The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good evening folks
         I actually worked in the train building. I did some work on the BP20 and have to let glue set overnight so I took a couple hours to install some Kaydees on 3 cars and used the truck tuner on them. I also worked on a lifelike e7 I got for a cheap price. It is dcc and sound and had something binding in the rear truck. I dis-assembled it and found nothing so a little LaBell on the gears and re-assembled and it runs but I will redo the decoder installation. The locomotive was DCC ready but the decoder that they installed wasn't so I will eliminate the Life like board and direct wire everything. It will be a lot neater that way. 

       It was cold but sunny today so I could enjoy my sunporch for a while. 

        Another 30 days and they start to gain daylight once again. 

Cheers everyone
Good morning all, nothing has change here, temps, gas prices all the same, the only thing different is that they say they're finished counting ballots from the election two weeks ago. Still too close to call a winner in a few races.

Housecleaning lady is here this morning, get my sciatica shot this afternoon, can't wait for that. Have a FedEx package due today, needs signature and I'm betting that they'll show up when I'm not home.

Kind of scary Charlie, we haven't shaken off a brutal summer yet and here we're talking about the daylight getting longer in a few weeks.

So, that's it for now, enjoy the day, soon it'll get crazy out there, parking lots full just after midnight, sales ads from stores you never heard of, all in the joy of celebrating Christmas, so enjoy, but be careful.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning, folks

It was 29 when I arrived on the job site this morning. It has climbed to 42 at 9 AM on its way to 49.

We did some laundry and packing for our upcoming cruise next week.

Yesterday I changed the couplers on a Bowser hopper and a Bachmann crane and tender.

Looks like our hot water heater is kaput. Wife is going to try to call the plumber and have him examine it. If it is dead, it will be the second major appliance to die a few days before Thanksgiving. About seven years ago it was our refrigerator.

I have some Athearn/Roundhouse RTR chemical tank cars I want to change the couplers from McHenry’s to Kadee’s. It will be interesting to drill for a screw.

Tonight, I need to grocery shop for Thanksgiving supplies.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, just a quickie since I slept a bit late this morning. I got my cortisone shot yesterday, just have to wait for it to take affect.

I guess I'm all set for Thanksgiving tomorrow, got a small turkey since it's just me and although we will have Thanksgiving dinner at Pat's house on Saturday, I don't want to miss my turkey on Thanksgiving day. Might take the day to set the Christmas tree up which I normally would do on Saturday, so it will be as festive as I can make it.

No change in temps until next week then near freezing 60's and a chance of rain. Gas in some places down a bit, paid $3.89 yesterday at Costco. Prices much lower all over the state though.

Have a great day and like Tom, need something for Thanksgiving, well today is the day to get it. Take care and stay safe out there...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well, we made it to another holiday..... I'd swear that Labor Day was just a few weeks ago. Hope the winter passes as fast as the summer did.

Will see family later today for the annual meal.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Happy thanksgiving Blue.
We have sun, going to 55 today.
Kids will be here early afternoon for the Plop Plop Fizz Fizz event.
I agree, summer is only 3 months, winter seems like 10, just not a fair equal.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all that celebrate that today. Some have already celebrated theirs, others don't have one on their calendar. Anyway, whatever you do today, do it right and enjoy doing it.

For me, I will be alone with a traditional meal, then go to Pat's house on Saturday and do likewise with the family. Got some folks coming down from Colorado that can't make it today, which is fine... I may try to drag out the Christmas decorations, it seems like I just put them away a few weeks ago, that was the day after New Years Day, but time does move faster the older you are. I remember, the Macy's Parade and lots of football today, so maybe the tree won't go up until tomorrow.

Cannot believe how much difference a shot in my posterior can make with back pain, but I'm moving better now than I have in a very long time. Still may have a follow-up procedure that can make things even better. Ahh, modern medicine, bless you all that are in charge of such things.

I will have a good day today, I hope you all will too... Cheers
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning, folks

It is currently 52 and is going to be 55.

Happy Thanksgiving. We will be having dinner later today. It will be just the wife, my son, my daughter, and myself. My wife and I are only child thusly our family locally are very small. There are some distance cousins locally, but we do not see them more every few years. My family is larger, but it is spread out over Ohio, Florida, California, and Alaska.

We will be spending Thanksgiving without hot water. The pilot on the hot water heater keeps going out. Had the plumber here Tuesday and after some time he was able to get it lit but told us if goes out again we will a new one. It went out last night and we can’t get it relit. Tomorrow we will be calling the plumber and asking him to replace the old one which is almost 10 years old. The fun thing is my wife I leave on a cruise Sunday for a week. I will be leaving money with my daughter to pay for the new hot water heater.

I changed out the McHenry couplers on an Athearn/Roundhouse RTR chemical tank car. Took a little effort as the ladder is glued at the factory to the frame. Normally I take the frame off the tank and drill for the screws for the coupler clip. I had to figure out how to drill around the tank. After the conversion I checked the coupler against the coupler gauge, and it was fine.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
To all a Happy Thanksgiving !
Hope every one has a good day-
We all have a lot to be thankful for.
And that includes TRAINS.
I echo the Happy Thanksgiving thoughts. It's always been a day spent with family and friends, and today was no different. Drove up to Northhampton, PA with my wife, youngest son and our dog to spend the day with my mom and my youngest brother. Stuffed myself with turkey and all of the trimmings and then installed her pendant lights over her kitchen island and replaced a storm door closure cylinder, watched a little football, walked the dog and caught up.

Gotta work tomorrow and then the drum's gonna beat to get the Christmas crap down from the attic - I can tell my time model railroading will be next to nil through the end of the weekend. Duty calls.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good morning all, I hope those in the US had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. I did a scaled down turkey dinner, watched the Macy's parade and a bit of football. I recorded the parade so I can skip some of the things that go on there, like not having to watch someone I never heard of lip syncing to rap "music". I saw one woman singing on another float and her lips weren't moving for a bit. Things change and I guess that's expected, but at least they still have Santa and his sleigh at the end. Now I can go put up my Christmas tree.

Today, the only time I'm going out is to Brenda's for breakfast, and that's it. No shopping. If I feel up to it, I may get my decorations out. I want to take it easy since that procedure I had a few days ago is doing me well and I don't want to screw things up again...

Oh, the forecast for today, "sunny and beautiful", brought to you by the Chamber of Commerce... Gas is down around 20 cents, Costco at $3.75. Still have a few that feel they can trap a needy customer, I see one station up in Black Canyon City at $5.29 and in Whittman, about ten miles north of me at $4.99.

Have a great Friday, if you go shopping, I hope you find what you want, mostly, I hope you find a decent parking spot close to the door. Take care and enjoy the day no matter what you are doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Everyone must have had a great holiday. I have mixed feelings, I miss the posts but I am glad when folks do spend time away from their computers/phone.  
       I have been working on my trains. The train shed is a shamble with all the boxes sitting in the center aisle. I have been getting things out to work on and getting a few things ready to pass along to my sons. 
      I am working on the PRR BP20 project and I have the motor and trucks installed. I needed a longer drive shaft for the rear wheels so I tried adding a section about 3/4 inch long in the center using some hard plastic tubing. That was a bust due to the shortening when centrifugal force started at higher speeds. I tried a bunch of things but finally found a sprue from a kit that I cut to length, turned the ends down to fit (in my micro drill press) then I drilled holes through each end and inserted a short plastic pin in each end to fit the slots in the motor end and the truck end. I ran it full speed in both directions for 5 minutes and I think I have a winner.
       We have had 2 lovely days and I did do some raking of sticks in the back yard. The willows the neighbor planted along the fence line are a mess. He told me I could cut them down but now it is up to his daughter  because he died in September.  
        Good wishes for everyone
Good morning all, you are right Charlie, it gets a bit hollow-sounding here when we don't get many posts, but it is a holiday weekend for a lot of us. Yesterday I got my Christmas decorations out and remembered that most of the lights on the tree where out. I have one of those pre-lit trees which also becomes pre-unlit when one light burns out. Do not have the patience to find them and so off to Walmart early to get one with LED lights, one burns out, no biggie, the rest stay on and you can easily find the loose or burned out one. I drove by a Walmart on Friday and noticed that the parking lot was nowhere near full and there were no lines of people beating down doors to snag their deals. Yesterday was the same, plenty of parking up close, no long checkout lines, looks like Black Friday is heading to extinction. I already see ads saying, "extending Black Friday sales another week"....

Yesterday we had our family Thanksgiving dinner at Pat's house, and I did get the tree up. A few decorations today and it's complete.

Temps a bit below average for this week with the chance of rain. Still, "plenty of sunshine" they say. Gas prices steady, still above gouge level.

Lots of upsets yesterday in college football. Arizona State lost the territorial cup in Tucson, not a chance of them getting a bowl bid. The Arizona Cardinals are playing for pride. What do you do when you have a bunch of lousy players? You fire the coach and increase player salaries. Want to bet that's what happens with the Cardinals?

Take care, enjoy the weekend, what's left of it....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Not much here. Rain and 45 for the day.
Watched the Michigan/Buckeye game yesterday. 
I am a Buckeye fan but boy they sure looked bad.
No train news at all.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Cold and wet outside in the 40's, but drizzly enough to take Cadbury out for one of our shorter routes. Did the vast majority of the Christmas decorating yesterday. Long day, but it's done. Our pre-lit tree had its set of annual issues. Had my wife pick up a donor string of replacement incandescent bulbs, but every one of those I tried on the tree (no matter what string) flamed out in half a second - used them for continuity bulbs but eventually need to find some bulbs that will do the trick. Wife mentioned the possibility to getting a new tree. Although I'd like to find something with greater reliability, the thing's 10 ft tall and looks really good in with my 15-ft ceilings in the great room. Once she saw the replacement price tag for a new one, I think she'd have second thoughts. Sunday has therefore produced an opportunity to get back to rock installation and painting at Mud Run - which is where I'm headed after submitting this message. Hope to have some photos of progress in the coming days. Painting will be a good diversion from some of my work issues at the moment. I'll be looking forward to heading home and down to my office to find paint and brushes.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:

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