The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
hi all. well, its Monday again don't know where Friday Saturday and Sunday went been sitting on my but again tripped in garage last week and tore a chunk of skin off mt knee, so I have been assembling buildings for layout. Not much else going on.
youall stay safe.
EZ: the Mississauga fire was many decades ago. I think you meant Ohio.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
(02-07-2023, 08:21 PM)BR60103 Wrote: EZ: the Mississauga fire was many decades ago. I think you meant Ohio.
Yup, I was looking for the name of where the Ohio fire was and saw that. I haven't even heard it on TV, "that fire in Ohio near the Pennsylvania border", is all they say. My bad... Icon_redface

Good morning everyone, things are kind of stable here, temps around 70, the TV lady says high 70's later this week, then mid-60's on Super Bowl Sunday with a chance of rain later in the day. Had some idiot scale a 44 story building in downtown Phoenix yesterday morning, apparently streaming it on the Internet. He was in about a 4' well and did it spread-eagle facing out. Only about a dozen cops and firefighters waiting for him at the top. as he went off to jail, he said he did it for some cause that I'm sure no one will remember.

I want to make a display case for that wooden engine I just built. Checked out the price of a small piece of oak plywood and a small sheet of acrylic, then went to the bank to apply for a second mortgage.

Going to Denny's for breakfast. Seeing our favorite waitress, Erica. She has so much compassion and treats her customer with such respect and care that I'd nominate her to run for president. Just a really nice person. We kid her that if we could clone her, the world would be a better place than it is now, and it would...

Have a great day, I hope all the bad weather has passed you all by.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 29 at the moment. The NWS is claiming 42. The clouds originally scheduled for yesterday have been rescheduled for this evening along with some rain and snow.

Routine day yesterday. Went to a concert for one of the great-grandkids last night. This morning is grocery shopping followed by a trip to the gym.

The local newspaper has turned our postal carriers into paperboys (and girls). They have eliminated home delivery and instead are mailing the paper to us. Not sure what 's going to happen on days the post office doesn't work. Do we get two papers the following day or just skip over that day? I guess I'll find the answer to that on Presidents Day.

Gas was down a couple more pennies to $3.17 last night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 39 and heading up to 51. Oddly pleasant weather for February but it makes working outside much more tolerable.

Met with an attorney yesterday to discuss the accident from last July. I know my medical benefits from my auto policy will be running out soon and I just want to make everything gets paid. In the evening I cleared out a corner of basement that I will need to store bins for the rolling stock. I had the basement cleaned at one time but between the accident and the holidays things have gotten out of hand. I shall return to my philosophy of working at least 15 minutes every night on cleaning the basement. I applied this method before I restarted working on the layout to clean up the basement.

I tested my new Rapido PRSL RDC car. Compared to the Proto 1000 RDC’s I have this one is much smoother and quieter. It is also more detailed with such things as shades pulled down on some windows.

Tonight I want to move along in the basement to the next area and clean it out. If I have time and now that the layout is clear perhaps, I can run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning.
         Well, the derailment is being cleaned up and they are hoping to run a train through by 11 AM. Folks that were evacuated are still not allowed to return. I say if it isn't safe for them to return it isn't safe to run trains. This situation outside of the evacuation area was handled like the gestapo would have done and I have contacted the governor and senators about it. We were not in that area yet we have been detained in our homes. Yes, we are allowed to leave, but there is no guarantee you can return and some of the people manning the blockades have been very rude to people as well as overstepping what they can legally do. 

          I did however get the headlight on the Russel snow plow I assembled and I am pleased with the job. I am still not ready to build a wood steam engine.  Icon_e_biggrin 

Have a grand day everyone. 
Hello Blue
Sun and 40s today. Rain and 50s tomorrow. Wonderful weather for February and very unusual.
Did grocery shopping yesterday. Eggs were close to $5 doz. Sam's still were 2 doz. $6. Gas was $3.39 most places.
My wife is baking cookies, I can smell those cookies.
No train news except one club member want's to sell off some of his trains. We are going to try a sale at the club house and see how it goes. 
Since it's all 3rail I guess our buyers will be limited.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(02-08-2023, 08:10 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good morning.
         Well, the derailment is being cleaned up and they are hoping to run a train through by 11 AM. Folks that were evacuated are still not allowed to return. I say if it isn't safe for them to return it isn't safe to run trains. This situation outside of the evacuation area was handled like the gestapo would have done and I have contacted the governor and senators about it. We were not in that area yet we have been detained in our homes. Yes, we are allowed to leave, but there is no guarantee you can return and some of the people manning the blockades have been very rude to people as well as overstepping what they can legally do. 

          I did however get the headlight on the Russel snow plow I assembled and I am pleased with the job. I am still not ready to build a wood steam engine.  Icon_e_biggrin 

Have a grand day everyone. 

Pleased to see that the derailment has been cleaned up without further incident Charlie. It's a pity that some of those with responsibilities, and those in charge, sometimes overstep the mark. Probably no training in the type of control they are meant to be administering and have a power rush. Let's hope some lessons can be learnt about the failures in the system that allowed this to play out as it did. 
Not sure what the story behind this is, but I saw that are reporter was arrested at a news conference being held in the town??

Jack  219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Good morning friends, I'll be glad when the Super Bowl and Phoenix Open are behind us. I guess it's exciting for lots of folks and very profitable for others but turn on the local TV channels and that's all you see. The first thing I thought of when I saw all those people walking around the golf course and those at all those Super Bowl Experience venues, is how did they get the time off from work? Assuming that they have jobs that is. They've got streets blocked off downtown Phoenix, the convention center is full, a downtown park is dedicated to football things, and it goes on and on. My advice, stay withing a few miles of where you live unless you're close to downtown or the stadium, then my advice is to leave town for the week...

Charlie, give some folks an inch of power and they'll take a mile. They assume powers that they're not assigned to do. Do you need to obey them when it's not reasonable? Only if they have a gun...

I hope things are quiet and peaceful in your area, no more sub-freezing weather, no tornadoes and that you all have a great day
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy National Pizza Day, gang!

33 and cloudy with a chance for rain/snow throughout the day. No significant accumulation is planned by the NWS.

Yet another quiet day unfolding at the local freight station of the Backyard & Southern RR. My sister-in-law and her husband are headed this way but it looks like their travel will be pretty soggy and possibly some snow later on. They'll arrive later tonight and then hit the road again tomorrow. Yesterday was warm enough that I was able to sit on the front porch yesterday afternoon and evening with the aid of my trusty space heater.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning,
         They opened up the town around 5 PM and there were trains running once again. I am embarrassed for our people because the abuse of power extended to a national reporter that was doing nothing wrong.  Thank God they did not kill him but what one guardsman did off camera and several policmen did on camera was entirely uncalled for and I certainly hope they are fired. These are the kind of people that cause incidents like the one in Memphis. We have no need for bullies on any police force. I stand behind and support the police but I do not condone the abuse of power and it went farther than jailing a reporter that was only doing his job. It even embarrassed our governor.

          I did a little work on trains yesterday but I couldn't put my heart in it. It's so odd. There are weeks at a time I don't leave the house but being locked in for 5 days without the freedom to come and go  really depressed me. The worst part of the confinement was that it was illegal, I heard from some people that they were allowed in or out depending on which blockade they went to but we did not have the option, nor should we have needed it, 

          I was talking to a retired NS friend that is still in the loop last night and he told me it was not a hot journal, but most likely shifted lading that caused the car frame to fall on the axle and grind it through. There is video that shows the "Burning" that was taken over 20 miles away and a journal will burn off in less than 5 miles. If the heat is not where the detector is aimed at the bearing then they would not pick it up at the detector. 

    Cheers guys.
Good morning everyone, here we are BIG sports weekend here. Half the billionaires of the world are here, some playing on the field or course, others in the stands watching. Even the First Lady will be here. I wonder who pays for her seat.... The Phoenix open takes a back seat to the Super Bowl, but it will be attended by around a half-million people. They have a grandstand around the 16th hole about the size of a baseball stadium and can seat 16,000 and is full about three seconds after the gates open. They have, "The Crow's Nest" and other venues if you go there just to drink or look at celebrities, which many do. This year's purse is $20,000,000 with three of that going to the winner. Speaking of sports, there's some trades going on in basketball and the Phoenix Suns are suppose to get some player that still have over a $100,000,000 left on his contract. Icon_e_surprised

Called the IRS the other day, got tired of "push 1 for this, 2 for that", so I hit "0" and by golly, a woman answered. I was on the phone with her for 47 minutes, she didn't resolve my problem (they owe me money), but she got it back on the table. I wasn't aware that the IRS had people working there that actually cared. Applause Applause "I'm not going to let you go until I'm sure I have everything right", she says. WOW!!!!

Take care, have a pleasant weekend, stay safe and do something you enjoy doing...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

9 going to 30 later on. Mid 40s for the weekend.

Routine day yesterday. Mys sister-in-law and her husband arrived around 8:30 last night. I had snacks for them and we talked for a couple of hours before they went to bed. They're still sleeping. Me, I've been up for an hour. Once they're moving we'll go to breakfast and they will hit the road for Nebraska. If they leave at a reasonable time I may even make it to the gym today.

Charlie - thanks for keeping us updated on the train wreck (and the train wreck called government).

Gas was down a few more pennies to $3.14 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning 
        It's a lot colder here this morning than it was yesterday. (We reached 70 degrees) We may get to 48 today.

         By now you have probably seen the videos of the wreck and even the video from cameras from 20 miles west of here showing the wheel on fire. A good friend, now retired, has told me the likely cause is a part of the frame rubbing on the axle far enough from the bearing that it would not be picked up by the hot box detector. The axle finally reached the breaking point. Journals will burn off in 3 to 4 miles so I was wondering how it could have travelled so far. 

         I just watch the full body camera video of the incident with the reporter being arrested and It embarrasses me the misconduct of the National Guard General that started the problem and the response from the Sheriff and some of the local officers that took this man down. Our governor has seen the video and agrees the reporter did nothing wrong yet the locals have filed trumped up charges. Some of these folks forget they are not the boss where the public is concerned.

         Trains are running so that is the main thing. 

          We are all hoping for a quiet week ahead.
Good Saturday morning all, as usual, I got a extra one and a half hours of sleep, went to bed a half hour early and slept until 5:00.

Charlie, you have to wonder if this is the first real situation this general had to face and he was going to do it with gusto... I have yet to see anything on the national news about this incident.

A friend of mine handed me a box of N scale stuff yesterday. It is all from the 70's. Enough track sections to get me to downtown Phoenix with enough rail joiners to make it work. Got a MRC ControlMaster X which looks interesting and one steam engine with a broken tender. A bunch of broken cars that aren't worth fixing, and oh yeah, some more track including those with that plug into those manual switch controllers, also a bunch of those switches. I have a lot of rolling stock that goes back to the 70's when I bought someone's layout. With a controller, engines, cars and track all 50 years old, I've got enough stuff to build a nice layout like it would look back in 1970, state of the art back then... Cool Something to think about.

One more day before the Stupid Bowl (oops typo), and the Phoenix Waste Management Open final round, then maybe the local news will revert back to a newscast instead of a sports and venue cast. They are saying that the golf tournament will attract 500,000 fans, and they're sold out at $50 a head, and over 60,000 for football at and average of $9,000 a seat. Tomorrow, the Navy will do a flyover just as the last note of the National Anthem is sung. I might be able to see that from my house.

Got stuff to do, so you all have a great weekend, stay safe and enjoy what it is you're going to be doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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