The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy Fourth of July, gang.

Cloudy, 72, and very humid at the moment. Clearing is on the way along with much warmer temperatures. 90s for today and tomorrow. With this humidity I'll definitely be turning on the a/c. I did finally get some rain. Got about an inch of mostly slow rain so the yard got a good soaking.

Watched a very good F1 race yesterday. No much else occurred. I did sit out on the patio after supper last night. Then at dark my neighbor put on a very good fireworks show. I will definitely thank him the next time I see him. Nothing really planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Afternoon everyone,

Well I am two days away from surgery. I will be getting a phone call tomorrow afternoon some time to find out when I have to be out in Pittsburgh. I'm hoping it's early so that I can get in, get out and be home. Hopefully this is the last surgery with this foot of mine. I've been busy getting the house in shape so I don't have to worry about it when I'm off. 

The weather though has been beautiful here. Staying in the high 80's to low 90's which isn't that bad at all. I have no plans for tonight as of yet. Hope you all are having a wonderful Fourth of July.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

Another hot humid day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 77 with 87% humidity now headed for 96 later on.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. This afternoon I head to Ames to get the stitches out of my ear and find out what's in store for a followup. Otherwise a quiet day planned.

Matthew - hope all goes well for you tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, wonder how many early birds got much sleep last night. I don't ever mind those who want to celebrate the 4th with fireworks as long as they do it safely. The guy behind me had some super-loud ones go off though and I'm pretty sure they weren't legal ones. If they go up in the air, they are not. The news reported three house fires from fireworks already and that was at 5:00.

Today should be a cool 102 with little chance of rain. Temps back up to 111 by the end of the week though. Might go out and do a bit of weeding while it's cool. Not enough to call a lawn guy but enough to get the HOA to jump all over me for "weeds in the gravel".

Matthew, we wish you the best with your surgery, and that it's successful.

Take care everyone and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 79 and heading up to 85 with a chance of thunderstorms later this afternoon.

We got done the planting we wanted to do over the weekend. I planted the remaining flowers for the front garden and the wife replanted the window boxes and concrete pots. The pansies that were in them were done. She also planted geraniums in a new pot she bought for right outside the back door. We had a small cook out with my daughter, her boyfriend, my wife, and I. Due to the stiffness and pain from the planting my daughter did the grilling and she came up with a fabulous grilled corn on the cob recipe.

We kept the puppy occupied so the fireworks did not bother her over the weekend.

I tried to run my Tropicana Orange Juice train but ran into issues. First was several derailments which were caused by out of line turnouts and debris on the track. Then came the uncoupling issues. These were caused by loose coupler box lids on several Con-Cor cars which I thought were okay. The new rule for all the Con-Co Tropicana reefers is to add grey Kadee washers to make sure the lids are tight and therefore the couplers do not bounce.

Today the wife has a appointment with the endocrinologist. Hopefully on the way home we will have time to hit the produce store. I hope to add the washers to the Con-Cor reefers' coupler box lids and get the Orange Juice train running.

Matthew, good luck with the surgery.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Thank you guys. I got my phone call today at 12. I have to be out there for 715 in the morning which means surgery should be about 9-930 in the monring. The nervous jitters are setting in now as the time is creeping up on me. Hopefully this is the last foot surgery for awhile but they already told me there may be additional surgeries in the future. I will update you guys once I am settled in at home tomorrow for a little bit because I know I won't be able to sleep. Hope you all have a wonderful evening.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
hi all. well another Monday has slipped by with not much done at anything here been warm with wind and the rides boys have been acting up. 
Matt hope all goes well
stay safe and keep your powder dry.
Good morning all, temps here still in the low 100's, but not long. This was forecast as a wetter monsoon season, but so far, as usual, they are not being, "the most accurate weather" (one TV station), they brag about being.

Bought a new keyboard a while ago. started making typos from the get-go, couldn't keep my hands in the "home" position and thought it was laying too flat. I raised it at an angle with no help when it dawned on me yesterday, that the keys themselves were flat like on a laptop and not tiered like a typewriter. Brought my 20-year old keyboard back out and it was like putting on an old pair of shoes, so comfortable and familiar, it works great even though some of the keys are worn to the point of not having letters, but I was taught touch typing in high school so that's not an issue. I guess since a lot of people now days use laptops, they're now making desktop keyboards that match. Got to do my diligence the next time I go keyboard shopping.

Nothing scheduled for the next three days, got one house project I'll do today, been putting it off for a while now, I may go to the gun show in Phoenix with my younger son on Saturday. He's suppose to get comp tickets, so I'm waiting. Don't need any new guns or ammo, but it's an interesting couple of hours if all you do is people-watch.

Good luck today Matt, and everyone, have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 69 headed for the mid 80s. I considered shutting off the a/c but right now the humidity is 96%.

Got the stitches out of my ear yesterday but the doctor wants me to continue to keep the area covered as it heals. Also gave me an antibiotic "just in case" I get an infection. Nothing really on the agenda for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
       It is pleasant here now but the heat and humidity are climbing toward afternoon thunderstorms. 
       I had to go to the doctors office for a blood draw this morning for my semi annual PSA test. The gal that did the draw did a great job, I never felt it, and not a drop of blood on the bandaid.  
       I have no plans but to cook a couple hot dogs over a fire and some more train work later. 

       Good wishes for everyone
Hello Blue
70/80 for today. Down from the weekend 90s. Flooding rains just missed us last night.
Didn't have to go away to see fireworks, just sat on the front porch, they were everywhere.
Kinda sad what happened on another train Forum. It's a 3rail one that started with great potential had some loyal followers. BUT for some reason one of the administrators rudely started insulting some of the members. Now it is just short of being a ghost town. What he was doing made no sense whatsoever.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hi everyone,

The surgery went well. The doctor removed a bunch of scar tissue from the previous surgery which is what was causing a lot of the pain. He did do a small repair on my tendon that was torn. I went into surgery a little after 9 this morning and was home by 3pm. Now I am sitting here relaxing and watching tv. Hope you all have a wonderful evening. Take care.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning all, Matt, glad things went well with your surgery. Kinda hard now when you have to stay off that foot for a while so I hope your recovery is a speedy one.

SJ, sorry to hear, can't imagine why an admin would do that. A forum is nothing without loyal members, so that's crazy to drive them away.

Got my house chores done the past few days, got nothing planned for today but maybe, just maybe I can get the trackwork done on my new section. It's not that much, just my mindset towards doing trackwork, that's all...

Today still a mild 106, 110 tomorrow and up from there. No chance of rain until next week, but you never know. What is remarkable is that I've got a couple of very large cactus in my front yard and they keep growing even when there's no rain for long periods. One is a Prickly Pear, the other I think is an Organ Pipe, but looking it up, now I'm not so sure.

Everyone have a great day, stay cool and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Yesterday stayed cloudy in the 70s but very humid. We usually sit out till dusk, but last night was just too sticky. Today it's68/85.
Don this forum has several hundred members but of course only the usual regulars posted. It was sponsor free relying on donations for funds. I looked this morning and only a handful of people are posting. Take a look OGF, O Ga. Forum, (not OGR). No special plans for the day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 75 going up to 80. We had some rain earlier this morning and might get some more later.

Matt good to see the surgery went well.

My son received an award last evening from the Upper Darby Township Council for his work on the Pride Festival and his activism and concerns within the township in particularly with the LGBTQIA+ community, the homeless, establishing a Holiday food and gift outreach during the pandemic, and several community clean-up days. Unfortunately last night on the way home I picked up something in a front tire which caused a leak. Luckily I discovered it when I went to pick up dinner and the with the help of my daughter we got over to the shop and their night drop box. Looks like I am getting those new tires a couple of months early. The tires needed replacing before the next state inspection at the end of the year.

Attending the council meeting last evening meant no modeling last night. I hope to do some tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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