past. I moved over to the empty lane and I don't think she even realized I was there.

In other news Bill Gates (yes, I know he is no longer associated with Micro$oft but in my book is still the symbol for them) decided my laptop should be blessed with Windows 11. That was an hour I could have spent somewhere better, like in a dentist office. I played with it for an hour and then rolled it back. Fortunately my desktop is too antiquated for them.

I finished up the riser for my Xbox monitor and now I'm just waiting for the varnish to cure. I should be able to put in in position on Saturday. I will have before and after pictures which will show my redneck skills at temporary solutions. This morning I'm headed to Walmart. Target, and the grocery store.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, I don't think we made it to the high-50's yesterday, but by Sunday, back into the 70's and by next weekend we could hit 80 for a few days.

They should be taking out their noisy equipment today since things are pretty dried out up in the attic they're suppose to be coming by to give me an estimate on restoration, but so far, not even a guess when. I won't tell you about our discussions yesterday about payment, but I would be most happy if my insurance company would take these guys off their preferred list though.... I can't do much of anything until they finish. I wonder if they're going to ask me to fill out a survey later on.... Waiting

Looks like gas is going back up. Most stations got down to $3.59 last week, yesterday, they're all $3.69 and higher. Stopped at Walmart to pick up some groceries yesterday, everything is higher, I bought one onion because the price was almost double what it was a few weeks ago. A friend of mine went to an upscale grocer and said he paid $35 a pound for a steak. Eek

Take care everyone, stay warm and above all, stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 54 with some rain. High is supposed to be 56 and then the bottom falls out and the temperatures start dropping to 24. This could mean at some point this afternoon or evening we could have freezing rain.

The wife's visit to the ENT went well. They want to perform a test on her larynx which is what we thought they would. I put away the last stragglers of Christmas decorations and began bringing up the Valentine Day stuff.

I worked on the Walthers Mainline F40PH locos and filed down the plows as recommended by Walthers. I glued the broken plow back onto the loco. This has appeared o solve the problem. While an easy solution I don't appreciate that I had to do this to brand new locos fresh out of the box. I tried to do some airbrushing and it was a disaster. I am not happy with the new airbrush I bought a year ago. I constantly have flow problems with. In order to get paint through I have to thin the paint to point it is useless. I dug up my old airbrush and will give that a try.

We have to make a pharmacy run and a trip to PetSmart.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear and another chilly morning under way. 0 at the moment headed for the mid teens. Mid 30s for tomorrow.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Shopping went well. Also got my desk cleaned up and organized. Got rid of a bunch of junk that had accumulated. Nothing major on for today other than my trip to the gym.

Gas price here seems to be falling into a pattern where it jumps up mid morning on Monday then falls gradually during the remainder of the week. It was about $3.24 and Monday and has settled back to $3.18 as of last night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
12/20 for today.
Big snow on Wednesday, got it all cleaned up yesterday morning, then we got blowing lite snow all afternoon. So an easy cleanup today. 
I will be meeting with some of our club members this evening to do some chit-chat and train running.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Clear and zero in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The high for today is supposed to be in the low 30s but with wind speeds to match it won't be all that nice out.

Yesterday was fairly quiet, as in I didn't do a darn thing. Today is of course laundry day and since it's Saturday that means Don is sleeping in. This evening the credit union where I have my millions is having its dinner/annual meeting/bingo. I plan to go just for something to do.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, yup, Tom is right, got two extra hours of sleep this morning, woke up just about the time I would normally be waiting for the doors at Brenda's or Denny's to open (we only go to Brenda's a few days a week now). Today I struggle to make my own breakfast. Crazy

It's a bit dry out there, TV lady said humidity was at 11% and dew point at 1 degree. Add wind to that and it's no wonder that my allergies are kicking up. Icon_cry What was really crazy though is that I had a humidifier in the bedroom as advised by my doctor, and a dehumidifier in the hallway to dry out the attic. Icon_rolleyes Got to say though, the dehumidifier was a lot bigger and a whole lot noisier than the humidifier.

Nothing scheduled for today, not sure what I'll do until I'm ready to do it.

Have a great and fruitful weekend, just don't overdo it....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We put a dehumidifier in the basement last year (or was it the year before?) We have been taking enough water out that I have to empty the pail twice a day.

Except recently; the indoor humidity dropped below the 32% or whatever that the device is set at. I haven't had a full pail for a couple of weeks.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, crazy weather coming up. We're around 36-40 right now, but expect mid-70's this afternoon. They're now showing 80 on Thursday. No rain in the forecast until mid-month, and February is usually a good month for rain. We're going to be in real trouble, they keep building houses and apartments and taping our water tables. They're cutting the amount of water that we're getting from the Colorado River and we have speculators buying farmland so they can sell the water rights. All-in-all, this does not look good for water resources.

Still selling tickets for Spring Training games, but MLB is still in a labor dispute and are in lock-out. What can guys making millions every year and only work a few months out of the year have anything to dispute about? Speaking of sports tickets, have you seen the price tag on Super Bowl tickets? Minimum now for nosebleed seats is over $5K, better seats going for around $25K. You can get a 24-seat box for only $900,000, but you'd better hurry, they're going fast. I say no more about either issue. Nope 

David, we need to pump humidity in, we can see single digit humidity in the summer, the dehumidifier is gone now, apparently it only took two days to dry the attic out. My doctor wants me to keep the humidifier going at night and I guess it helps.

Another day of nothing scheduled, no idea what I'm going to do, maybe just veg out again.

Everyone have a great day and do something that pleases you.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and a pleasant 26 this morning. High for today is only supposed to be a few degrees warmer as another of those infamous "fronts" moves through later this morning bringing along wind speeds nearly matching the temperature and possibly some flurries.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Laundry in the morning and then the credit union business meeting and dinner. Even less planned for today.

I do have a dehumidifier in the basement that I run in the summer but it's hooked to the floor drain so I don't have to empty it. In the winter the house is very dry. I really need to see about a humidifier as right now the humidity in the house is around 15%.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
When we first got the dehumidifier, we tried it next to the drain. SWMBO found it very noisy at night -- it was right under our bed. So we shifted it to the other side.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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