The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning good people, not a good day to go out shopping, yesterday was super-bad as well. Talked to one friend that couldn't find a parking space at the grocery store. I drove by Walmart and wouldn't dare go there. The only place that won't have crowds will be the Post Office, just a few folks willing to pay more to ship a package overnight than the contents are worth.

Thanks Mikey, he's doing OK, I'll be having dinner and gift exchange at his house tomorrow, this has not been the best year for us health-wise, let's hope 2023 will be better.

Sorry you guys, for a change, we're in the pleasant zone, got to 68 yesterday, will be in the 70's tomorrow. But, we're looking at rain starting Tuesday night and almost 100% chance on Wednesday, and on into next week. Good timing, gives the kids to play outside with the toys that Santa brought. Lot of people driving up to Flagstaff to play in the snow, or go skiing.

I wish everyone here a Very Merry Christmas and hope the weather in your area doesn't screw things up with that. I heard yesterday that there were some 8,000 flights canceled. One guy they talked to on the news said he was going to rent a car at $400 a day to drive his family home since they were stuck in the Phoenix airport otherwise. Prayers for everyone traveling right now.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning. 
At 9 AM it is -2°  with a wind chill of-18° in snowy Unity township. It looks like not much of an increase in the warmth today. We had a record low yesterday of -6.
My son lost power twice, yesterday dew to some idiot driving too fast and removing a pole with his vehicle causing 2800 folks to lose power for 6 hours and again this morning (reason unknown). He just ordered a generator that will be here next Saturday, something I tried to have him get 2 years ago.  Icon_e_biggrin

It is too cold to even go get the emptied trash can but If it is still there it can wait.  Even the snow dog doesn't stay out long.  

They say it will warm to 80 by next week end so there will be time for a little more outside work.  

I put my stock train away and I think I will put the Zephyr on the layout until the new year, I will tuck as many trains as I can on the Horn Switch siding and team tracks so the little ones can run a train when they come. Their attention span isn't long but they like to run a train and I have the top voltage cut back so they don't race them. 

I don't have many pictures from these days in the past because I didn't railfan much over Christmas in previous years. 

Merry Christmas from the gang here at Wilderson     
Home stretch is here. Got the last presents wrapped and stuff consolidated for tonight. Got my son's two dogs down here in my office while I run the Apollo. Found one of the locos in that consist is just getting pulled around the layout. No motor activity, no lights. Put her on the bench for troubleshooting at some point soon. Ended up taking all of next week off to be the dog enforcer - basically keeping mine away from the other two. I may get some layout time in.

I hope everyone enjoys Christmas. Sounds like my wife and I will be going to 9 PM mass tonight, which is always a nice way to start things off. My father-in-law was going to spend the night tonight but came down with COVID - he's quarantined in his "Independent Living" facility until the 27th. Ham and turkey tomorrow afternoon.

Got back into my truck this morning at 9:30 after an hour-long hike with my dog. Temperature was 6 oF, which explains why my ungloved hands were quite cold - gloves were a stupid thing to forget. Merry Christmas everyone!
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Well, I seldom chime in with local goings-on here, but last night we got winds of 120km/hour out of the north (sounds like a big deal, but it's actually the equivalent of only 80 mph). 
It was enough, however, to lift a 6' high and 7' wide half-gate in our driveway right off it's hinge pins, even though it remained latched to the other half of the gate.
With the wind still blowing snow all over the place this morning, it took me over an hour to get it back in place.
I also had difficulty getting into my car...the locks were were frozen, as were the doors, too, but a few medium body-checks against the doors eventually got them opened.
The snow wasn't all that deep, except where the drifts usually collect, so I decided to shovel away the stuff that the snowplows push off the street and into our double driveway, then sauntered down to the next-door neighbours place and shovelled out their two-car entry-way too.

We also got a tree in the backyard knocked-over by the wind...probably caused by development next door, where they had installed catch basins and drain pipes right next to our property line, and while doing so, removed most of the root growth on their side of the property line.
The tree wasn't overly big (only 60' or 70') but there are another 6 or 7 still standing, also devoid of half their roots, too.

It took a while for me to thaw-out enough to get back down to the workshop to do some more train stuff for another friend.

Merry Christmas to all you model train nuts, and best wishes for a Happy New Year, too!


Good morning all, and a very Merry Christmas to you all. I hope Santa is very generous to you all. I'll have to wait until tonight when we have dinner at Pat's house. Santa does work late I hear.

I usually make a card for here every year, this is one I did for The Gauge (remember how we started) featuring Santa back in 2005, Peggy is no longer with us, but I'm sure she still wishes you all the best.


This is mine and Pat's for this year that I hope features the true meaning of Christmas. I might have used a similar one before, but like they say, it's the thought that counts:


Be good, Santa knows when you're not, stay safe and enjoy Christmas
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Merry Christmas, gang.

I hope you all enjoy time with your families or however you celebrate (or don't celebrate) this day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 9 at the moment after about an inch of snow overnight. That's all the warmer it's going to get today. After the vicious weather we've been having lately a much appreciated warming trend starts tomorrow.

Very quiet day yesterday. Only project on the agenda for today is to remove the aforementioned snow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas in spite of the weather. We here struggled through 74°. although it was a bait nippy in the morning. Our church sill won't have a new A/C unit until spring so Christmas mass was only about a half-hour including a two-minute sermon. Another nice day today, then almost 100% chance of rain on Wednesday and temps below 60 later in the week.

When Santa came yesterday, he did something to my coffeemaker, I asked for a new one and he must have thought I meant to destroy the old one so this morning I see nothing but steam squirting out of the sides so I'm stuck without coffee until Brenda's opens. I've fixed it before but this time it is really blocked so off to Walmart and deal with the return crowd taking up all the parking spaces. They usually open up a fire door and keep the return line outdoors.

Got a 3-D steam engine wooden puzzle from Santa that has a windup spring motor. Not sure it's to any scale but says that it's almost 16" long, so it's closer to G scale than anything. 290 pieces should take a few weeks to assemble. After all, it is a puzzle.

Take care, enjoy your day, most services including banks and the Post Office are closed today, just be careful out there....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning after Blue.
We spent the afternoon with our 3 kids, lots of food.
Four of the six grandsons showed up.
Was cold and snow showery but the main roads were clear.
Today will be 16/22 degree.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning 
         I just hit the wrong x and wiped out all I had to say. Maybe that is an omen. 
         Wayne I am sorry to read about the damage. Losing a tree is tough.  
         I have to go to our not so local Rural King store today to pick up an on line order. They had jeans on sale for 9.99 so I ordered 4 pair. I also ordered some lime and rust remover that our local stores in town don't seem to be able to get any more. I also ordered some Heinz Hot Dog Relish that hs also disappeared from the shelves locally. I got their last bottle at $1.73. I could order some from Walmart but I can't afford their price. 
I packed away some of the trains on the layout so I have room to run some and I may do some more repair work there later today. 
Our weather is a tad warmer today with highs in the 40s for this week end.
         I hope y'all had a pleasant Christmas
Good morning everyone, today should be nice until this evening when the rain starts. We will still be in the 70's today, tomorrow though, the high 50's with almost a 100% chance of rain. "Almost" always leaves them an out if it doesn't rain.

Went to Walmart around 7:00 in the morning yesterday, There was a fish feeding frenzy around the 50% off shelves. I saw one couple had two carts full of Christmas lights, there were even cases of them on the rack below the cart. I'm guessing that we might see them on eBay in a few months. One woman had her cart full of huge Teddy Bears. They even had some candy there but not for long. I kind of joked that they'd have the Valentine candy out by now, and no joke, there it was right where the Christmas candy used to be. Anyway, must be a lot of folks got coffeemakers for Christmas. Last week they had tons of them, yesterday my choices were slim but I was desperate, so at least I have coffee this morning.

Charlie, I'd have opted for the $182.74 bottle, should be about the size of a 55-gallon drum and would tuck neatly in the bottom shelf of your fridge.

Pat and I are heading out to do some target shooting this morning before the rain comes. We will be staying in for the rest of the week if the rain forecasts are accurate.  I hope you all in the storm region are safe and well taken care of, it's been over 70 years since I've lived through a major snow storm, so I wish you guys the best.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's been slowly warming since about 8 last night when it was -6. It's currently +11 headed for around 30 under "mostly sunny" skies later on. The warming trend has started with a possible peak in the low 40s bu Thursday.

This morning I need to make a grocery run and start cleaning the house. My daughter, her husband, and my grandson's girlfriend will be here in a few weeks. We will be traveling to Missouri for my grandson's graduation from army basic training. Not much else going on right now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everybody, 'tis raining out and one forecast shows 100% chance after it started raining. The county rain gauge map shows rain to the far north and west, but none here even though it looks like it's been raining quite a while. And these guys get big bucks for doing what they're doing. They screwed up big time yesterday, we went target shooting, it was overcast with 100mph winds and sub-zero temps. Nope Well, it felt that way. We shot for a bit over an hour and really couldn't take it anymore.

I got a call from the body shop, my truck is all done except for one piece of door trim and they have no idea when that'll be in. I'm not sure that the insurance company will be happy to hear that since it's costing them about $50 a day for my rental. I'm certainly not happy either. I'm going to check and see if I can have the truck back and put the trim on whenever it gets here.

Brutal weather up north for you guys, I wish you all the best. Stay warm, stay home and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun with a hi of 38 today. Still have some snow in the grass that will be gone soon.
Finally getting above 32 for a while. I was out yesterday morning and gas was 
$3.09. Two dz carton of eggs at Sam's was $6.00. One of our DILs buys things there for us. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, folks

Weather today is more tolerable with a current temperature of 34 going up to 42.

Survived Christmas and the deep freeze. We had a low temperature of 2 overnight Friday/Saturday and 3 on Saturday/Sunday. Highs both days were in the high teens.

We had our traditional small family dinner. It is just my wife, daughter, son, and I. Thus far we have done well with returns with only two items. I will venture into that task later this week.

Work is slow. The contractor shut down for the week. He only has someone onsite to check the pumps and the trailers. I am catching up on paperwork and other things.

I tuned up a bunch of coal hoppers and inputted information into my inventory program. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to run any trains.

I am hoping to add screws to clips on some more Athearn cars today. Maybe run some trains.

I have a few chores around the house, and I need to make a pharmacy run.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
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