The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, a nice cool 84 out right now, but the sun isn't up yet either. We did get a bit of rain last night, not a lot, but they got about a half inch just a few miles north of us.

Thank you David, I knew there was a name I heard on the news, I just couldn't remember it. Regardless, it's a cruel way to deal with inflation. Surprise, you paid more and got less. However, gas is dropping here, on the east side of the valley Costco is $4.89, here on the west side, it's $5.09. Brand names are still very proud of their gas and want $5.69 for it even though they're just a few blocks from stations that are much lower. The cheapest gas in Arizona, courtesy of Gas Buddy is $4.39 in Bullhead City, a town on the Colorado River about 50 miles from the nearest freeway. Confusing at best. Waiting 

Got some home things to catch up with today, been taking it easy and things are catching up with me, so a work day today.

Take care, have a great day and stay cool and dry.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and breezy this morning. 75 now going to 91 this afternoon.

Went to the grocery store yesterday and when I got home I carried the bags in one at a time. Doctor put me on a 10 lb weight limit so I've been extra careful. Later this morning I'll be going next door to get the dressing changed. The ear seems to be doing ok. I haven't taken any pain medication since Tuesday afternoon. I have been sleeping on the couch so that I don't accidentally roll over on that side and mess things up. This afternoon is my Thursday group with the first appearance of the couple back from Nevada. Should be lots of fun. Then later this evening my SIL and her husband show up for an overnight visit. They will be leaving again in the morning.

Charlie - thanks for the info. Like you I use a lot of free software to replace the Micro$oft stuff. Open office and thunderbird but I use Firefox. I figure The Googler gets enough information without using their browser also.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

We made it home. Actually we got in Tuesday but I never got online yesterday. Feels like we never left Punta Cana. Temperature is 88 heading up to 89. Difference is instead of being up to my neck in water and holding a cold drink I am sitting in a construction trailer eating leftovers for lunch with lukewarm iced tea.

I will fill in details later.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning folks and welcome to July. A holiday weekend for us in the USA, I'd stay off of I-17 starting now though Tuesday. It should be bumper-to-bumper heading north until Monday, then south after that. Got a few neighbors that like to keep everyone awake with fireworks. The city says it's OK to do fireworks on private property, meaning everyone's back yard, but limited to twice a year, New Year's and July 4.

Welcome home Tom, sounds like you had a restful vacation. Hope your wife is doing better.

Temps still a bit below 110, rain in the forecast everyday, but that's just to protect their reputation. No rain the past two days, but one minute clear skies, the next a downpour so there's no real accurate forecast.

Take care everyone and have a fun and safe weekend...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 68. Supposed to be like this all day with a high around 85.

Quiet day yesterday. Sister-in-law and her husband arrived around 10:30 last night. They are still sleeping so it's quiet in the house. They will leave later this morning for Nebraska where he is an interim pastor. My new laptop is in town and should be delivered this afternoon. Getting it set up will keep me occupied over the weekend.

Welcome back, Tom. Sounds like you had a good time. When I was working I always thought the first day back after vacation you should only have to work a half day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Big Blue. 

        We have now got 6 feral kittens and their mom hanging out in the car shelter. I caught her on the trail cam bring them a nice morsel.     
We have been feeding one feral orange tabby male because he has been hanging around here for 6 or 7 years keeping the chipmunks at bay. We call him Vinney, and he looks like he has been through the war. He will rub against your legs but don't try to touch him.   I am not a cat person but I really do like this wild child.      
He had a deep wound on his back several years ago that could have been an Eagle attempt at a meal, and he has a drooping eye now and again but he seems really healthy for a guy that gets no vetting.  No, we will not feed the kittens  If they hang around I will try to catch them and take them to the shelter. They are beautiful cats and will be easy to rehome, but the shelters are over run with cats. There is a local spay and neuter clinic that will snip and clip for a 10 dollar donation and they clip an ear so they can be turned loose to fend for themselves without reproducing.

I finished the water leak project yesterday and made arrangements to have some work done on my driveway. 

Tom. to get rid of the office nag you can download the Microsoft support and recovery assistant which gives you the option to remove office from your system. It does get annoying when every time you want to open a document it pops up and tries to get your money to subscribe even though you have open office set as the default.

Everyone have a good day
Good morning folks

It is 81 and heading up to 93. We have a chance of storms for later.

The vacation was very relaxing and has given us a needed restart. The folks at the resort took real good care of us. We would definitely return.

I am still trying to catch up on some sleep. There is a huge pile of laundry to deal with.

We have no real plans this weekend. We will be keeping an eye on the puppy and her reaction to fireworks. We want to and pick up flowers for the front garden and the window boxes. We will probably grill a couple of times.

I have a backlog of modeling projects which mostly revolves around tuning up a bunch of rolling stock. I hope to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Happy World UFO Day, gang!

Partly cloudy and 59 headed for still partly cloudy and 84 later on.

About 8 yesterday morning my daughter called to invite me to breakfast. I counter offered with an opportunity ti visit with her aunt and uncle. We all went out to breakfast together. After a pleasant meal and visit everyone left. By the time I got back from breakfast my new laptop had arrived. I spent the remainder of the day getting it set up with my preferences. It turned out to be Windows 10 and of course Micro$oft immediately wanted me to upgrade to 11. I graciously declined. I may try it out at a later time. I expect I will be forced to go there eventually.

Only plan for today will be laundry and continued work on the laptop.

Interesting coincidence - in addition to being World UFO Day it i also the day Amelia Earhart disappeared. Hmmm.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Hopefully an easy day with only minor projects.  I hope our Canadian friends had a good holiday yesterday, and I wish the folks from the U>S> a great holiday on Monday as well. I hope we all remember that it is Independence Day. 
Ahh, good morning all, Saturday, really slept in today, 10 hours worth. Got some stuff to do today so the extra rest will help.

Just got an email from Cabel's they are now giving military 5% discounts on everything including ammo. Got 10% the other day at Home Depot and Lowe's but both stores now have exceptions like lumber and millwork.

Was not aware of Canada Day being yesterday, belated congratulations and good wishes to all our friends up there. As for our celebrating our Independence Day, I hope everyone remembers what it took for us to achieve the freedoms that we do have on both sides of our border. Folks now days get so upset about the little things and forget about what it took to get to where we are. Hard work, sacrifice, risk-taking, but now all we seem to have are protests, flag-burning and folks upset because they're not getting their free pieces of the pie. I saw an article this morning, "Are you proud to be an American", and I had to stop and think. YES, I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, what I'm not proud of are those folks that want to take us down from within. This weekend should not only be all about hot dogs, fireworks and long lines to the lakes and beaches, we should be respecting the freedoms that we have and what it took to get and keep them. Speak up!!!!!

Off the soap box, everyone have a great fun-filled and save weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

73 already headed for the upper 80s. Into the 90s after that with varying chances for rain through Thursday.

Laundry and finishing up the laptop were my activities for yesterday. Only thing planned for today is the F1 race this morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun this morning going into the 80s today and 90s tomorrow.
Today will be an early evening grillin with the kids and then the guys will give us fireworks show. Tonight is better for the working part of the family as everyone is back to work Tuesday morning. Fireworks are legal here on holidays with local law restrictions. Not much else going on, my sinuses are still draining and diving me nuts.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, still mid-morning here. No rain today, I saw marks on my truck yesterday  but not enough to say it rained. Temps heading closer to 100 this week.

Fireworks are legal for the next few days and someone in our neighborhood took advantage of that last night. I'm sure there'll be more tonight and lots more on Monday. That's OK, as long as they do it with the right spirit in mind and do it safely. Some folks find  illegal fireworks and have caused some bad things to happen. Some communities have canceled their shows because of supply chain issues. The stuff you can buy at Walmart is readily available, just that none of it flies in the air and worthy of oohs and aahs.

Just going to take it easy of today and tomorrow, might spend some time on my layout, not sure.

Take care and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
81 and sunny right now in Forest Hill, MD.

Took advantage of the nice weather to take the dog over to Rocks State Park to hike the White Trail. Going to the park takes you right along the former mainline of the Maryland and Pennsylvania RR (the Ma and Pa). Hard to believe that trains ran through there a little more than 60 years ago. My local model railroad store (up until 2 years ago) was the old Forest Hill Station, replete with "Choo Choo" Charlie. Sadly, Charlie is with the Ma and Pa now and his leftovers have been sold at auction. Not sure what the plan is for the station, but it is a beautiful building.

The bride and I will be headed to Fort Hood, Texas to spend a week with my son and his wife. The 1LT is on leave - his unit has had a series of rumors regarding where and when they might be deployed for six months to a year. That make me think a lot about what Don said about freedom not being free. Aaron's deployment options? Poland, South Korea and the Middle East... Freedom is not free.

My great (x7) uncle (Robert Morris) signed the Declaration of Independence. He didn't sign until at least August of 1776, but I still think about him and the others bold enough to put their signatures on that document to step into the abyss. Their only guarantee was probably at trip to the gallows if their volunteer army collapsed, but they stood up for what is right, and they stood together despite having huge differences in opinion on many subjects. We could all stand to think about that these days....
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good morning and a Happy 4th of July to all. Even those that don't celebrate the birthday of the USA, it's still the 4th of July everywhere.

Not much activity last night, one or two families a bit further away had a few fireworks, that was it. Watched the USFL game for a while. I switched channels for a few minutes right after Philly took the lead, and back just as Birmingham squeaked by for the win. It was a good game and there were lots of spectators, I guess that could be because they were playing in Birmingham, eh! Sorry Mikey and Tom, maybe next year.

Today should be a day of rest and fun, no BBQ's scheduled, not even a hot dog, but I still have a few house chores to do. Nothing that can't wait, but I'm getting a bit antsy just sitting around. Not sure that my back will ever get any better than it is, so I just need to get stuff done.

Everyone enjoy the day whether you're still celebrating Canada Day or Independence Day and stay safe while you're doing it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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