The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 63 at the moment with a predicted high near 80. The clouds are not doing what they are suppose to. The NWS has decreed that it is supposed to be mostly sunny and yet here the day is almost half over and the clouds are still here.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Got the laundry caught up then mid afternoon I went to a car show about 45 minutes away. Got almost to the end of the line-up and ran into one of the guys from my Thursday group. We sat and chatted and watched the gir... uh, people go by for about 20 minutes. Not much going on today. Waiting for it to warm up a little more before I go for a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, here we are back to Monday again. Whoever forecasted a wetter than normal monsoon season was on the mark. It was slow starting but we've had rain just about everyday for the past two weeks or so. Not always in the same area, but lots of rain throughout the valley. We got around 1/4" here in Surprise last night. More on the agenda for all of this week. We've had flooding here, but not like some parts of the country. Why can't they channel the runoff to places like the Colorado River? Arizona, mostly Farmers, is now being hit with a 14% water cutback. They say Las Vegas is weeks away from running dry. Meanwhile, they are finding more bodies in Lake Mead as the level drops.

Still not up to par, I think I might have caught whatever it is that's going around and that's why I have no energy or appetite. Don't think it has anything to do with the surgery. Haven't left the house all weekend. Talked to Pat yesterday, he said he's got it again for the third time in the past month.

Toying with how to shape my logs, got a few ideas that I'll post on my thread later. My inactivity has this project slowing to a crawl.

Take care everyone, have a great week, stay cool, stay dry and most of all, stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 71 with rain on and off. We just had a few minutes of heavy rain pass through. Going to be like this all with a high of 81.

We got some of the gardening done as I did some weeding and deadheading on the hosta. I did not get to the weeping cherry tree. We ran our errands. On Sunday we took a trip to Linvilla Orchards which is a local farm and store. Bought a bunch of outdoor Halloween decorations and goodies from the food shop.

I finally finished updating the coupler pockets on the last two Con-Cor Tropicana reefers by adding washers to the outside of the lid to prevent the coupler from bouncing around in the pocket and causing uncoupling and derailing. I then ran a train consisting of the two Athearn RTR RF&P GP-40 locos I recently cleaned and lubed, 13 Tropicana reefers from Athearn blue boxes, Con-Cor, and Bachmann with an Athearn blue box RF&P caboose. The train ran smoothly. I ran it for about 45 minutes with no stalling, derailing, and/or uncoupling. One of the best operating sessions I have had in a long time.

Today I finally drop the car off at the auto body shop. Not sure what else will be happening today. I am happy to say the medication they gave me for my back and hips does seem to be working. I am not getting those times where the pain was a "9". When I get pain it is usually in the "3" to "4" range.

Don, hope you are feeling better soon.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Cloudy and maybe 80 for the day.
A passing downpour yesterday evening, could get more today.
Being in Mich. I have read of some flooding out west but from what you fellers say, it must not be raining where it's really needed.
#2 son called yesterday so we went over and had a delicious Walleye dinner. Stayed till early evening. Trolling the Detroit River is a good place for catching Walleye.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. well its Monday again not much going on we had two rains that added up t about 3/4 inch, Yuma has had phone problems since storm last Tuesday can't get hold of VA there as their phones are out. started to work on my log cabin that don inspired me to build had to harvest more logs.
stay safe.
Good morning everybody, welcome to another very humid day, well, for us. Most folks take high humidity as a fact of life, but we're use to single-digits for a good part of the summer. Today we should be close to 50% humidity and 70° for the dew point, ripe for more rain. Looking at the rain map, just about every rain gauge in the valley sensed some rain the past seven days. The highest was north of Carefree near the county line. A few there got over 3" and one got over 4", that's about half our yearly rainfall in one week. Keep it coming, we are starved for rain and much in need of the groundwater it creates.

Decided to sleep in today and not go out for breakfast, but I still woke up at my normal time and so I'd rather go out than have to cook something. Still going to take it easy today, maybe work on my cabin logs some. Just vegging out on the couch doesn't cut it, although I still have a few more episodes of Barnwood Builders recorded.

Take care everyone, have a fun and safe day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 72 and going up to 84 with a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. We had rain off and on all day yesterday. However just after lunch we had extremely heavy rain for about a half hour. The rain was so heavy it caused the dockworkers building the cofferdam to quit early.

I dropped the car off at the auto body yesterday and picked up the rental. Did some laundry but nothing else last night. I built another Accurail box car. This one a double sheath Lehigh & Hudson River. I also changed out the hook and horn couplers on three Athearn blue box 3-dome tank cars.

Today my wife has a very important doctor's appointment. Not much else planned.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

The clouds are misbehaving again this morning. They are not listening to the NWS' demand for mostly sunny as the clouds stretch from horizon to horizon. On the other hand for me horizon to horizon is about three blocks in any direction due to the large trees in the neighborhood. 67 now going to 81.

Going to try adjusting the shifting on my bicycle today. It's been acting up lately so I have become an instant expert thanks to the internet. Also needs to make a grocery and Walmart run.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and low 80s today. About the same yesterday.
We sat on the porch till our usual dark time. Came in and it was only 9:05.
Sad to see summer slipping away.
Fighting with the squirrels for tomatoes. They sneak into the garden and we don't see em.
We live in the city so can't shoot them. But they do a lot of damage. Edison and cable companies are always fixing wires they have chewed on.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, up a bit early this morning, turned on the coffeemaker and steam spurting out of the top, looked like something out of the comic strips. This is one of those K-cup ones that I've been using for about two years. Don't know if that's the life of an appliance anymore, but I don't think I'll be buying that brand again. Finally managed to coax a cup out of the thing but I can't trust it now.

Ominous-looking weather map on TV last night, big colored blobs coming down from the north and another about to hit us from the  east, but nada, zip, zero... They just stayed where they were.

I see my vascular surgeon this morning. I'm hoping he gives me the green light to do a bit more than I've been allowed. Still tired and achy, but maybe if I'm more active, that will go away.

I hope everyone is doing well and prayers for all those with medical issues.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 74 heading up to 88.

Yesterday my wife's doctor's visit was a good news, bad news visit. For a little background she has been experiencing bleeding similar to what she had at this time last year. Her original OB/GYN wanted to go right to surgery, however my wife felt rushed and decided to get a second opinion. Her new OB/GYN felt that surgery could be a possibility but wanted the opinion of a specialist. Yesterday was a visit to an Oncologist OB/GYN. The good news is surgery is not needed at this time. Given my wife has diabetes and asthma the doctor feels surgery should be done only as a last option. There are other ways to control the bleeding. The bad news is the doctor did see something on the ultrasound. She took a biopsy. We will know the results next week and proceed accordingly.

After that visit not much got done as we were both drained emotionally and physically. We had figured that we were going to the visit to set the date for surgery.

Today we are hoping for a return to normality. You know things like house chores, laundry, etc. I may even try to do some modeling.

A run to PetSmart is needed for cat food and dog food tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
(08-24-2022, 05:54 AM)ezdays Wrote: Good morning all, up a bit early this morning, turned on the coffeemaker and steam spurting out of the top, looked like something out of the comic strips. This is one of those K-cup ones that I've been using for about two years. Don't know if that's the life of an appliance anymore, but I don't think I'll be buying that brand again. Finally managed to coax a cup out of the thing but I can't trust it now.

don have you tried running a cup of white vinegar through it the wife cleans Her's about every 5 or 6 months to remove build up from water here.
(08-24-2022, 11:26 AM)jim currie Wrote: don have you tried running a cup of white vinegar through it the wife cleans Her's about every 5 or 6 months to remove build up from water here.
Good point Jim, I'm going to do that right now, I think after two years without a flushout it's time. Thanks...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 64 headed for clear and 81. Chances for rain through the weekend.

Pretty quiet around the world headquarters for the Backyard & Southern Railway. I did stop at the grocery store yesterday for a few things, among which was an 8 oz. NY strip. As I walked away from the meat counter I looked a t the price and realized the guy had tried to sneak in a second one. Maybe it was inadvertent but it's the second time that's happened to me at that store.

It just keeps getting worse. Now my granddaughter in Texas has been tentatively diagnosed with Leptomeningeal disease. We'll know more tomorrow. If true it is not good. Prayers and kin thoughts would be appreciated.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 80 on its way to 89.

Tom, praying for your granddaughter.

Don, hoping that your continuing recovery goes well.

Did not do much yesterday. I ran some errands after work and by the time I got home my back was bothering me. Later in the evening I felt better and decided to carry a full laundry basket upstairs. No problems last night but this morning my back and hip are very painful. I have taken the meds they gave me and they are not doing much. I will be discussing this with the therapist this afternoon.

I did change a broken truck on a blue box box car and found screws for the trucks on a blue box covered gondola.

Not sure what will happen today. I guess it all depends on my back.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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