The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
hi all. well its Monday again and not much different than last week other than Charlie b. sent me a gift box with enough switches to build level 4 on layout, so now all i have to do is finish the town of Ludlow so i can build the 4th level 24 inches above it still need to finish 11 buildings for town.
stay safe and either cool or warm depending on where you are at.
Our newspaper delivery is first rate. We get occasional eMails from the newspaper that the paper will be late, but they usually come after the paper has been delivered. Worst problem: the Dec 25 New York Times arrived a week late. I think that was due to snow in Buffalo.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy 50 headed for near 80 degrees later on. Very warm for this time of year.

Tried burning the yard waste yesterday but it was still too green so I cut it up a little smaller and hauled it away. Picked up some fertilizer at Menards and a few groceries at Walmart. After lunch I got in a 7 mile bike ride. I'll be holding at that distance for a while til my body adjusts to being back on the bike.

Gas was down a dime to $3.39 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, well, we did have our first 90 degree day yesterday and then some. We hit 98, today the TV weather lady says we could get to 99, a new record. Went target shooting, we should have left a lot earlier, by 11:00 the guns and ammo were getting too hot to touch. My new rifle was shooting great then..... nothing. Locked up again so back to the manufacturer for the third time. Just a bit disappointing. It's past the warranty, but I've sent it back for this exact same problem so they'd better fix it or send me a new gun.

Busy day today, but one appointment is to get a deep massage. I really need one. It's kind of strange that you look forward to something that you know will hurt, but the results are worth the pain...

They still haven't found those two guys on the salt river, the water is still to swift to try a recovery. They did rescue another kayaker on another flooded river, not sure which one since all the normally dry riverbeds are flooded here.They must be expecting one heck of a snow melt to let that much water out of the lakes and reservoirs.

Charlie, thanks for contacting everyone, let's hope they're all doing OK, just got busy all of a sudden.

Be careful out there, have a good day, just stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning.
        Our local papers are jokes. Very little news and poor reporting when there is any. We can read what we want in them on line for free. They want $1 an issue and I can buy a train car with the money I save.  The local TV stations actually do a beeter job with local reporting, and they too are on line. 

        I went to Home Depot last week and got the 1x2s that I needed to fill the gaps at the rear of the shelves and while there we picked up 20 boxes of vinyl plank flooring for the living room, kitchen and computer/office room I have contracted with my grandsons to install it ASAP. As they say, paybacks are a ^&%*(.  Icon_e_biggrin

         I am waiting for the sun to warm things up. I am hoping to plant some potatoes. I had some left from last years crop that have sprouted so they will be the seed. I had a few annual strawberries thar appear to have survived so I hope they will produce as well as last year. 

         I added a few feeder wires to the shelf layout last night and while running a locomotive to test the track I discovered the last section I wired was out of phase so I had to reverse the feed wires. It was a simple fix because I had used wire nuts instead of soldering the connections. 

         Don, I have a bolt action 22 rifle that I have never fired. I put a scope on it a year ago and hever sighted it in. My hand guns rarely get any use. When I got the revolver it came with a list of warnings about safe storage, keeping it locked and unloaded, a trigger lock and all kinds of safety features. The last line on the warnings, after all the government mandated safety instructions was: Remember, an unloaded gun is totally useless for your protection.

        3 more dry days scheduled here. I too have yard waste to burn and we are not allowed open burning before 6 PM so tonight will be a weenie roast night because it is too big for my 28 inch covered fire pit.

        Jim I am glad you can use those switches. I can't find anyone local to use brass track. I have hundreds of sections of curves that I am removing from the ties so I can use the rail for other projects. It makes great brazing rod. 

        Tom, I hope the hearing problem is an easy fix. I have lost a great part of my hearing from being around noisy equipment all my life. Hearing aids are a big help to me but no matter how good they are they can't replace what nature provides. 

       Tom the Fiat Fan, how about sharing some pictures of the Backyard Southern some time. I am glad you don't live in North Dakota. I saw more snow pictures. One of my friends I gre up with was stationed in Minot and after his tour stayed their and worked as a fireman until he retired. He then scotted his but to Virginia.          

It's time to get with the program here.

Don: were you using a WWI surplus Ross Rifle from the Canadian army? They used to do that.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

58 and sunny headed for 85, sunny, and very windy. Red flag warning for today and probably tomorrow also.

Routine day yesterday. Went to baseball scrimmage for great-grandson last night. The coaches let it run so late that the kids almost needed lights on their helmets. A little ridiculous in my opinion. This morning I'm going to ride the bike early before it gets too windy out. Then after the gym I'll need to hit the grocery store to stock up again.

Charlie - I'll get some pictures up after I get the usual spring track maintenance completed. In the meantime you can see a video from many years ago shortly after the track was completed.

Gas price jumped to $3.59 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, we didn't hit 100 yesterday, but 99 was good enough for a new record. It's hard to believe we were in the 60's for a few days last week. Today will be a bit cooler, 92 is the forecast, and back into the 70's by Friday. Even Flagstaff hit 70 yesterday, and last week they were below freezing.

I might be better off with one of those guns David, just getting ammo for it might be tricky and expensive. A call to Mossberg today to find out what they're going to do about this problematic gun.

Got my massage yesterday, not cheap but worth every penny. I should have waited though, Costco is now up to $4.46 for regular and most other stations at $4.69. Diesel is now cheaper than regular gas.

Tax time coming up and I still haven't gotten my refund from 2020 that they say I have coming. I'll wait until after the 18th to call so I'm not put on hold for hours, or like one time, after five minutes of pushing 1 for this and 2 for that, the message I got was that they were busy, call back later and I got hung up on...

Nothing on the schedule for today, got a extra hours sleep, might hit Walmart and maybe Harbor Freight later, just go with the flow..

Take care everyone and do something fun today....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

We have a winner of a day. The current temperature is 69 with low humidity. Our high is supposed to be 81.

Not much has happened over the last couple of days. I had to run to the pharmacy on the way home. I had to pick up a different dose of one of my wife’s diabetes medications. We can’t get the proper dosage because a bunch of self-centered, narcissistic people are getting unscrupulous doctors to prescribe the medicine so they can lose weight and look good for the summer and thusly denning the medication to the people who truly need it to prevent a life threatening condition from happening.

My visit to the ENT went as I thought it would. I have hearing loss in both ears. The left being the worst. The reason being is I have a ruptured ear drum. The doctor is concerned as to why the hole is not closing. She is thinking there may be a chronic infection behind the eardrum. On the right side she suspects there is fluid behind the eardrum causing the problem. I must go for CT scan to see what is going on. Once we have the results from that she will decide as to course of action which could be anything from medication to surgery.

Over the past couple of nights, I worked on the walls for the Morgan House. I discovered the best way to apply the pigment was rubbing it in with my finger. I have one wall painted and “mortared” and I have begun installing the windows into it. I am working on another wall and mortaring. This one I am using paint and rubbing it off with a cloth since the mortar lines are deeper. I painted a third wall. I also painted the base for the Union Station.

Tonight should be another easy night around the house with a few small chores to do. I hope to work on the walls and the area around the Union Station. Perhaps I might run a train.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning.
         I took a ride on Tom's Backyard Southern.  I loved it. My youngest son has a 7.5 inch gauge that is totally scratch built. The purist would frown, but I think he did a great job cobbling pieces of junk together to build it. I will have to find some pictures to share. One of my Kiski volunteers had a 15 inch live steam that we enjoyed but the boiler began to leak and he didn't want to retube it so he donated it to a group in Gettysburg.

         I got the yard waste burned last night. I used a good stack of cardboard boxes to get it lit up and it did the job. I had a roaring bonfire for several minutes but it settled down before the neighbors got alarmed. It burned to a fine ash in an hour. The potash should be good for the lawn.

         I need to make backdrops for the new yards and I was hoping I could find a cheap source for pictures I could use but I haven't run across any. No one makes what I am looking for so I may just paint something so it isn't a bare wall. 

         I was out yesterday for the first time in a while but I didn't notice the gas prices.  All I know is they are higher than they were several years ago. 

Hello Blue
Sunny, breezy, 74 headed to about 80. 
Was out yesterday, bought gas at $3.49. All stations I passed were the same.
My wife roasted some chicken legs for supper last night. The chickens must have been crossed bred with turkeys. I never saw chicken legs that big. 
Not much on my menu till Saturday. Stress test in the AM and club meet in the evening.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Another warm windy sunny day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 55 now headed for the mid 80s with winds near 35 mph and very low humidity. The entire state is under a red flag warning.

Routine day yesterday. Rode the bike early before the wind picked up then went to the gym. After Don's comment about taxes I realized I hadn't file my taxes yet. Since I don't have any money it was easy. Took about 45 minutes and I was done. An early bike ride is on tap again this morning followed by swimming at the gym.

Charlie - thanks. Glad you enjoyed the ride. My grandson was 6 when he helped me start construction in 2010. He is now a military policeman in Hawaii.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning
     It's 49° heading for 81° this afternoon. We have one more day before rain so I may put off mowing another day. 

     I worked on the layout a couple hours yesterday. I tried to paint the background but gave it up. I can't paint what I want anyhow. I will find the right pictures of I will find a place to photograph my own. I need a flat on picture of industrial sites. 

     I did get some potatoes planted Tuesday and I hope to till some more space for potatoes in the garden. They did well last year 

     Has anyone else noticed how many people are missing? I hope it is simply because they are busy with other things. I don't always comment on posts but I do try to read everything.  Maybe I need to offer encouragement when people are doing the fine modeling they post here. 

     I have read the papers today, 5 minutes on line covers it all.  Big concerns around here are lack of finding contamination in the tests that are being done. Now the business folks in town are complaining no one from out of town is coming in to buy. These are the same folks that stood in front of a TV camera and told people that even though everything tests safe they are worried that there is contamination and they are being lied to. We have a local meat and deli that may have to go out of business because of the derailment. The owner had major surgery several months before the derailment and had put the business up for sale. We don't shop there because his prices are too high and I was never impressed with the quality but now the derailment is the cause. 

     Everyone, stay safe, and PM a friend and have them join or post.  
Greetings, gang.

Another warm windy day is about to start. 57 now headed for 82 later. By Sunday the high will only be half that. Rain starts tonight and lasts through Sunday with a chance of light snow Sunday evening.

Yesterday went as predicted and today will probably be the same. Bike ride and trip to the gym. Tonight and tomorrow night the great-grandkids have a concert - band one night and chorus the next night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue
We have sun @ 50 degrees. Going to 82 this afternoon.
Will do a little garden prep while we have this nice warm weather.
Can't plant as frost could happen any morning in May. Of course the spring bulbs have already bloomed.
Stress test tomorrow and club meet in the evening.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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