The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, how cold did it get yesterday? They're saying that they saw a few trickles of snow at the north edge of Surprise, not enough to even coat, but enough to wind up on the TV weather reports. There are freeze warnings out for the Phoenix metro area this morning, more snow up north. We'll start to warm up tomorrow, back into the 60's.

My cell phone was going off with notifications, kinda just a bing-bong, but they work me up. I checked when I got up and one was for an ad for a "sleep app"... get some deep sleep it says... well, until we wake you up that is....

Not much else going on here, we have a bunch of car auctions around town, the biggest one is on TV, someone told me that it costs around $50 just to get in, and more if you want to look at all the cars. If you want to bid on a car, you have to show that you can afford to pay the big bucks before they give you a bid number. Just like the Phoenix Open Golf tournament and the Super Bowl, and even the Arabian Horse Show, these things all attract the super-rich and I have no intentions of getting in their way, I'll stay away from Scottsdale and not think about driving on the 101 until everyone goes back home. I even moved my private jet so it wouldn't get scratched. Icon_rolleyes

OK, no jet, no limo, but these guys don't know that.

Take care, enjoy the day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy with a slight chance for some snow flurries. 26 now and that's as high as it's going to get for the next several days. Temps start to fall later on and by the weekend highs will be in the single digits above zero and the lows generally below zero.

Quiet day yesterday and today will probably be the same. My grandson sent some pics of Hawaii some I'm going to send him some pics of the "beautiful" scenery he left behind - aka my snow-covered back yard.

A few minutes ago I almost witnessed something I've been expecting for the 40+ years I've lived in this house. Two vehicles approaching the intersection with no intention of slowing down. I was reaching for my phone to call 911 when one of the vehicles turned the corner. Almost had plastic car parts all over the intersection.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 33 on its way to 44. We are expecting to get some heavy rain later today and tonight.

We had a crazy day on the job site yesterday. We were supposed to start a concrete pour at 8 AM. Due to running late getting some issues addressed the time was pushed back to 10. A little after 10 we get notification from the plant that they are shut down due to a area wide power outage. However, one truck got loaded and is enroute. The truck arrives and the contractor uses it to pour a pier which only requires one truck’s worth of concrete. We are unsure when the remaining 50 yards for the foundation slab are going to show up. Since this is a dam project the concrete mix is special and can’t produced at another plant so we were stuck waiting. Finally just before noon we got word the power was back on and the plant was operating. The first truck arrived on the job site a little after 1. Everything went fine until they realized when the last truck was unloading that they would need another. So we had to wait an hour for that truck. I finally left the job site at 5, so it was a ten and a half hour day for me.

Got home and did not do much except try to gte warm. I was cold to the bone from the wind. Later I did check and tune up a few boxcars.

Today should be an easy day at the site as half the crews are off due to the impending bad weather. I have some decoration bins to put up in the attic and then I hope to work on some more boxcars.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
It is snowing at 32 degrees. Suppose to snow all day.
Can't complain too much as this is the first real snowfall of the winter. (for us) Winter has been super good till now.
I'm going to close the blinds and check again March 1st.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, fridge morning as it may be. Was 35 when I went to breakfast, it should be in the 60's later on. The only good thing is that we're going to have a good snow melt come spring. Temps should start to climb for a while, don't know what it'll be like on Feb 12, but the Super Bowl will be in a domed stadium, but the Phoenix Open will be played outdoors. I wonder, the way sports teams get the taxpayers to pay for their places of work, I wonder if one day they try to get the Phoenix Open golf course to be enclosed so that no one attending gets a chill. Easy-peasy, just threaten to move the venue to somewhere else and the politicians will cave. BTW, the Phoenix Open moved to Scottsdale many years ago where there was more room (415 acres) at the time, not really sure if it cost the taxpayers a dime. By comparison, the taxpayers chipped in about $375,000,000 to build the stadium for the Cardinals and are now getting hit to relocate the hockey team to Tempe.

Not much else going on, gas is on the rise, Costco was $3.35 this morning, but jumped to $3.39 by the time I got there.

Take care everybody, stay warm and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We are in the midst of a snowstorm that apparently blew in from Texas.
Had to drive Dayle to the Drs. for a minor complaint in that -- slow driving but no problem until I got paused in a drift in our driveway. Easily overcome.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good evening all.
       It was a snowy morning and I had to make another trip west. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do because I had to return the dog we rescued last week to the shelter. He was the best possible dog I have ever seen, loving and cuddly, house broken and just all around wonderful except he could not adjust to being around our other 2 dogs. For no reason he would attack our old girl and we just could not calm him down when they were around so in fairness to him I took him back and told the shelter manager that he needed to be with an older person or couple that were retired but could not be around any other dogs and probably no cats either. His previous owner had died and they had no back story on him. They will keep me informed as to where is is placed. Having worked with rescue my wife and I are aware of the needs but I am really sad that I had to return this sweet boy. I told them it would be great if they had a foster that fit the bill because he was showing the anxiety the minute we went in to the office. 

 Having driven almost 400 miles today, the first 100 in a snow storm I will not see any train room action.  Icon_e_biggrin

Nothing else to report. I am sad tonight but life moves on. 
Good morning y'all, got an extra hour of sleep this morning, almost like it was Saturday already. Goldth Today's forecast, "abundance of sunshine", temps back into the 60's for a while here, but 29 is the high up in Flagstaff for today.

Charlie, sorry about the dog, it's hard sometime to know what a rescue animal's past was like. A friend has a rescue cat that he's ready to take back. Just him, but it actually clawed him the other day and drew blood. I wish the best for all of you, the animals too.

Gas is up a few cents, many stations are the same as Costco, $3.39, which is hard to understand. We pay a membership fee so that things there are less expensive, that includes gas.

I might finish my wooden engine today, down to the last five steps. All the gears were working at one point, but not now. Everything is so rickety that parts need glue to keep them together.  All-in-all though, I am amazed at how complex this thing is and that it goes together as well as it does. I'm not sure if it will ever run, but a drop of glue here and there might help.

Take care, have a fun day and stay out of the snow if you can.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

A balmy 34 degrees this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa and that's probably going to be the high for today. The temperature is supposed to start dropping along with and abundance of now dropping. 5-8 inches of snow predicted by tomorrow along with 20-25 mph winds. A winter storm warning has already been posted by the NWS.

Fairly quiet week this week and next week will probably be the same. Only activities I get are going to the gym and shoveling snow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people of Big Blue, a bit chilly early today but we'll be hitting the mid-60's later on, still below average, but better than last week. The wind is making it feel colder than it really is, gusts up to 30mph, just shy of a tornado...well, it seems like it...

Everyone here is prepping for the great sports weekend, pre-game Super Bowl activities are already ramping up, you can watch the vehicle auctions on TV 24/7 if you don't want to pay the exorbitant fees just to go watch, or verify you are a multi-millionaire to go bid. I'm sure there's something going on up at the Phoenix Open besides just drinking at many of the venues there.

Hmm, I just became a multi-millionaire, got a robot call that I won $4.8 million dollar in the Readers Digest sweepstakes. One has to wonder why with such an important win they don't call in person. I forgot to write down the number I had to call to claim my winnings...oops...

Just now I got an "invoice" from PayPal for about $400, if I didn't buy something, I need to respond to a email address. Wonder why PayPal doesn't have their own email box, plus, don't they normally take the money out of your bank account? Waiting These scammers are getting relentless, and annoying. I know a lady that got taken for $10,000 because she fell for their schemes.

Take care and stay safe, too many scammers out there trying to take whatever you own.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

13 going to 9. Yep, a backwards thermometer today. The snow has started and won't stop until it leaves behind somewhere between 3 and 6 inches, or 4-8, or 5-7, depending on who you want to believe.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Today is Saturday and y'all know what that means around the world headquarters for the Backyard & Southern Railway. Laundry. Not as much this week as I got it al caught up on Monday after my trip. Only other activity will be running the snow blower late this afternoon after the snow quits. Well, the newspaper was just delivered so it's time for me to go forage for food and enlighten myself as to the activities in my community over the last 24 hours.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, it's really not bad, chilly mornings but mid to high 60's. My outdoor thermometer got into the 70's yesterday, but it never agrees with the official readings. Right now it's 39, just what AccuWeather says it is, so I'm confused. We should be back to normal by late next week, low 70's for a change. Been watching the Barrett-Jackson auctions in Scottsdale, loads of people wondering around outside looking at vehicles getting ready for the block. I don't think they've got to the multi-million dollar cars yet, the highest yesterday was a quarter-million dollar 'Vet. I need to go up to Prescott next week, suppose to snow early in the week there, that's when it's suppose to rain down here.

Today might be a good day to go back and do a few things on my layout. Got some trackwork and some wiring to do. I may get some of it done.  I'm just about finished with my wooden engine, it's all together but not able to run, plus things fall off and move around way too easily so I still have a couple of tubes of CA that I may need to call upon to do their thing.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, come to Phoenix if you want to join in the Super Bowl, the car auctions and the Phoenix Open festivities, just don't expect to have a car to get around. Rental agencies say they are well stocked, just until you try to rent one. I'm sure they were glad to get back the one I was driving for almost two month. So am I, even though my truck repairs are only 99.5% complete.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
       Typical January day. I plan on working on the trains, I just can't get interested in playing in the cold anymore. 

       We have come to the conclusion that the steering gear we replaced on the motorhome last year isn't any good. It has a lifetime warranty but trying to file a claim so far has not been successful. I may go direct to the company that rebuilt it on Monday. I had limited options when I bought it last year because everyone was out of stock and the bad one is a replacement for a new one that leaked. Maybe the third time will be a charm. 

       I watched the weather this morning but I must have been in a daze because I have no idea what is going to go on. 

      Be careful out there
Hello Blue
Old snow on the ground but all the pavement is clear. Sun and 32 for today. 
No news, we have both been attacked by something, again. Seems the bugs are everywhere. It's been a long time since I was sick in the winter, but this must be the catchup year. No train news. Not sure what gas price is. 2 dz. cage free at Sam's was $5.98.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Downright cool this morning at -1 with a wind chill of -23. Supposed to get barely above 0 later on. Gonna be like this all week.

I need to run the snow blower again this morning as there was a lot of drifting yesterday and last night. Otherwise it will be a day to remain indoors.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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