The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Clear skies at the moment but it looks like rain is headed my way. 49 now going to maybe 70.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. I did take 4 minutes off my best time riding 21 miles on the bike. Down to an hour and 43 minutes. This morning is a trip to the gym for some swimming and hopefully make it home before the rain gets here. Baseball resumes tomorrow for the great-grandkids.

Gas jumped a dime to $3.39 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, it's 5:00 AM and I show it's 84 outside heading to 114+ again. Next week we could hit 118. Always when we have a mild spring, we can look for a sizzling summer. I'm taking their advice and staying in. Got one mid-morning appointment and see no need to  be outside beyond going to that.

Costco gas hit $3.65, hasn't been that low for the past two years. That one station up on US60 is still super proud and staying at $5.00 (cash price). Most other stations are around $3.89

Not much else to talk about, the usual here, wrong-way drivers, shootings, blatant shoplifters. I see one guy got fired because he was taking videos of shoplifters at the store he worked at. I guess they were afraid they were violating the thieves rights. We seem to victimize the heroes anymore.

Have a great day and stay cool.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening

      I had a big day, I cut some low branches that hit my head when I mow and of course I took an afternoon nap. 

     We had a very pleasant day weatherwise. I worked on some trains this evening and I thinl I will find something to watch on Britbox or Acorn to finish the day. 

Have a good weekend
Greetings, gang.

Clear and rather cool this morning. 50 now going to the upper 70s this afternoon. Got about a quarter inch of rain yesterday.

Not much happened yesterday other than a little grocery shopping. Laundry to start the day today the baseball tournament for one of the great-grandsons.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, woke up a little after 4:00, remembered that it was Saturday, rolled over and woke up again at 5:30. I'm telling you, them drilling into me for over two hours took a lot of my energy. It sucks at times being this old, other times it's nice when folks hold doors open for you (although I really don't need that), and I do get a lot more smiles from the ladies...

Temps, like everywhere else, are running ramped, 112 yesterday, and some say we could hit 118 next week. If it does rain, we'll probably have what they call, "virga" where it's so hot that the rain evaporates before it hits the ground. If I do go out, I try to get everything done that I need to in one trip, and I do it early.  Some of my doctor and medical appointments are as early as 7:00 AM. We are surrounded by Sun Cities, so you know there is a high demand for medical facilities. If I need an x-ray or CT scan, I usually have a choice of around 20 places to go within five miles of my house. Got a email the other day:
  • "your $35 payment to us is overdue, pay up now".
  • Hey, you never sent me a bill....
  • "Nope, you opted-in for paperless billing"
  • I never opt-in for paperless billing, I hate that and you tricked me if I did, I want to opt-out
  • "OK, next time, but you need to pay up now and we're not going to make it easy for you to find out how" Nope

This is Banner Medical, the largest provider in Arizona, (hospitals, imaging centers, urgent care, rehab and a cadre of doctors). If it goes to collection, not to worry, they own the collection agency. Waiting

Y'all have a great weekend, be careful and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy, rain/storms expected today. 70s for a high.
No train news today. As we move into July the garden stores are cutting their prices. My wife bought and planted some nice annuals yesterday.
Turned off the A/C, got a nice breeze coming in, at least for now.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

52 and sunny headed for 82 and also sunny. Rain chances start tomorrow and culminate (nice word, Tom) with and 80% chance on Wednesday.

Yesterday was a very long day of baseball. Games started at 8 and lasted til 6:30. I'm sure there were some very tired lads by the time it was all over. My great-grandson's team won everything except the championship game. Starting in an hour is the F1 pre-race show. Race starts at 9. After that I'll take a bike ride. Not much else planned.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Sunday morning ta ya all. We are still in a blazing heat trend, all forecasts are showing 110+ for the next two weeks.

Charlie, you've been wondering about some of our missing, I just looked around and haven't seen Kevin (natchoman) or Ray M., both from here in Arizona. Also Tom (trainnut) hasn't been around either. He seemed to be a bit upset when he didn't get any response to his post, but sometimes things take time to get the right answer. There's a swap meet up in Prescott coming up. Ray should be there, but right now it's too far for me to consider going. I'm still in the "low activity" mode for another week or so.

That's about it for now, high heat, low moral and that's how our summers go. At least we don't very often have to deal with hurricanes and tornadoes. I say that because we do occasionally get a tornado here, I saw one years ago heading south towards us as we drove east on Bell Rd. Yeah, I didn't care what the speed limit was, I was getting out of there...

Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 62 at the moment but that will change. Storms this evening after a daytime high in the upper 80s.

Moderately entertaining race yesterday. I did get in a 14 mile ride afterwards. Spent part of the afternoon sitting on the patio. Them temperature was in the low 80s and the humidity was quite comfortable. After supper I gassed up the car. Price was $3.27. After that it was back to the patio until almost dark. Very relaxing day. Not much planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, welcome to a new workweek. Temps on my front entryway are 91, not sunny though since we still have a half-hour until sunrise. Still going to top out at over 110. 'nuff said....

I don't even have a chair out on my patio, way too dangerous. I remember when we had a pool, about this time of the year the water was way to hot to enjoy. There's a fan on my patio, but all that does is blow hot air around, so I stay inside.

Got a few calls to make today and family dinner tonight. I spent some time yesterday chatting with someone on Tracfone about why I don't have any data in my account. I pay ahead every three months and get more talk/text/data than I need, and it rolls over if I pay on time. Right now, I have about 4,000 talk minutes and I can send almost 6,000 text messages, but no data and I usually have at least 600 mb. After verifying that zero data was correct, I realized my new video doorbell stores everything on the cloud and they're telling me a couple hundred mb just won't cut it anymore so I'm off to Walmart this morning to buy a gig of data.... I may need to opt for a different plan if my doorbell is eating up all my data. Why can't it store the data on my phone? Just asking....

Time for breakfast, still don't feel up to cooking anything, so breakfast with some friends and stop at Walmart on the way home. Take care everyone and have a great day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is now 72 on its way to 82. No rain in the immediate forecast, which is good after yesterday’s deluge.

The project site is flooded. The river is up about 13 to 14 feet above normal. We were supposed to do a concrete pour this morning, but the concrete plant was flooded. Not sure if the plant will be open tomorrow but if the water recedes here enough there is a great deal of cleaning up that needs to be done before they can pour concrete. We are thinking the pour will happen on Wednesday now.

We got a few outdoor things done, mostly on Saturday between storms. The squirrels, aka tree rats destroyed one of the window boxes so my wife had to replant it with new plants. I managed to finally catch up on the big bulky laundry stuff. Sunday the kids got home from their European cruise. I finally got the new air conditioner app loaded to our phones so now my wife can control it from her phone.

I tuned up and inventoried somewhere around 30 pieces of rolling stock over the weekend. I did get to run some trains for a few moments. I also organized some of the bins I store the rolling stock in and moved around some extra foam board I have so I could unclutter the area around the layout.

Not sure what is up for the evening. I still have some laundry to finish.

I still have a bunch of rolling stock to tune up and inventory. I would like to get back to working on the layout itself. There are streets to lay out and buildings to build.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Just checking in. No breaking news here. Today's hi will be in the 80s. It's nice to see a blue sky again, guess the wildfire smoke is drifting east instead of south.
Gas was @ $3.49. Eggs are back to normal pricing. My wife has done a good job planting flowers, sure beats the winter blahs.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 
     I have been guilty of being awol to an extent. Things are just not up to snuff but can't put my finger on it. I seem to be in one of those "don't give a 9insert 4 letter word here)" moods, and absolutely no reason for it.  

      I took my wife for her therapy this morning and she doesn't have to go back now for 10 days. They want to be sure they have all those inner ear crystals lined up and hoping they will stay put.  

      The feral cats have settled down. I have 5 kittens that will soon be fixed and left to fend for themselves. They are too wild now to tame. I am not a cat person but I want to let them have a chance, besides, we live with woods and fields all around which means mice and moles so they can work on that problem. 

       My lifetime friend is coming by with his mothers photo albums and I am curious to see what is in them. We spent almost every hour of everyday during the school years at their house and the ony camera I ever saw was a movie caera and I just got finished editing the 2 hours of video from them.

        Another 1961 classmate made the paper today for that story you don't want to read.  

        It is a pleasant day here, no bad weather, not too warm, not too wet or dry so the complaint department is closed. 

        Cheerio and Video
hi all. well its a typical Monday here the ac went out late yesterday so its currently 89 in the house right now with the ceiling fans going full blast. part for the ac is two days out it has to come from someplace in Oklahoma, so its two days of sweltering in the house. on a good note had a ultra sound on leg Thursday and the tec told me that she didn't see any sign of a clot so now I'm waiting on doctor to tell me that i can come off the blood thinner after three years.  
stay safe and if passable cool.
Saturday night after I signed off I found that the handle on the kitchen sink faucet had come off. SWMBO had forgotten to tell me. I couldn't see any fixing and I wasn't going to try gluing it back in. This is one of those big single-handle jobs. I could see a bit that might have taken vie-grips, but I didn't want to chance turning it on and not getting it back off.
This morning I talked to the plumber's answering machine. This afternoon I talked to it again. About 4:30 I was in my bath and SWMBO told me that the plumbers had called and would be around at 5:15. They were actually here earlier than that. The new faucet was installed in less than 30 min and she likes the way it works better than the old one.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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