The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and -2 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning.  The breezy high for today is supposed to be in the low teens.

After my second rather brisk walk to get my car it is now safely ensconced in my garage and my back account is slightly lower to the tune of $613.  The last generator (not alternator) I bought was in about 1967 for about $35 and installed it myself on my '59 Impala 4 door hardtop.  Great car with a very roomy back seat. Icon_lol

Off to the grocery store this morning.  Still considering whether or not to go to the gym.

All stay  safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

Pennsylvania bipolar weather continues. Currently it is 58 and heading up to 64. Low tonight is supposed to be 30. Tomorrow we are going to be in the 30's and Friday we could have freezing rain.

Took the pup to the vet for her rabies shot. She goes back in two weeks. We hit the grocery store and pharmacy. At the pharmacy I was surprised as they gave me four covid tests kits for free without me asking. They just had them there waiting for me.

I began attaching track on the coal trestle ramp. I painted the base of the coal company yard concrete. I need to add expansion joints, cracks and weather it. I have been debating whether to use Smooth It to create the yard surface or paint it. I am still not sure. I guess I will see how things turn out.

Today we are waiting to see if we can get in to get our haircut. Other than that there is the never-ending laundry.

I want to work more on the yard surface. I need to figure it out so I can attach the coal trestle and finish attaching the track to the ramp and trestle.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, a chilly one here, but still not like what some of you guys are going though. We apparently are sitting in the low 50's and don't expect it to get too much higher all day. Rain in the forecast, but they said it would rain last night and it didn't, so we'll see. Yard guy was suppose to come yesterday, but backed off until tomorrow because the rain would wash all the weed spray away. About five minutes later, the drywall guy calls, he can't make it until tomorrow either. I'm suppose to take my truck in for a recall inspection tomorrow, but fat chance of that happening. All that and I have a dinner invite tomorrow as well, going to be a busy Thursday for sure.

Nothing  else to talk about of significance, baseball folks agree to meet every day until the settle their dispute. The last time the met lasted 15 minutes, so like I said, nothing of significance talk about.

Take care everyone and stay warm. I'm going to try as well, not sure I'm even going out for breakfast, it's way below freezing by Arizona standards.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning 
     32 degrees and cloudy on Wilderson Ave. It may make it to 38 before the temperature starts to fall. More crazy weather predicted for the week end. 

     GERN was selling for 1.05 this morning, up .02.  Maybe some flux would get it up 3%. 

     Gas is continuing to rise here and there is no relief in sight, food prices are going up because of the cost of fuel and the cost of labor so we are getting double whammied there. I feel bad for all of the restaurants, they took a hit with the lock downs and now not only can't find help, but have to raise prices to the point many folks can't afford to eat out. We used to enjoy eating out every Friday night but to be honest, I would rather stay at home and have a steak for the same price as a Whopper or a Big Mac and a $3 Coke. It is a tough world for retail business today. 

       We are puppy sitting our grandsons new puppy that they rescued from the pound. He is doing quite well for a little 12 year old mixed breed (looks like mostly GSD). Our furkids are showing him the ropes. 

        Wishing for good health for everyone 
Decided to go to Denny's for breakfast, saw gas going for $3.85, a cup of coffee at Denny's is almost as much at $3.39. Coffee back in 1940 was five cents a cup, according to the inflation calculator, it should be around $1.00 right now. Hard to believe, but the inflation rate from 1940 to now is 1908.2%. Most of it just the past few weeks I think Crazy

There is talk about regulating the price of GERN in order to stabilize the market. A GERNCOIN right now is priced off the charts. Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

are you O.K.?
Found this on youtube:

Good morning folks

It is 28 going up to 37. We are under a Winter Weather Advisory starting at 7 PM tonight thru 4 PM tomorrow for freezing rain.

I did some laundry and some yard clean up yesterday since the weather was nice.

I tacked down the coal trestle and tried to attach the track to it. For some reason the Liquid Nails did not hold. I think maybe I did not have enough of the adhesive down on the trestle. I redid it this morning and hopefully it works this time. I cut the wall sections for behind the coal trestle and began painting them. I hope to finish painting them and weathering them today.

Wife has an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon today to see if they can figure out her back pain.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, and thank you Lutz for your concern. It's a bit chilly down here but not like that photo that Lutz found. I-40 is up though Flagstaff and frequently gets snowbound. I'm in the desert, over 100 miles south and around 4000 feet lower than Flagstaff. The only people crazy enough to go up there are the weather reporters and ski nuts. Every TV station has a crew there making snow angels and doing things to show off in the snow. Down here, we got a third to a half inch of rain yesterday. We welcome the snow up north in the spring when the snowpack melts. We are very very low on water reserves. BTW, we here in the Phoenix are will be in the 80's by this time next week.

The lawn guy said he'll be here early this morning to weed the lawn and trim bushes, the drywall guy says he can't make it, he says that the rain set him back another day, so maybe tomorrow or Monday. I have a feeling that he's not that good with scheduling, but everyone else I had quote me were four and five weeks out, so I'm going to stick with this guy.

Going to try to move things around so I can reach my stash of kits and material. We have a challenge coming up and I'm not sure that I have a kit I can use, so I'm hoping I have enough stuff to go with a scratchbuild.

Have a good day today, prayers for those in need, especially those in the Ukraine.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 7 headed for snowy and 20 later on with maybe a couple inches of snow by tomorrow morning. Warming trend starts Saturday with highs near 50 by next week. Fingers crossed.

Played with my new GPS yesterday. I bought the super deluxe one with free live traffic updates and so-called "safety" cameras which are nothing more than speed traps. Only catch was that to use this feature I had to install an app on my phone which means the company will have access to my travels. Unfortunately for them I'll only turn it on when I hit the highways. They want the app to also make phone calls and receive and read text messages. I turned that feature off.

Speaking of hitting the road I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for my grandson's final regular season hockey tournament. I'll be back Sunday afternoon. Next week I'll be traveling to South Dakota for his final state hockey tournament. He'll be graduating high school in the spring and then enlisting in the army. I'll be gone for a week on that trip.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Morning fellers.
Cloudy and 21 this morning. All the snow has melted, BUT a fresh batch is in the forecast for this evening.
There's really nothing us old folk can do outside this time of year so it's indoors we stay.
Stay warm, stay safe.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Morning. 
27 degrees with a possible high of 33 today.
I have an appointment at 1PM for an oil change on the car. I have a coupon for $19.95 (at the dealer). I will enjoy a couple of free all beef hot dogs in the dealers customer waiting area and a good cup of free coffee. I know they will try to up sell but there is nothing else the car needs and if it does I have a son that has 40 years as a technician. 

GERN is trading at 1.015 today, down from yesterday, but everything is taking a hit because of the Ukraine invasion. 

I am still working on photos for the Histerical Society and other than that nothing new. 

Just got back from the store. Gas price jumped from $3.34 to $3.49. Not surprising.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

5 headed for 20 with a couple of inches of snow on the ground this morning. 40s over the weekend.

Today will be final preparations and packing for my weekend adventure. Grandson's final regular season hockey tournament. About a two and a half hour drive. I'll be leaving this afternoon and be back Sunday afternoon. About 15 family and friends will be attending. Could be lots of fun.

Prayers for the people in Ukraine.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 31 and going up to 47. It is raining. Luckily in our neck of the woods the freezing rain has not been too bad. Metal and plastic surfaces are ice coated but the sidewalks and roads are not. Go a few miles north to the Lehigh Valley and things are much worse.

The wife had a visit with the orthopedic surgeon to find out about her back pain. Her number 5 vertebrae in her lower back is 11 cm out of alignment and that is the cause of her pain and trouble walking and standing. She needs to get an MRI and start physical therapy. She had to wait a while to see the orthopedic surgeon due to all the issues with the blood clots. This confirms the walking and back pain were not just from the breathing issues from the blood clot.

I finished painting and weathering the wall sections. I began weathering the track for the coal trestle and the ramp. I want to finish the track weathering and then install the wall sections.

Today we are hoping to go to the County Passport Office to get our passports renewed. We are thinking of doing a vacation in late June or July. After that we want to get our haircuts.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all. Yesterday's busy day just resulted in getting the weeds out of the gravel, they picked the big ones and sprayed all around to get the short ones, It still looks like I have a lot of weeds, but they should be drying up by now. Drywall guy says he'll be here today, Let's hope he does, the whole room is in chaos. Suppose to go to a gun show tomorrow, my youngest son says he can get free tickets for the show for the three of us, me and both sons, as well as free parking  so we'll head out early, providing that he actually has the tickets. I really don't need anything there, but we can use some father-sons bonding.

Temps about ten degrees higher than yesterday, mid-60's then a steady increase to the mid-80's by Thursday. Still no sign that they're going to play any baseball this season. I guess they don't care that many thousands of others depend on them for jobs, and many more for entertainment, and so right now that should be their primary focus, not what they can gain by holding out.

Everyone have a fun and safe weekend, don't know what it's like in ski country here, but I'm sure we'll have a bunch heading up north later today after that big snow storm hit the other day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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