The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

it is 57 heading up to 74!? After that temperatures will be dropping and our overnight low will be 38. We are under another Wind Advisory for the day.

Mikey the propeller looks really cool. Looks like you are having fun with your 3D printer.

I started working on doing the quarterly cleaning and shining of the floors yesterday and ran into a problem. For some unknown reason the last wax I put down on a portion of the dining room floor is discolored and giving me problems as I now have to strip it off. I thought I would get the dining room done but I only got about a quarter of the room done. I am going to try to see if I have better luck today.

I added screws to the coupler clips on an Athearn blue box boxcar and painted a bunch of metal wheels. I am trying to clear off the layout some of the cars that need tuning up before I start working on the hot dog stand.

Wife has physical therapy for her back this afternoon. I also need to run to the produce store and the grocery store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
A gloomy Monday morning. 34 degrees now, we had rain overnight. Yesterday's high of 62 was spoiled by high wind.
Saturday, I had a grandson poke his head into the attic and pull everything down. 90 percent of it went out to the curb this morning.
Listening to some Patsy Cline this morning.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone. Well I started back to therapy today for my foot. I am almost 4 months post foot surgery and it sure was painful today after having a set back 3 weeks ago. It is a warm 61 degrees here but with rain. Hope you all have a good day today.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good afternoon.
       A soggy 59 here in the suburbs of the big village. The radar looks like another couple hours before it will clear. We had a record high of 73 yesterday. 
I have nothing special to do today so i may just do some porch sitting while exercising.  I have lost 10 pounds since i started my diet. Youmight say I gave up food for Lent. 
Greetings, gang.

It's 25 and clear at the base of the Black Hills. That's supposed to be the overnight low and only a few degrees warmer for tomorrow with the possibility of snow tomorrow night and Wed.

This past weekend was truly spectacular for my grandson. As I've mentioned in previous posts he was playing in his final hockey tournament. His team won on late Friday afternoon 4-1. On Saturday night he and his team played the best game I've ever watched and they knocked off the #1 seed 3-2. That set them up for the championship Sunday afternoon which they won 5-1. What a way to end his high school hockey career - as state champions! Needless to say it was pretty emotional for all concerned. He will graduate high school in May and will enlist in the Army as a military policeman in August when he turns 18.

Tomorrow evening my daughter and the mother from his team will be playing the moms of the varsity team. Could be quite entertaining. Then depending on the amount of snow I will be heading home on Wed.

Matthew - hope all went well with your therapy.

SJ - can't go wrong with Ms Cline.

Don - glad to hear the construction project is completed.

Tom - hope your wife's therapy went well also.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, going to be as the report says, "plenty of sunshine but a bit cooler". That's OK, it'll be in the mid-80's again by Sunday.

Gas is now well over $4.00 for regular, $4.29/$4.39 at most stations. $4.59 for brand name. Looked at California, $5.79 is common. Someone is taking advantage of us, nothing has changed, just panic buying and price gouging, that's all....

Had a busy day yesterday, got the garage all cleaned up, did the wiring going to the new section of my layout and most important, I put the two sections together and all the tracks line up 2285_ 2285_ They are fixed, but I've got ways of keeping the two sections aligned and it appears to work. Now I can go look for material to start on my challenge.

Have a great and safe day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

Our psycho weather continues as it is 38 and going up to 48. We had a nasty storm roll through last evening. With the wind I was surprised we did not loose power. The lights flickered a few times. We could have snow tomorrow to deal with. It was 77 yesterday and two days later snow. Have to love Pennsylvania weather.

Wife's therapy went well. She liked the therapist who generally tried to help. This was a welcome change from the last three or four times she or I went to physical therapy. The so called therapists were, "here go do these exercises" and then would either disappear or go have a conversation with someone and offer no help or guidance making the experience a big waste of time. She goes back Thursday.

I am still working on the dining room floor. I got the old wax up and have finished two thirds of the room.

I added metal wheels and screws to the coupler clip on another Athearn blue box boxcar. I got another 25 cars of varying type and makers to finish tuning up.

The puppy has a vet appointment for another shot and I need to make the produce store and grocery store run I should have done yesterday.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning.
         That storm that hit you Tompm went through here yesterday and we had a whiteout from the wall of water that came with the wind. Thankfully no damage or power outage. bout an hour later it started to rain and that lasted about an hour before clearing. It had already rained all night Sunday evening and the total rainfall was over 2 inches. We have a lot of low area flooding this morning, but no more rain in todays forecast. 

          I had a session with therapy 4 years ago. I somehow injured my back but it was one of those things they couldn't see any problem. I don't remember doing anything but I woke up one morning with it hurting and by nightfall I had my wife drive me to the ER. They did all the tests and did a full body Cat scan and nothing showed up. They gave me morphine to ease the pain yet it didn't touch it. I never had pain that bad before or since. The doctor sent me to a therapist and I was approved for 6 sessions. The insurance paid 300 bucks a session and my co-pay was 30 bucks, and like you experienced the guy gave me a sheet with exercises and sat at his desk and read a book.  After 3 sessions and no relief and no help with therapy I spent 20 bucks with a chiropractor and got  a lot of relief immediately.  The chiropractor also had a masseuse at her clinic and asked her to check me out. She did some magic trick I swear and though it hurt like hell I could feel the pain goin out of my body.  3 days later I scheduled a 30 minute massage and another bone cracking session and a couple days later I was back to normal. Made me a believer for what a good masseuse and chiropractor can do. When I had my knees replaced the therapist was a saddest and I told the surgeon no pain no gain approach was not in the best interest. The second knee the therapy was exactly as it should have been. I gained full motion in my knees simply by sitting and rocking in a rocking chair. 

       Well, I guess I did a little rant. Sorry about that  Icon_e_biggrin .

        Don, I am glad the ceiling job is done and done well. I am   looking forward to the challenges. I didn't enter because i can't get organized enought to plan ahead that far. 

        I got a message from my friend across the border in PA and diesel fuel was 5.56 a gallon yesterday. He has a truck that is diesel that he uses for his camper. He will be somewhat limited for travels this year. I too was planning a long trip in the motor home but with gas prices now at 4 bucks and better with no end in sight I will be staying local. 
I really wanted to go visit my friend that is the chief mechanical officer at the Heber Valley Railroad. I won't fly so that option is off the table too.   

        Fiat fan,  it sounds like a great end to the high school career for your grand son. He will do well in the army. I had 2 grandsons serve in the air force, one of them married his instructor and she still serves in the Air national guard as a full time instructor and is an E8 with 21 years of service. She is thinking about retirement and they have 2 children that I love dearly but only see every couple years. They are in Kansas. My grandson is a computer specialist and works from home and tend the children. 

        I wish heavy one health and happiness and I pray we can prevent further escalation of the needless conflict overseas. 

Good morning everyone. Well it is a cold day here today. We had a little bit of snow fall last night and early this morning. The temp from yesterday to today is a big difference. It went from 61 to 24 real quick. They are calling for rain and snow tonight into tomorrow. Hopefully they are wrong and the warmer temps return soon. Hope you all have a good day.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Well time for me to go to the hobby shop again today. Let's see what I can find today and bring home. Hopefully I don't spend to much lol.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
HI ALL  . well another week down the hole not much going on work on rolling stock need to get to Tucson and get some roadbed so i can finish track work  , started wiring  wife still doing her outside thing which means i get interrupted to help her  .  stay safe and with the price of fuel stay home and work on trains .
(03-08-2022, 05:14 PM)jim currie Wrote: HI ALL  . well another week down the hole not much going on work on rolling stock need to get to Tucson and get some roadbed so i can finish track work  , started wiring  wife still doing her outside thing which means i get interrupted to help her  .  stay safe and with the price of fuel stay home and work on trains .

Jim, when you go, check out their stock of N stuff, especially kits. If it's worth going I might just cruise down that way.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 39 heading up to 40. We may get snow, we may get rain, we may get nothing. Just another typical Pennsylvania weather forecast. At the moment it is nothing.

Took the pup to the vet to her last distemper shot. In two weeks she start Lyme disease and something else round of shots. We went to the produce store and the grocery store. I did not get to finish the dining room floor. Hopefully today I will.

I got another Athearn blue box boxcar tuned up with metal wheels and screws to the coupler clips. I got only one done last night because I had trouble with the coupler height. I noticed the weight was bent and pushing the coupler down. I straightened the weight and then saw the floor was not sitting correctly inside the body and I fixed that. I still needed one washer under the each truck to match the coupler guide but at least it was not the three under each truck previously need. I hope to get more cars done today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning Blue
        33 degrees here with light snow heading for 39 and a possibility of an inch sticking by the end of the day. We ate totally saturated with water. I wish we could send some to the Lame Mead drainage area. 

         Nothing much to report. The starvation diet continues. I am losing so that is some consolation and I am starting to feel a little more active. 

          We have been a day care center for the newest grand pup, a mixed breed from the shelter, while the grand kids and the great grand kids are at work and school. That is from 10 to 3. The little guy was 15 pounds 2 weeks ago and I weighed him yesterday and he is 28 pounds. He appears to have a lot of GSD in him and is as smart as any dog I have ever seen. He is very friendly too. Here he is on his gotcha day, 2/17      And last week next to our 75 pound female Samoyed (Who is trying so hard to ignore his attempts to get her to play.)     And then here is a shot from yesterday on our sun porch.      

          Our border collie is only 2 and he loves having a playmate. Yesterday they took the time to redig the holes in the side yard that I filled on Sunday. They were so excited to have a job to do. Wink

          If I said gas came down overnight I would be lying. It hit 4 bucks. 

           Cheers and safe travels. Icon_cool Cheers
Good morning all, Stopped by the bank to get a loan before I went to Costco. Filled up there about ten days ago at $3.65, yesterday it was $3.99, today I filled up at $4.29. Costco about 10 miles away is at $4.04, that will change come the next tank truck.

Got one appointment today then some work out in the workshop again. Got some friends coming in next month for a bit of poker, need to make a storage bedroom back into a sleeping bedroom.

Heard the sweet chirping of a smoke alarm, I could not find which one so I thought I could just shut the bedroom door when I go to sleep. Turns out that the chirping one was in the bedroom. Climbed the ladder, changed the battery, climbed the ladder again, hit, "reset", climbed the ladder again to remove the battery so I can get to sleep. Will try again today.

So much for that, I will consider that as my exercise regime for this week.

Take care and have a great day. Prayers for all in need, especially those in the Ukraine
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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