The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
My father-in-law passed away from ALS today. Such a horrible disease. Thankful myself and my wife got to be with him at the end. I think that gave him peace. Luckily, his disease progressed quickly. He was still able to eat and talk a little until a month ago. Some have it much worse and spend months or more unable to talk and eating thru a tube.
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Deeply sorry for your loss. You and your family have our deepest sympathies and prayers.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Kevin - my condolences on your loss. ALS is nasty. My son-in-law lost his mom a couple of years ago and now he may have it. Waiting for scans.

In other health news my granddaughter is doing well in her chemo. Brain lesions are maintaining or decreasing so progress is encouraging.

Clear and a little cool this morning at 25 degrees but it will warm nicely to the upper 60s later on.

I wound up not going to the gym yesterday. Just couldn't find any interest. I did make a grocery run. While I was out I noticed that gas was down to $3.75. Had been $3.99 earlier in the week.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, yes, it's Saturday and yes, I did sleep a lot longer today than usual.

Kevin,  condolences to you and your family. It is heartbreaking to lose a family member under any circumstances, but a progressive disease like this can be traumatic.

Tom, good to hear about your granddaughter, it's encouraging.

As for Pat, (Duffy), he's doing well, it'll take weeks for him to heal, but his doctors are surprised by his progress.

Yes, gas prices are going down, just that the folks selling gas in the Phoenix area didn't get the memo. They are holding fast at $4.59. We ate breakfast at a truck stop about 50 miles from downtown Phoenix along I-10 on Monday and gas was $4.32 there.

Today is the last in the 80's for a few days. Big drop tomorrow with possibly some rain. No one knows for sure, the guesses are all over the place. The TV lady wins with a 25% chance.

Take care everyone, and do something today that you enjoy doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Kevin - Condolences for your loss. ALS and Alzheimer's are horrible, horrible diseases for both the patient and the family.
Prayers for all of the family!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

So glad to hear that PJ is doing better!!!!

15 or 20 years ago, a recall (Ford Taurus) was scheduled and I was offered another demonstrator Taurus to take, but It was a company vehicle and I had a ride.

15 Years ago I had routine work done at a Chrysler dealer for my PT Cruiser and I was "forced" to take a Crossfire Smile . They scheduled it along with the service.
When I called to confirm the appt, the man said: "OK, you're all set, when you drop off your vehicle, we'll have a car here waiting for you."

When I had my air bag recall (Ford Ranger) taken care of about 3 years ago there were 2 choices: Get a ride, on my own, to and from or wait.
I scheduled an appointment and waited 1.5 hours.

So now they have evolved to "You are on your own" Wow!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning everybody, suppose to be chilly today, low 70's with the possibility of rain later today.

Yup Mikey, things change, the customers takes second place to profits, but not always. I bought a Ruger pistol, and had problems with it. After the third time in for repair, they said I could pick any other 9MM they made. I picked one that was about $100 more, no problem, that's what they sent back. I have a .22 Ruger, that was long out of warranty and had a problem with it. Ruger sent me a shipping label, fixed it at no charge and returned it with a "thank you for your business" card and a small gift. I bought a Ruger revolver about two years ago and had a problem with the cylinder, I sent one email to their customer service a few weeks ago, they send me a new one a few days later on my word. That is the old-fashion way to do business, even in times when it's hard to keep up with demand, they still treat the customer with respect.

That's my story for today, it would be nice if all other businesses would follow in Ruger's lead.

'tis Sunday, got time today to work on my challenge structure. The curved roof I'm doing is proving to have it's own set of challenges, but then what would a challenge be without challenges?

Take care and enjoy the day, oh yeah, and HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX DAY, the first day of Spring.... Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy spring, gang.

26 now headed for 69 later with lots of sun. Rain starts late tomorrow night and lasts through Wednesday.

Yesterday was a pretty productive day for me. Got the laundry all caught up then after lunch I spent some time repairing track on the Backyard & Southern RR. Ran out of ballast material. I need to make a run to Menards for that and some other items for outdoors. Also discovered yesterday that I need to replace my water softener. Fortunately Menards has their 11% sale going on. Also got in a nice bike ride.

This morning is not going as well. The furnace just quit again. Do not ask me how happy I am about that. On the other hand the first Formula 1 race of the season is today. Pre-race starts in about a half hour wit the race starting at 10.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Thanks for the condolences regarding my father in law. It was extremely difficult.

Don - there is a chance of rain later today? Had no idea!

Got 10 hours sleep last night. I feel like I have needed that sleep for 6 months.

Went to a swap meet yesterday and didnt buy anything. Didnt even look. Mainly went to meet my brother and my nephew and take the kids on the free train rides.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Quote:Don - there is a chance of rain later today? Had no idea!

If it does, it's suppose to happen around 2:00, one hour from now, but like all other forecasts, some say 3%, others up to 15%. I think I'll go out and wash the truck, that's how much I believe them.

Where did you go with a swap meet and a train? Adobe Mountain maybe? I haven't been up there in many years, never know when they have their swap meets, don't get cards anymore and they don't have notices in Model Railroader.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 41 heading up to 62.

Friday and Saturday the weather was perfect for working in the yard. We raked the leaves and cleaned up the gardens in the back yard. I swept and cleaned out the carport. I tried trimming the forsythia but came to realization my shoulder and back won't let me do all the trimming needed. I will need to talk to our yard guy to add it to his list.

All the outside work and inevitable recovery time meant little modeling got done. I did begin working on the hot dog stand. I got some painting done and signs. The kit is an old Pola kit even though it was sold by Model Power. The graphics for the signs are stickers not decals. I guess I will see how well they hold up.

Today is physical therapy for the wife. I hope to work more on the hot dog stand. I need to post my progress in the my yet to be created challenge thread.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

It's a cloudy 56 outside my window this morning with a guessed at high in the low 70s. Rain starts late tonight and lasts through Wed. night.

Entertaining race yesterday. Mechanical failures took both cars of one of the top teams out just before the end of the race. Some very close and dramatic racing at various times. Could be an interesting season. A bike ride in the afternoon completed my attempt a serious activity yesterday. This morning I need to make a Menards run and a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(03-20-2022, 01:59 PM)ezdays Wrote:
Quote:Don - there is a chance of rain later today? Had no idea!

If it does, it's suppose to happen around 2:00, one hour from now, but like all other forecasts, some say 3%, others up to 15%. I think I'll go out and wash the truck, that's how much I believe them.

Where did you go with a swap meet and a train? Adobe Mountain maybe? I haven't been up there in many years, never know when they have their swap meets, don't get cards anymore and they don't have notices in Model Railroader.

Yes adobe.  Dont worry, didnt see much N scale stuff.  Actually didnt even look that hard.  I looked at a few tables and realized there wasnt much i needed and have way too many projects anyway.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Good morning all, yeah, some rain yesterday, but not here. Some over on the east side and north around the county line, but none anywhere else. I guess that still counts as a hit for the forecasters... Temps going back up, we're suppose to be in the mid 90's by this weekend. Yes, I said mid-90's, that's five degrees from 100 Eek .....

Not much else, built a bed frame for a buddy that coming into town for a few days in April. Converted a storage room back into a bedroom and plan on keeping it that way in case some other guests happen to stumble by.

Still working on my Arby's challenge project. Trying to detail the inside a bit before I glue everything together.

Take care, have a great day.... Icon_cool
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, drizzly, and 44 this morning with a high predicted to be a whopping 48. Kind of a let down after yesterday's 73. Rain/drizzle/snow predicted through tomorrow night.

Pricey day yesterday. Got the new water softener and associated materials to hook it up. Also got the old one out and hauled outside. Then I got the wall scraped down and ready for painting. I'll do that today after more prep work. If the paint dries quickly enough I should be able to get the new softener installed also. Also got a couple of bags of rock put in place in the Backyard & Southern. Pea gravel for ballast is in the shed to be worked on after the rain lets up.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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