The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, weather-wise, we tied the record or 114 yesterday. Saw the TV news showing a bit of a dust storm and even some rain just to the north of us. We just got the wind here though. The station called yesterday a, "Weather Action Day", don't have a clue what that means, it sounds important, but since we have weather everyday you have to wonder.... Still, they show a good chance of rain later this week I'm sure, calling for more, "Weather Action". Don't know when the last time it rained here, but it's been quite a few months.

APS, my power provider, has control of my thermostat so they can regulate power surges when it gets too hot and everyone's A/C is running. Yesterday, they first lowered my temp to 76 degrees, then raise it to the mid-80's for a couple of hours. The idea is to get the house cold enough so it'll stay cool during the time they raise it,  hoping the A/C won't come back on. I can override whatever they set it at and I did when icicles started to form and I was shivering. They do send you a text in advance when they're doing this.

Tom, kind of odd someone lying at the side of the road like that, homeless, maybe a drunk or a tired jogger... Regardless, you did the right thing.

Not sure what I did yesterday, apparently not much since I can't remember. Maybe get something done today worth remembering. Icon_rolleyes 

Have a exciting day today, just be careful.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, very muggy and 75 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 75 right now with 95% humidity. The high will be in the mid to upper 90s after the approaching shower departs and the sun comes out.

Yesterday was a long hot day. Baseball games started at 8 AM and lasted until almost 3. My great-grandson's team won the tourney. Nothing much planned for today. I may go for a bike ride soon if the shower passes quickly enough. I also need to make a quick run to the grocery store.

The local power company had a different way to reduce electrical consumption. They put a device on my A/C to shut it off if there is excessive demand. In all the years we've had it there was only one instance when it caused a problem. We had just returned from a long trip and turned the A/C on. The house didn't get a chance to fully cool before it was shut off but the shut-off only lasted about 90 minutes. In return for that control the power company gives me $30 off every November.

Gas price here dropped to $4.49 here late yesterday so I was able to fill the tank for less than $50.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Monday Morning to ya all. Got another big fire up near Flagstaff. Folks are being evacuated, roads are closed. 4,500 acres so far and it just started yesterday. Someone has been arrested but they won't say who or why. The days are a bit cooler, but we've got a lot of wind, so that doesn't help. Still looking good for rain this weekend.

Not much else going on personally. Just have an early morning appointment and maybe a stop at Walmart. 

Have a great week, take care and stay safe, things can get crazy out there....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 80 today. Storms by evening they say.
Saturday's club meet was well attended. Lots of chit-chat, we even ran some trains.
Of course, I lazed Sunday. My wife spent the day playing in the garden.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. Monday again not much doing getting warm here car said 116 at 11:30  no rain in forecast till the 18th then its only 4% . got to go help wife water  , you all stay safe and cool . 
Good evening folks

Just dropping in quickly. Had a crazy weekend that did not turn out the way I expected. My wife had a breathing episode which resulted in us not making it to the local Pride Festival on Saturday. Sunday was a run to Delaware for gas. Then followed runs to the grocery store and pharmacy. I did not get any thing else done as I was exhausted.

I did not get a chance to post earlier as I had to use my downtime at work to deal with a problem with my auto insurance. My policy disappeared from the website this morning. It was there on Friday. After several phones calls they finally got the problem resolved.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Happy Flag Day, gang.

78 with 77% humidity and winds up to 25 mph. The high is supposed to be in the upper 90s with winds near 40 mph. Definitely a day to stay indoors as much as possible.

Nothing occurred around here yesterday and today looks to be a rerun.

Tom - hope your wife is doing ok now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, looks like we're taking another hit on gas prices, I see most stations here are up another ten cents to $5.69. Traffic was very light yesterday, wonder if gas prices have anything to do with that, maybe just the last of the snowbirds have gone home. Temps still range from the low 100's to 112 this week, still a possibility of rain this weekend.

We now have two wildfires going near Flagstaff, just about 7 miles away from each other. The big one is over 5,000 acre already. They announced that the guy they arrested went to the bathroom in the woods, then set fire to his TP. stating that fire. They should charge him the full cost of fighting this fire including evacuations and restorations. Going to be in the high millions before it's over. Right now the wind is not only spreading the fire, but it's keeping the air tankers and copters grounded.

Another appointment this morning, don't have any other plans. Too busy answering the phone. I do answer most of them since some of my doctors don't show their names on who's calling. I won't pick up if I see it's from someone in my exchange since I don't know anyone else in that exchange. Once I saw that it was me calling... Waiting What I get mostly is:
  • Cold call, people want to offer me cash for my house
  • Cold call, realtors wanting to list my house
  • Political surveys and polls
  • Other surveys
  • Expired car warranties  
  • Need to send gift card info to the IRS to avoid being arrested
  • Frozen bank accounts (some for banks that aren't even in Arizona)
  • Calls that apparently are from bots that go, "bloop", then no one picks up
  • I've won either a lottery or the PCH sweepstakes without ever entering
  • An occasional "Grandpa" call from someone claiming to be my grandchild who needs money for bail or a lawyer.
What I need is a phone that will announce who is calling so I don't have to reach for it when it rings.... Awesome 

Take care and have a good day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is now 63 with a predicted high of 81. We just had a very loud thunderstorm roll through.

Wife was feeling a lot better but there are still some breathing issues going on. She is going to try to get a hold of her allergist. We did get some plants moved into new pots on the front patio.

I had a good day modeling as I built five Athearn blue box 50 FT boxcars. I am probably going to try to build a few more kits today. I also have a bunch of cars to tune up.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning
        I had a good day yesterday. I put the final piece of metal on the front porch roof, the trim piece for the end.  I removed the forms from the 8 feet of side walk my grandson, wife and I poured on Sunday. 

        The weather folks called for alert condition one and Armageddon over night so we prepared and we were all ready for the 2 hour nice steady rain that produced a 1/4 inch of water. 

         Nothing else to report except they are saying we are going to have a heat wave.  I am only 78 years old, but I think we have had heat waves in June, July August, and even September every year that I can remember but now it is something for the weather folks to hype.  "Will we have severe storms this afternoon? Stay tuned"  (The answer is NO) we will have a very pleasant day)

         My wife went to see our new PCP  yesterday (the last one moved on). She went so they could go over her blood work (drawn last week) She didn't have the report so she went over the one from 6 months ago. My wife had the current results because the lab sent them to her a day after the draw. I guess I need to find a new PCP before I go in August. Her numbers were greatly improved over the one 6 months ago so it was just a wasted visit. Frankly I wish my veterinarian could be my PCP. Maybe if I barked a lot I could convince him to take me on. When we take the dogs in for a check up they draw blood and have the results and go over them with us during the visit yet as humans we can't get that fast of service. 

     I am waiting for parts for train projects so I may work on the motor home for a break.

Hello Blue
Sun and low 80s today, a middle 90s tomorrow is very hot for here.
Storms rolled through overnight, leaving some without power.
Not much else going on, I'm just enjoying the summer weather, green grass and flowers. Home grown tomatoes are another summer pleasure.
Had hope for a few days of travel this year but high gas prices and other travel expenses might keep us home, haven't decided yet.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

More gloom in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Just had another thunderstorm roll through the area. Looks like about a quarter inch in the rain gauge. More severe storms to the south of me. 70 now headed for a one day respite from the heat. Only 78 for this afternoon. Upper 80s and 90s well into next week.

Did some shopping yesterday morning but otherwise stayed inside. This morning I'll be heading to Ames for a follow-up visit with a dermatologist. After that I'll visit some stores not available locally for various and sundry items.

Interest note on my cell phone usage. One of the most frequent callers according to my cell phone is the lady I dated for about a year. I haven't talked to her in about 4 years so yeah, my cell phone doesn't get a lot of use.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, we are still in an "excessive heat warning" mode for a while yet, 105 yesterday, the same for today. Rain chances are diminishing, Saturday's forecast was 80%, now down to around 20%. It's been months since we saw even a trickle. Some folks get more rain in an hour than we have gotten so far this year. The big fire up near Flagstaff jumped from 5,000 acres to over 24,000 by yesterday morning, don't have any updated info as of today. It seems like the media is more concerned about how Ozzy Osborn is doing and the outcome of the Johnny Depp trial than they are about folks being evacuated because some dodo-head tried to burn his TP in the woods.

Gas still holding at $5.69 at independents, $5.89 for brand-name. I see in other parts of the country you can still find gas for under $4.00.

Got a letter from the IRS a few weeks ago, never a good sign, but not so this time. Seems like I overpaid my taxes for 2020 and I'm due a refund. I thought there would be a check coming, but I read the letter again yesterday, I have a couple of weeks to contest their ruling then 4-6 more weeks before they cut a check. Oh, they are including interest while I wait.

Take care, be good and have a delightful day today...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
        We installed the window AC in the room where we have our computer. My wife insisted. This unit is over 15 years old and I was going to replace it with a more energy efficient unit but you know how it goes when the brass says install it. I ordered a new one this morning. We only cool 640 Square foot. We downsized from 11 rooms when I retired. My train building is larger than the house. Wink
            I don't use my cell phone much either. We were using trakfones but the customer service got really bad so I found US Mobile and I really like the price. I did find it cheaper for my wife and i to have separate accounts. She uses hers a lot more than I use mine. Hers costs us 19.91 a month and mine is 16.91. We both get unlimited talk and text. 

            Hot day here today.
Good morning folks

It is 84 along the banks of the Schuylkill River in sunny Manayunk. Heading up to a high of 88.

Spent a good chunk of the evening helping the wife to get together all the paperwork she needs to send to her retirement board regarding her disability. No modeling.

I discovered yesterday that there are fresh water clams in the Schuylkill River. Yesterday walking around the project site I saw the river shoreline was loaded with clam shells. I brought a couple home to the wife. She used to work for the Delaware Museum of Natural History and thier specialty is mollusks. She was able to identify them and that there is a hatchery downriver from the project and they have been placing them in the river to improve water quality for a number of years.

I hope to get some modeling in today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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