The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning.
       It's 61 degrees and cloudy heading for 75. 

        Our gas is 3.45. I remember gas at 17 cents. We have come a long way.  Icon_e_biggrin

        I mowed the front yard and did some weed eating, I also repaired a couple fence posts that had rotted off at the base. I drove tbar posts in and secured them with lag screws. They should be good for about 10 more years.  I also transplanted a tree for my wife.  After thar I had a coffee and watched the birds at the feeders. I had a pair of Oriels at the humming bird feeder several times. I have seen the male in previous years but this is the first time for a female. I hope they are nesting nearby.     
       I have to make a run to the grocery store sometime today. Time to restock the bread and bun supply. We generally keep sever loafs in the freezer because it is about 2 bucks a loaf cheaper if we go out of town. We only have one grocery store and the prices reflect that the only competition are the convivence stores. At their prices I can afford to leave town for groceries. Many times the gas is 20 cents cheaper too so I can make a bonus with a fill up while I am there. 

      There is a great supermarket in Boardman, about 15 miles north of us that has fair prices and wonderful meat at a very reasonable price. We stock up when they have sales. They make the best Italian sausage I have ever had, and it is on sale for 1.89, and chicken drumsticks are 49 cents so I may make a run in that direction too. 

       I will finish the weed trimming today and take it easy over the week end. 

Good morning everyone, cannot believe it's Friday already. It did sprinkle the other night and yesterday evening just enough to mess up the vehicles and a few puddles here and there. Better chance of rain later today. Still not into our Monsoon Season for a few more weeks.

Gas prices are crazy, not sure I believe that one Fry's store (we have 4 here in Surprise), dropped from $4.99 to $4.34 yesterday, while Costco went up five cents. Others dropped a few pennies, but most are hanging tight at $5.00 and up.

I have a semi-busy day today, been putting off a few phone calls, that I really need to make. They still don't have that missing part for my truck, it's six months now and still no word. Need to find out if Geico would like to buy me a new truck or find a way to fix the one that they're suppose to have last year. Also need to call the IRS, they were suppose to add 80,000 new people, and yet they still haven't sent me the $500 that I overpaid on my 2020 taxes. Enough griping for now, these are not earth shattering things, but you put your trust in people, organizations and the government that they will do the things that they are committed to do and say that they'll do, but don't, and that's aggravating at best.

Have a great day and get prepared for the weekend and whatever it is you plan to do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks,

At the moment everything is being dictated by my wife’s breathing issues. Yesterday she did not have any major attacks but a series of small, minor attacks usually lasting about 5 to 10 minutes. The attacks are coming sometimes 15 minutes apart, other times they are two hours apart. We are pulling our hair out trying to determine the triggers. The latest suspect is her deodorant. Did you know unscented deodorant has perfume in it to make it unscented? I have a feeling this is going to determine what happens this weekend. She has an appointment with the allergist on Wednesday and an appointment with a pulmonologist the following week.

On the bright side, she was able to get outside and transplant the two tomato plants. Needless to say, I was not able to get any train time.

If we are able there are a bunch of yard things we would like to do. We have window boxes to get plants for and set up. There are water lilies that need some care. I also need to clean and set up the pond filter.

If I can, I would like to decal the Stewart NYO&W F3B-unit, the FTA-unit, and FTB-unit. I have some cars to tune up and inventory. I would like to run some trains.

The pharmacy called and the refill for one my wife’s rescue inhalers is done along with some medicine she needs for the nebulizer. I will be heading there after work.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings gang.

Smoky skies and 41 going to maybe the low 70s this afternoon. Warming trend through next week.

Very quiet day yesterday. Took an hour long nap on the couch yesterday morning after waking up so early. Slept much better last night. Laundry and a bike ride are the only items on the agenda for today. I did manage to repair a window screen yesterday. Unfortunately I was not smart enough to take a minute to go to the garage and get knee pads before crawling around on the basement floor for an hour.

Charlie - neat pic.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, here we are another weekend, almost June already.

Tom, I wish the best for your wife, sounds like she's got some serious breathing issues. I hope they find out what's causing them.

We did get some rain yesterday, mostly to the west and northwest. Wickenburg got close to an inch, we here in Surprise got a few sprinkles, most other parts of the valley, zip.... No more rain in the forecast for a while. Temps suppose to be around 100, give or take a few degrees.

As for gas, Costco and Sam's up a few cents, and few others down a few cents. Doesn't seem to make cents (sense).... Icon_rolleyes

Gotta make breakfast this morning, not sure what, maybe thaw something out maybe go pick up a breakfast burrito. I've never done that, just about every fast food joint has either a burrito or some sort of egg sandwich to go. I've not been inclined, but anything to keep me from having to cook...

Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
        We have rain this morning but it should clear soon. The birds are active and that is a good sign. 

        I went to the grocery store yesterday (Aldi) but they didn't have everything we needed so O had to go to 2 other stores to complete a small order. It seems I ak watching a lot of merchandizers shoot themselves (IMHO). 40 years ago we drove 30 miles one way to shop Aldi and saved money. They had their own brand but they were fussy about quality and everything was darned good for the price. Now have the store is household items and many items are brand name or "organic". The remodeled this store about 5 years ago and added several aisles but now they have removed some and have wide spaces. Now they only have one clerk checking out and 3 self check outs.  I don't work for these stores so if it comes to the time I have to check myself out I will do all of my shopping on line and have the store put it in the car.   

       I haven't anything pressing at the time. I may do the laundry if I can find a nice flat rock next to the lake  Icon_e_biggrin

     Tom, I too hope you can get something that provides relief for your wife. I remember the commercial for one product that promised to "take your sinus to Arizona". Maybe that is what is in order. 

Good Afternoon Everyone, Well it's a rainy day here in this part of Pennsylvania. The temp is in the 60's but still a little warm. I'm still recovering from my third surgery ( march 31st ) and as of 2 weeks ago I am out of the cast. I am now in a walking boot but still not allowed to put any weight on my foot. This monday coming up I start therapy. The doctor is still saying it's going to be a longer recovery for this and if by chance I somehow some way tear the ligaments and tendon again there is no way he will open my foot back up to fix it. He explained if it happens again that it will be an endless cycle of surgeries. Other than that everything has been going good here at home. My girlfriend is still recovering from the same surgery as well. I have just been sitting around playing Train Sim World 3 and helping out around the house where I can. The kids have been a great help to us. Hope everyone here is doing well. Take care my friends and enjoy the rest of the weekend whether it's dry or wet depending on where you live.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning all, "abundant sunshine" says today's forecast, looks the same for  at least the next few weeks. Monsoon season is approaching.

Matthew, it's good to see that you're healing, I wish you both the best and full recoveries. That's got to be tough with both of you in the same boat.

Gas prices have gone down in every part of the country except the Phoenix area. Costco and Sam's jumped another nickle, a few others dropped a few cents, but we still have most stations here at $5.00, up to $5.59, that's well above the national average and $3.00 a gallon higher that some areas...

Nothing else significant going on here, I think school is out for the summer. That may cut down on some gas usage. I drive by the schools and there are long lines of cars either dropping kids off or picking them up, even though they have buses running all over the place. Must be some reason for not riding the bus. Anyway, lets see if that has any affect on gas prices.

I hope you all have a great day today and we extend prayers for those in need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and getting warm. Supposed to be in the low to mid 80s for the next week. Looks like beautiful bike riding weather.

Speaking of bike riding (I was. See previous sentence. Pay attention class!) I skipped riding yesterday. On Friday when I was crawling around the basement floor repairing a window screen I used muscles that haven't been used for a week or two (more likely several years or more). As a consequence my hip muscles have been protesting for two days now. I'm seeing signs of improvement this morning so there's hope for me. (probably not but hey, I can dream can't he?). I did get the Hotshot Freight out yesterday afternoon but it was plagued with derailments so I guess I need to do some track and wheel maintenance.

This morning I went out to tend to the graves for my wife and son. I was very surprised to see that gas prices had dropped, not by a few pennies as would normally happen, but by a whopping 19 cents! Down to $3.40

Prayers for those who continue to mend from medical issues.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
        A week with no rain and in the upper 70's every day. A wasted goof off day yesterday. Nothing noteworthy today.

     I contacted the FREMO group Lutz is in and they forwarded my email. I haven't got a reply. Does anyone know his name? It's not a gret thing when folks as active here as he is drop off and I am concerned about him. 
        Have a safe day
Greetings, gang.

Another clear and eventually warm day underway. Currently 54 and supposed to go to about 80 later with a chance of smoke from Canadian forest fires.

Due to muscle soreness yesterday I only did a short bike ride. Today I need to do some house cleaning. My sister-in-law and her husband are due here mid to late afternoon on their final trip home. He's finished his interim pastor gig and they are moving home. Should be there last visit for a while.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, no change in the weather, holding steady, highs around 100, gas is starting to drop a bit, a few more stations down to $4.89, one Fry's station has been at $4.34 for a few days now, that's where Costco and Sam's were a few weeks ago, they're now up at $4.64. Go figure... Waiting

Got an easy week, just one appointment and the week is open. I have no plans, I'll just surprise myself. I might just take the truck to the carwash, I had it there right before they forecasted rain, now it's all pockmarked with mud, but no rain in the forecast for a few weeks. Then again, we're coming into our monsoon season, so getting the truck washed could bring on the rain and dust...

That's it for now, I hope everyone is going to have a good week. Enjoy what you do, just be safe doing it...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 70s for the day.
I just goofed off yesterday but we did have a club meet Saturday evening. A new layout, the club member moved to a place with a smaller basement. He did a nice layout with the space he had to work with. No scenery yet but all the trackwork is done except for the yard area. Heading out soon for one of those artery echo things.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks,

It is 66 heading up to 78. Sunny right now but clouds are supposed to roll in later.

Saturday was not as productive as I had hoped. The wife was having breathing issues with attacks coming and going. They were not as bad as earlier in the week. She said these were 2’s ad 3’s on a 10 scale. They were pretty much happening every couple of hours. I was able to tack down the loose carpet strip on the stairs and the corner of the rug in the office with carpet tape. I did some laundry.

I was able to decal the NYO&W Stewart F3B unit and seal it. I also began working on the FTA unit. I finished the nose and one side.

Sunday the wife felt better and we were able to go out. We went to PetSmart to grab some cat food. Next, we went to a nursey in search of plants for the windows boxes. At the first place we found nothing. We did better at the second place and were able to get some petunias. Once home I mulched the tomatoes plants and the herb garden. I did some more laundry. I had to make a late evening run to the grocery store.

Unfortunately, nothing got done on the layout or workbench.

Today the wife is going to try to plant the window boxes. If see does I will mulch them and put them on their window sills. More laundry to be done also.

I hope to finish decaling the FTA unit and begin on the FTB unit.

Thank you for the well wishes for my wife. She is getting there but we are no where near getting out of the woods yet. She has an appointment with the allergist this week and another with the pulmonologist next week.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning. 

       We have 60° heading for 73 with some haze from the fires. 

       I used the weed eater in the back yard and then mowed it. Done with mowing until Thursday when the cycle starts over.  I still have a little trimming to do in the front yard. The trimmer wasn't running up to par after the winter so I added a tablespoon of ATF to the fuel and after 5 minutes it had cleaned up and runs like new once again.  ATF is my miracle cure for a lot of things. Number one track cleaner and the best penetrating oil there is bar none. 

       MY wife is doing great. She still has some pain but she is able to tell me how I don't do the laundry the right way.  She seems to think what I do in one load should take 3. I don't know why we bought a heavy duty washer but I just go with the flow.

        I have a couple fence posts to fix today and I want to spray the driveway for weeds. There is little breeze so it is a good day for that. 

        Tom, I hope your wife can really get some relief from her allergies and the other problems can be successfully addressed. 


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