The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, a kind of pleasant night, we had a really nice storm for the second night in a row, last night's got us almost 3/4" of rain. The not so pleasant part is that the power company has been setting my thermostat at 86 for three hours. An hour before they do that, they drive the temp down into the 70's to super-cool the house and hope it gets me by while they essentially turn off my A/C. They say they will only do it a few times during the summer, this is the third time so far, so we'll see. It feels cool out right now, but it's still 84. Maybe more rain today.

Not much going on, got an appointment this morning and the cleaning lady shows up tomorrow, so who knows what I'll have time to do.

Everyone have a great week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a humid 83 eading up to 88 with a chance of storms later this afternoon and evening. Today is the coolest day for the next six days as each are supposed to be over 90.

I had a productive weekend around the house. We got some gardening done on Saturday. I got the soap dish and wall prepped for reattaching the soap dish. We ran some errands. On Sunday I got the soapdish reattched and sealed. I got a bunch of laundry done and we deep cleaned our bedroom.

I finally unboxed my new Penn Central Rapido EP5 and test ran it. It did well and I used it to pull some of the Tropicana Orange Juice Train. I also tested a new Atlas Penn Central GP7 that I picked up from that auction site to replace one that hit the floor a few weeks back and needs extensive repairs. The price was right and it runs well so I am happy with it. The broken one requires a new shell and some work to the motors so it is on the long range to do list.

Today the wife has a doctor's appointment this afternoon. My appointment is for my neck, shoulder,and back is tomorow. I still have pain and I have dropped a few things with my left hand which is concerning.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good evening. 
I had a good workout today. I had 40 ton of limestone delivered. I had the driver tailgate 20 tons and when he was done I drug an old set of steps over it to really smooth it out  so the driveway looks pretty good. I have 12 ton of 67 and 6 ton of number 9 to do other jobs (the tractor shed and drive in the rear, and some for concrete work. 

Tom, I hope your wifes appointment went well and I hope you can get some relief for your neck and sholder.

Days, That was a nice rain for you but I know you need more. We got over an inch overnight and we were getting to the point that it ws needed.

Tom. Nice ride. 12 miles. I might do 12 if I had a motorized bike.  They are converting the Kiski Junction RR into a trail. an article in the paper yesterday stated they would bring lots of money into the area. I like the idea of saving rail corridors but they just spread so much baloney about the value some of them are for tourism. Her is a link to the article.
We had folks come as far as South Africa to ride. I doubt there will be many coming that far to ride the trail.  Several of the towns the article mentions to benefit are across the Allegheny River and involves trespassing over Norfolk Southern's active Conemaugh line bridge. 

It is hot and humid here so I need to cool off and have a cold drink of water. 

Greetings, gang.

71 with 84% humidity. Typical Iowa heat wave. Going to 95 later. No sign of rain until the weekend and then only slight to moderate chances.

Not much happened yesterday. Swimming was going ok until about the last 5 laps when my knee started feeling funny. Gave up before I started hobbling around like the last time. Off to see the minions movie this afternoon with my daughter. Should be fun. The paper just arrived so now I can read it while I eat breakfast. After that it will be a bike ride before it gets too hot out.

Charlie - lots of work on that driveway and it looks really nice. Well done.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Uh, Charlie, when you get a bit of spare time, I have some ballasting to do. Icon_e_biggrin That stuff should match what you sent me a few years ago. Nice job. Worship 

As for the rain, yeah, been good the past few days. Mid-morning yesterday, we got another storm pass through, brief but it really dumped, street curbs looked like rivers, big puddles everywhere, but I check the county rain map and it doesn't even show a trace. getting so that you can't trust anything that the government has a hand in. Waiting 

Cleaning lady comes this morning meaning that I spend three hours in my den, maybe have time to do some trackwork just in case Charlie stops by.

Gas prices back on the rise here on the west side, stations that were $4.89 and now back to $4.99. Lots of stations elsewhere going as low as $4.35, for some reason, they must think we're a more exclusive area than even Paradise Valley (that's where all the ballplayers live).

Time to get ready to hit Brenda's for breakfast, some days it's like old time, some days we've had just two or three of the old crowd show up. yesterday probably eight or ten. Take care, have a great day, stay safe and stay cool..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 81 heading up to 91. It was nice this morning but now the humidity is starting to pump up and the cooling breeze has disappeared.

My wife's doctor visit went well. Something she thought was a serious problem turns ot to be a minor inconvenience. She has to get a couple of tests to make sure but things look good for now. Later this afternoon is my appointment about my neck and back for the car crash. I expect X-rays and an order to go get an MRI.

I tuned up eight Tropicana reefers. There are five more to go. I also took some inventories photos of some newly acquired rolling to stock so I can enter into my inventory file.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
It's noon here, I spread a very little bit more limestone. My grandson in law is going to bring his small tractor with front bucket when I am ready and do some work for me. I could rent one but I know he can use the money. I will probably do most of the work because he isn't that experienced but he is a great guy and he will watch and learn. He kept me supplied with venison steaks because he didn't like them but enjoys hunting deer. I told him to cook them just like beef and quit trying to make it so it didn't taste like venison. He did and told me they were great, his whole family liked them so I probably cut myself off from a good thing.
The weather gal this morning had nothing bad to report so her segment would have only been 10 seconds but she did about 2 minutes on the possible (20% chance) of Armageddon type thunder storms that might (just might) move through the area.  
I wonder if all the local channels do the same with live breaking news.  One segment was live from the scene of an accident that happened overnight and it had been cleaned up and nothing was left but she stood in front of a tree that the car had just barely missed. She said to stay tuned through the day for details because none were available. (It is a slow news day).  We also get live from the courthouse news at 11 PM (long after everyone has gone home.  Kind of like the weather channel hyping the wind from a hurricane. 

Have a good day. 
Hello Blue
Sun and 93 today, for us that is hot. A hard to breath morning, better now.
Busy this morning, footsie doctor and then a visit to a local store for a washing machine. Ours is old but looks good, runs well but has a leak. I think we've pressed our luck long enough and figured it was time to buy.
Gas was $4.59 most places that we passed.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Today's exciting project was replacing the head in the shower. The bit that pivots had come apart and wouldn't go back together. And SWMBO said that she wanted a better nozzle anyway.
We bought the cheapest one the hardware store had -- needed one with a hose. Spent a while looking for the teflon tape and found that they included a roll in the kit. My Swiss Army knife scissors didn't want to cut it. Anyway, it's now been installed.
I now have a hose with a nozzle on it; wonder what I can do with it.
Suggestion: get a head with a lever for adjusting the spray. We had one in the RV that used a dial and it's hard to turn with soapy fingers.
Hot and humid today.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

The heat/humidity wave continues. 69 now, 89 later.

Pretty quiet morning. I did get in a short bike ride. After lunch my daughter and I went to see the new minion movie. Very funny. Gym this morning and nothing else planned for the day.

Gas was down to $3.98 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, weather report in a nutshell: no rain, lots of heat, 110 +/-, high humidity. Gas prices in a nutshell: still way too high, $4.85 on the west side, $4.35 on the east side.

Got a squeaky-clean house, not that it was filthy before, but the cleaning lady always leaves things with a sparkle that I somehow can't achieve.

No appointments for the rest of the week. I was going to do a bit of trackwork yesterday when I saw what I did last week had popped loose. I had soldered the joiners, but wound up with cold solder joints even though I used flux. Maybe I can get through the disappointment and fix that today.

That's it, I'm heading to breakfast, I hope everyone has a delightful day, stay safe and stay cool.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
      The Armageddon thunderstorms predicted for today may, I repeat, May, hit around sunset tonight. They have to fill the time slot. It is warm enough and humid enough they could talk about that but nothing is as dramatic as a thunderstorm.

       Still working on a brass locomotive that I can't get to run with a decoder because of a hidden short. I tried a new decoder and that wasn't the trouble. I get no shorts anywhere with an ohm meter so I am going to find some donor trucks and see if that is where the problem is. 

        I finished mowing the grass yesterday in time to start all over again tomorrow. I may try to change the front fenders on the motor home today but May is the word to watch here. Our heat is nothing like yours Don but I can't tolerate much of it.  

       Stay safe and well
hi all. missed posting yesterday had a early appointment at the VA in Yuma then had to hang a new ceiling fan light in wife's sowing room. been a bit cooler here but humidity is up so its stay in house were ac dries out air. been working on some trains built a new heavy track cleaner car used .025 phosper bronze wre for a springs will let you know how it works.
(07-20-2022, 06:45 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good morning

       Still working on a brass locomotive that I can't get to run with a decoder because of a hidden short. I tried a new decoder and that wasn't the trouble. I get no shorts anywhere with an ohm meter so I am going to find some donor trucks and see if that is where the problem is. 


       Stay safe and well

Charlie had same problem with a brass serra logger ohm meter showed nothing either after much fussing and cussing i took my insulation breakdown tester at its lowest setting and found short was in a driver set the reason ohm meter didn't show it as most are only 1.5 volts lowest setting on my insulation tester is 25 volts .
Good evening folks

It is 89 at 7:15 PM. High was 94.

Checking in late because it was a long, long day. Contractor had to pour 120 yards/12 trucks of concrete today starting at 7:20 AM when the first truck arrived. I was out in the sun until the last truck came in around 12:15. I downed six bottles of water and poured two over my head and down my back. We get to do all over again on Friday but it will only be 60 yards/6 trucks.

The pour was for the cofferdam at the base of the waste weir along the river. The cofferdam is for keeping the river out during high water events. The structure behind the cofferdam will be removed. I am standing on the temporary causeway taking the picture.
[Image: HDsk5WH.jpg]

I will be in recovery mode the rest of the night. Nothing is going to get done except watering the front yard gardens.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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