The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good evening
        I got the risers in for the septic tanks and the front yard mowed before the rains really came in. We have got over 2 inches since yesterday so the deficit has been made up. 

        I bought a locomotive from ebay (nothing new about that) but when I got it the sellers real name was a person that I knew from 30 years ago. That's a first. 

        I dug out an old train set I had bought in 2000 from Shop and Save, it is an IHC set made for them. They had 2 sets that year each powered by a GG1. The sets sold for 29.95 but that locomotive is one of the good GG1s with dual motors so even though it doesn't fit with no overhead on my layout (I can say it has a large battery that gets charged) I have decided I am going to install a decoder and run it as a set just for kicks.  I found the other set cheap on ebay so I ordered it and it will also get a decoder. 

       Glad your wife had a good surgery Tom and hope she has a complete recovery. 

       Have a good weekend all
Greetings, gang.

59 now going to maybe 80 with good chances for rain through tomorrow.

All chores accomplished yesterday. Today is a baseball tournament for one of the great-grandsons. Starts at 10 until ? Gas price down 3 cents to $3.23.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Oh yeah, it's still morning here. It's Saturday and boy, got to sleep until almost 6:00, been busy and us old folk really need our sleep when that happens. It's getting warm already, 77, and like yesterday, heading to 104. Looks like that's what it'll be like for a while. Still could be a lot worse, records for this time of the year are around 115 with the highest of 122 on June 26, 1990. I remember that day well, still have burn marks on my feet from walking across the parking lot... Icon_rolleyes 

Not much else going on, gas is still way too high, $4.49 at some stations, up to $4.99 at others. Go anywhere else in the state, or in the country, and you're paying less than $3.50.

Well, that's it for now, just a little rant today, but otherwise, all is good. You all have a great weekend, especially you dads...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
       I was up early for me and relaxed for a while. Did a little ground work around the risers I installed, now moher nature can settle the dirt. 

        I ordered a little better digital ammeter so I can get a better reading on current draw for these decoder installs.  These old GG1s may draw 2 amps on stall so I may have to go with a beefier decoder. 

        My wife is well enough to start her monthly family dinner parties, though it isn't much family, just 7 people total but for me that is a huge crowd. 

        I need to mow the back yard yet, I am just waiting for it to dry out a little more.

        Lots I want to say but I won't.

I think the museum was delighted with the artefacts. They fit with their mission --WW2 air force -- and were unusual (1936 electric/electronic instruction books) plus one book from the local library labelled "do not remove".
The trip took about 6 1/2 hours. We got behind a traffic jam on the expressway through Hamilton and the GPS kept trying to route us back on. And I only had a regional map in the car; no local streets.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good Morning and.....

To All You Dads Out There

Cheers 2296_ Cheers
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Happy Fathers Day, gang.

Gloomy and very humid this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 64 now going to the upper 70s later. Got an inch of rain last evening with mother nature announcing her achievement with thunder and providing lightning to illuminate that fact.

Baseball game yesterday morning then I went for a bike ride. My longest ever in a single stint - 21.05 miles in and hour and 47 minutes. Then another almost baseball game. Half hour drive to get there, half hour rain delay, half hour of play before the game was canceled due to another approaching storm, and a half hour drive home. Nothing on for this morning. I'll be watching the Canadian grand prix this afternoon.

Gas dropped again except near the sports complex. Most parts of town were at $3.19 but near the sports complex where there was a baseball tournament the price remained at $3.23.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all and for all you daddies out there:
It will be a warm one, we hit 106 yesterday, not even close to the record of 118 two years ago, so we are indeed having a mild Spring. Just that Summer is but a few days away. Very little change in gas, a few stations have dropped a few pennies but we're still mostly in the $4.50 range.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable day, I found out yesterday that we're having some Father's Day doings at Pat's house today, Pat, his SIL and me all being fathers. One father can't make it, Pat's FIL had a stroke a while back and he's still recovering. He's out of the hospital, but in California, so we do not expect him to show up. Our prayers are with him.

Take care everyone and stay safe doing whatever it is you choose to do. Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy Father's Day Blue.
Smoky haze and 80s for the day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 
     A new week rising.  Summer is almost here.

     I finished the decoder install on the GG1 and I am impressed. It draws less than 1/2 amp total and runs as smooth as a swiss watch. 

      I will be heading north for a while to take my wife to pick up her new glasses. We will probably stop at the griocery store for a few items while we are out. I have no other plans for the day. 

      My grand daughtee had tl let another of her St. Bernards go to the rainbow bridge yesterday. He had bone cancer and was starting to suffer.  She lost another one in February. She has one female left and she is about 10 so the future is bleak there too. They have had good lives and she dearly loves them but they were aquired by her ex husband and left behind for her to care for.  I feel so bad for her having to go through this. 

Good morning and Happy Monday again. Just cannot believe that we're close to the end of June, halfway through the year. Unbelievable. Icon_rolleyes Starting to wonder what to get for Christmas presents already. By then, I'll have two great-grandbabies... Still too early to say what the second one is, but she's doing fine.

Got up to 109 yesterday, still not close to the 117 we saw two years ago. The rest of the week will be a bit lower, closer to 100. Had a Father's Day thing yesterday at Pat's house, three generation of fathers there.

Not much on the agenda for this week, gives me a chance to work on a couple of woodworking projects if it doesn't get too hot in the garage. That's about it 'cause next week will be a doozie, a number of appointments, house cleaning and surgery scheduled for Friday, assuming I get the insurance company's OK by then. Just one of those, "twilight" things, in at 6:30, home by 12:30.

I do hope everyone has a fun and safe day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny skies greeted me this morning and it looks like they will be in town all week. Forecast highs are in the upper 80s for the entire week with only a slight chance for rain over the weekend.

Very quiet day yesterday. Started watching the F1 race and realized, barring accidents, how it was going to go so I hopped on the bike for a ride. Shouldn't have ridden as far after Saturday's long ride. A little sore. On a positive note I found the abstract for my house. It's been MIA for many years Found it in a tote with old income tax forms. That was a trip down memory lane also. The first year we were married I made $2400.

Gas price dropped to $3.13 yesterday so I finally filled the gas tank. Should be ok for a few weeks now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a beautiful suny day with a current temperature of 78. High is supposed to be 85.

The weekend was one of those up and down ones. Saturday my wife and daughter decided to make a cake from an old family recipe. The first step was transcribing the recipe from the very yellowed and delicate paper it was written on. The recipe was my wife’s great grandmother’s recipe. I had to make a grocery store run for some missing ingredients. The cake came out delicious and reminds me of what we used to call a Pennsylvania Dutch spice cake which would make sense since her great grandmother was Mennonite.

Sunday, Fathers’ Day was a very low-key day. We just lounged around the house. The kids assembled my Fathers’ Day gift, a new outdoor range. We were going to go out for dinner but decided not to because none of us felt like dealing with crowds. Instead, we order cheesesteaks from our favorite place. I installed a floodlight at the pond. It is a temporary location as I need a short extension cord so I can place it in a permanent location.

I tuned up 20 pieces of rolling stock. I also ran some trains. I organized some things around the layout and workbench.

Not sure what is on the agenda for when I get home. I have a bunch of Athearn rolling stock I need to change couplers. I want to install a decoder in the MP54 I just discovered was DCC ready. I need to figure out how to get the shell off. Thus far the instructions are not too helpful.

Charlie, sorry to hear about your granddaughter’s dog. It is always tough losing one of our furry family members.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all. new week but the same old stuff not anything new on the layout still trying to clean up after the kitchen remodel, got a approximant with VA Wednesday to go and tell me what they can do for my hip that i think is down to bone on bone they will send me to Tucson just to tell me that they won't operate on it till i get off the blood thinners. o well enough about that. only thing I've been doing other than cleanup is some cross stich as i can do it sitting on my duff.
stay safe.
Good morning good people, well, nothing really new here, temps cooling down today to 101, still no rain in sight, gas still trickling down, Sam's the lowest here at $4.25, still a dollar more than most other parts of Arizona. Somebody is getting rich quick and it's not a sports figure this time.

Worked a bit out in the workshop yesterday, will do the same today. Really too hot there to spent too much time working. When we lived in Wickenburg, I had a separate workshop and was able to cool it with a window A/C unit, but there's no way in the garage that I can do that. Besides, I don't spend as much time there as I used to. I'm still looking at a bunch of unfinished trackwork not more than five feet away, I see that everyday and I really need to get my butt up and finish it.

That's it for now, I hope everyone has a great day, stay safe, stay dry and stay cool....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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