The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, not much going on this way, temps and gas prices are still high, folks are starting to head out of town for the holiday. Bad accidents on I-10 west and the one on I-17 north caused a five-mile backup, that was yesterday. Today there will be a five-mile backup without a accident, but there always seems to be at least one on Summer weekends. Me, I'm hanging around the house, no need to get reckless and hit that kind of traffic. Plus, I have no reason or no place to go up that way anymore.

No change in temps, Sam's went up a few pennies on gas, a few stations are down a few, but we're still insanely high. We'll see what I decide to do, still haven't touched my layout in a few months. Do have an idea of a new scratchbuilt structure that I want. I may have to resort to building it as a diorama since I can't see how it would fit on my layout. Just something to think about right now.

Take care everyone, enjoy the holiday weekend if you're in the US, if not, it's Memorial Day on Monday where we are suppose to remember those who fought to keep us free, so try to join us in that if you would. Stay safe as well...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

One more in a long string of nice days. Currently 73 with 26% humidity making for very pleasant weather.

Not much happening here, either today or for the weekend ahead. Got the yard mowed this morning and that's about the extent of my activities. May go for a bike ride soon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
hi all. finally getting rested up form marathon drive Tuesday. must be getting old use to be a 12-hour drive didn't slow me down but now it takes a couple of days to recover , got some new specks from the VA and now i can see better so its back to working on Ludlow so i can finish the 4th level on layout till need 5 more buildings for that.
stay safe and cool.
Good afternoon.
       Had breakfast, washed the dishes, filled the humming bird feeder and mowed and swept the front yard. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. 

       No plans for the week end, just doing the same as ever. Retirement is great.  2285_

Greetings, gang.

Skies are clear and the temperature is warming on this first day of the long weekend. Currently 50 headed for 80 later on with no clouds anywhere around.

Pretty quiet afternoon yesterday. I did have some train and fire pit therapy. Makes for a great afternoon watching one of the trains run while burning up some wood in the fire pit. More of that will occur as the weekend progresses. Also on the agenda are laundry (today) and the Monaco F1 race (tomorrow).

All stay safe and have a happy Memorial Day weekend.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, here we are just minutes away from June, well, at the rate time moves, it seems like that. It's hot here, but not as hot as it will be come June. We should be just under 100 for a week or so, then who knows. The hottest we every had in June was 122, but we try to forget that and hope things don't get that out of hand again. I have a remote start on my truck and all winter long, I made sure it was warmed up inside before I got in. I need to remember to do that during the summer so it's cooled down by the time I get in. Right now, when I don't, it's hard to touch the steering wheel it gets that hot inside.

No plans for the holiday, Pat is heading across the pond today. Their plane leaves this evening, but they'll be at the airport hours early. Today is predicted to be a very heavy travel day by both land and air. Me, I'm avoiding all that, just another weekend as far as I'm concerned except that we pay tribute to those that fought for our freedom, but never came back to enjoy it. So it's a holiday, but also a day of remembrance.

That's about it, time to go find something to have for breakfast. If I ever won the lottery, the first thing I'd do would be to hire a live-in cook or maybe a housekeeper that would clean and cook, make my bed in the morning, do the laundry and other things that I don't particularly like to do... especially cooking. I'm so bad that I need to find a recipe to boil an egg, and I still wind up burning it. That's a fact, I can't count the times that I forgot I was boiling eggs and heard some loud POPs, water boiled out and the eggs exploded. Eek If the smoke detectors go off, I know dinner is ready Icon_rolleyes ....

Take care my friends and use a bit more caution, holiday weekends can get rough out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun 55/75 for today. 
Looks like a good weather weekend.
Today will be an outing with my wife's family. No plans for Monday, yet.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, going to be a quiet day, only thing planned is early mass this morning and nothing else, well, gotta eat, but what and where is open for negotiations. Weather still around 100, but suppose to drop to around 90 in a few days. They're saying 1-2% chance of rain means that they've detected a flock of pigeons headed our way. Icon_rolleyes

Memorial Day tomorrow, I remember as a kid, marching in the town parade. I just checked activity in the Phoenix area, a few cemetery services and some businesses doing something, but not one parade, not one city or town sponsored events to honor those who have fallen for our country. Remember, we are the home of the free because of the brave, Worship how soon we forget. Enough said....

I bought some eggs at Walmart, a dozen extra large was $2.28, but a dozen and a half were $2.32, what a deal...

That's it for now, ya all have a great day today, take it easy if you are so inclined.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
         I did a few small chores yesterday but for the most part I just watched the birds. I have a hummingbird feeder that the Oriel's enjoy and I enjoy watching them. 

         I finished a dcc install in a Bachmann F40PH last night. It took 2 3mm LEDS for the strobe lights and 3 other for the headlights. It is non sound so I programmed the F1 function (normally the bell on a sound unit)nto turn the strobe off and on. The front coupler bracket was damaged so I am going to mount it with a couple styrene blocks The frame now is completely isolated so I can use screws to hold the couplers. 

         I plan on doing the exact same thing today as I did yesterday except I may cook a couple hot dogs on the grille. I may do the same thing tomorrow if I can find the time. 

Happy Memorial Day, gang.

Hazy skies overhead with a current temperature of 60. Supposed to get to the mid 80s by this afternoon.

Not much happened around here yesterday. Watched a rather boring F1 race and then went for a short bike ride. Also cleaned the chain and sprockets. Longer bike ride planned for later this morning. I considered going for a longer ride yesterday but according to my backyard thermometer the temperature was 93 and the humidity was 16%. Felt like I was living in Arizona! I got the Afternoon Special out but only did a few laps. It kept derailing and I wasn't in the mood to fight it. I'll probably run one of the trains later this afternoon. Also trimmed a couple of branches form a tree in the back yard.

Gas price was $3.49 on Friday, dropped to $3.43 on Saturday, and by yesterday was down to $3.35.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning and yes, Happy Memorial Day today. It should be a solemn day, remember, we are paying tribute to those who gave their all so that we are still free and can celebrate this day.

Around here they are closing roads to the lakes and rivers, too many people, too few parking spots. Saw one shot on the news, a sea of people floating down the river on inner tubes drinking beer and whatnot. I hope they take those empty cans home and not leave them in the river....

Me, I recorded the National Memorial Day Concert on PBS last night and will be watching that today. I don't know why, but they do not rerun it today, but I think you can watch it on the Internet. Lots of names there than I never heard of, but that doesn't matter, it's patriotic and non-political, and that's what we need right now.

Temps are still 100+/-, but starting to drop just a bit through the week. The record for today is 113 from 1983 and 84. As for gas, many stations now down to $4.79, still a far cry from what everyone else is paying. Typical pricing throughout Arizona, except the Phoenix area is $3.25 to $3.50. Tell me that we're not being scabbed.

Take care, enjoy the day and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Tom described our weather.  Sun and 85 by afternoon.
For us that's a hot day. I like 70s, that is perfect.
No plans yet for today. After a family outing on Saturday, we went to an outdoor flea market Sunday. After being in the house all winter My legs were screaming after all that walking. We bought one item. new. A yard thing with a spinner on it.
All stay safe today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning
         It is a nice morning here with a very slight chance of rain in the forecast. 

         A day of remembrance of all of the men and women that gave their lives so this country could be free. 

         My wife had a bad day yesterday so I spent the day pretty much catering for her. She had some kind of bug. This morning she appears to be back to normal. 
I am wondering how many new viruses are floating around and where did they come from? Every day it seems there is something new popping up. 

         I just found a bunch of the old Athearn blue box car kits for sale so I grabbed them. I have a great grandson that is 14 and has begun to show a great intrest in model railroading. It is the first thing we have found that seems to interest him and I will encourage it as much as possible. He had no interest in school or studies or sports so like his grand father maybe the trains will be a life changer. (Grandpa hated school because he couldn't read until he discovered trains and the diesel spotters guide) He is one of the top Ford techs in the country and in order to do that he had to read a lot of technical manuals. He is spending tome with my g grandson (he is raising him).

         My oldest great grandson graduated from High School over the week end. He is a great kid, never been in any trouble and maintained great grades. 

         I worked on editing some old movies taken by a friend in the late 50's and early 60's. We had a pretty good gang of kids that palled around together and hung out at his house. His parents tolerated our antics and were like parents to all of us. He had the films transferred using Legacy. They did a great job with the transfer but they make no corrections nor editing. There is 2 hours of film most of it related to trips to Canada to fish and boating on the Ohio River at East Liverpool. I have Adobe Premier Elements for video editing and it does a great job correcting old film but the learning curve is a bummer.  I am splitting clips and hoping I can then rearrange them and get them in order, then maybe I can put subtitles on the frames to identify all of these dead people. I even found some footage of my cousin that passed away last October. I had forgot she dated my friend their senior year. I sent the clips to her son and he was very happy to get to see what his mom looked like in high school.

          Enough boring stuff about me. Ya'll have a great day. 

hi all. well its Monday again life is getting back to normal after our rush trip to Colorado . while there found out that the peaches(if you ever had a grand junction peach you would throw rocks at Georga ones) will be ready in the second or third week in august (time then for another road trip) will stop by oldest sons this time they were on the eastern slope while we were there so didn't get to see them. cool enough today to work on layout so will heads out to the garage now.

PS Charlie get him a copy of the locomotive cyclopedia enough photos to perk his interest but plenty of reading too.
Greetings, gang.

Looks like summer is staking its claim early. The overnight lows was 67 with definitely higher humidity. High today and actually through the next week will be near 90 with low to moderate chances for rain every day.

I did get in a longer bike ride yesterday - almost 16 miles. I'll dial that back for a couple of days to recover. Also ran the hotshot freight for awhile. Got the two branches cut up into firepit sized pieces. Today I need to make a run to the post office to mail a package.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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