The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is currently 74 and heading up to 84. We just had a shower roll through. It barely got anything wet.

Saturday was a good day. We got to the produce store and to one of them big box places and the wife was able to get the plants she wanted. She and my daughter were able to plant about half the plants she got. My daughter and I carried the new vanity and sink for the hallway bathroom. The plumber is coming today to install it. I finally pulled the new TV for our bedroom out of its box and set it up. It took me a little longer than I expected due to a couple of forgotten passwords. I did find time to inventory and put away into the appropriate bins 20 pieces of rolling stock and one locomotive.

Sunday was a tough day. We suffered from a lack of motivation. My wife did clean the Guinea pigs’ cage and I did a heavy cleaning of the foyer floor and in front of the piggies’ cage after she was done. After some debate we decided to toss the foyer area rug. It was showing its age and had developed that old rug smell. No amount of cleaning seemed to work. I had to water the gardens and replanted the pot at the backdoor. Later the kids and I cleared out the stuff from the hall bathroom so the plumber can work. No trains.

If all goes well with the sink installation time will be spent putting everything back into the hallway bathroom.

I am hoping to run some trains and begin marking out the roads around the Union Station.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, another day another dollar so it's been said, today a dollar won't buy you a package of gum.

No change in temps, maybe a bit lower today, 112 with a slight chance of rain. I bit overcast right now, but that can change in an instant.

A friend let me know that he saw a large transformer sitting on a siding off US60 (Grand Ave.) in Surprise. It looks like a three phase local distribution transformer, most likely headed up to that huge semiconductor facility they're building about ten miles north off of the 303 freeway. Big enough to have their own electrical substation.

Gas is kind of iffy, some stations going up a bit, other down a bit. The word is out that oil is going up so who knows what's going on.

I hope everyone has a great week, get done what you want to do and leave the rest for another week....

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening 
      We had another pleasant day here in Southeast Ohio.  It is currently 84 degrees with a small chance for a thunderstorm this evening. 

      I mowed the back yard today and that was my biggie.  

      I made an appointment to take our 14 year old dog to see if acupuncture will help her arteritis.  We have a friend that is a vey and she does it but she is in Atlanta Ga. She thinks Bonnie is a good candidate because she is so healthy otherwise.  I am thinking about tring it for my shoulders. Their is a MD close by that does humans. 

       I got a good buy on some Amfleet cars so I have been building them for the past several days as time permits. That will be as much as I am going to get into Amtrak. I may add some old E8's in patched PRR or other roads if I can find a great deal somewhere down the line.  

        Days, I can't make out the  reporting marks on that drop center flat that has the transformer load. Kasgro has some of those cars they keep in New Castle. The make it all over the country.  I know several guys that used to ride the trains with these type loads (and others ) for a company that kind of kept them rolling instead of being waylaid in yards for stupid reasons.  One time the would not leave the yard because of a broken cotter pin. He happened to have one in his box of tricks and took care of the problem.  One friend spent several days riding new locomotives through the Canadian Rockies  to see they were delivered on time to The British Columbian railroad.  He has fabulous photos from that trip. 

        I hope the heat wave breaks for you all soon. Isn't it almost time for the rainy season? 

         A good day and a better week ahead for everyone
Good morning all, no Charlie, the heat wave is not letting loose nor is the rainy season making its appearance. A new record everyday, days over 110 and lowest temps over 90. It really looked like it was going to rain last night, dark skies from the south, but just the wind part of the monsoon.

Charlie, if that transformer is still there this morning, I'll see if I can't get a closer shot. I'll bring my camera which will do a better job than my phone.

Not much change in gas prices here but they're saying oil prices are up so we can all expect to pay more at the pump.

Not much else going on here, that propane fire near the airport the other day really did a number on a few dozen cars in an airport parking lot. Totally burned about half of them and flying tanks of propane landed on a bunch more.

Take care everyone and stay safe. I see videos of floods and wonder why they can't channel that water over our way, but I hope no one here is affected.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 79 currently with humidity at 80% so it is starting to feel oppressive. High is supposed to be 86 with the possibility of showers or thunderstorms this afternoon. They are predicating a heat wave later in the week with highs over 90 for Thursday through Saturday. At one point some weather guessers were saying we would hit 100 on Friday but they seemed to have backed off from that now.

It took the plumber about 6 hours to remove the old sink and vanity and to install the new vanity, sink, and faucet. Of course, the shut off valves at the sink were bad and had to be replaced along with the J-trap. Once he left, we had to drag all the old stuff out to the curb for the garbage man to pick up today. We love our plumber. He is pretty much a one-man operation. My wife found him on Angie’s List about 15 years ago when our hot water heater died. He does great work which he cares about and is very reasonable in what he charges. He is 71 and says as long as his body holds up he is going to keep working until he is 75. I dread the day he retires.

With the sink installation and clean up I did not get anything else done. I never even made it down to the basement other than to grab some rolls of paper towels. I did glance at the layout.

Today on the way home I need to make a pharmacy run. I am hoping after dinner to get some train time in.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun is blocked by smoke again. Hi today will be 88. We did get a few days of blue sky.
Home from Great Clips. Chief Eagles and I used to compare how many hairs got cut.
Due to frosty nights in May our tomato plants got in the ground late. They are growing but have a long way to go.
Gas I saw while out had gone from $3.59 to $3.79. And what's with watermelon prices? Outrages. We are getting price screwed by everybody.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Little buying excursion today. We went to the outlet mall to get shirts. There were none that had pockets and long sleeves. Well, one set in a material I didn't like. We did get to a shoe store that had shoes we liked and second pair 50% off.
The hobby shop did not have what I was looking for (HO scale diaphragms) but Dayle found 4 items and I picked up a club magazine.
Trip over was roundabout as the superhighway had yellow and red lines on it and the alternate route had one road blocked off. Return trip went smoothly.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 73 with 94% humidity so a little soggy outside. No rain in sight though.

SIL and her husband left for home yesterday morning so the remainder of the day was pretty quiet. I did reserve a midsize suv for next week. I have 5 large dj speakers that are going to my son in Houston. I will be gone for a week. 2 days down, three days visit, and 2 days home. Breakfast at McDonalds yesterday was surprising. A big breakfast with pancakes and a small orange juice left me with 28 cents change out of a $10 bill.

I got bounced out of bed just before 5 this morning with a leg cramp and then couldn't get back to sleep. Looks like it's gonna be one of those days where I feel groggy all day. Maybe swimming will help. In another fun-filled event I got a jury duty notice yesterday. In the past people over 70 were excused. When I called to ask about it apparently our illustrious government has done away with that. On the other hand it's only for one month instead of the three it used to be,

SJ - Yeah, I miss Frank also.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks, same-o, same-o. 119 yesterday and most likely today. We are breaking three or four records everyday. The one that is most upsetting is that we're now in the fourth spot for consecutive days without rain, 124 as of yesterday. I've lived in Arizona for the most part of 70 years and have never seen this kind of weather.

We do have several wildfires going, smaller ones and not in forest areas, but it's so dry here the whole state could go POOF in a matter of minutes. Remember, we haven't had rain and lightning so these fires have to be of human origin. Nothing elese of importance to report for now.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
A smoky haze this morning. Hi of 90 today with storms forecast for later and into the evening. 
Of course rain is good but lately it seems the storms have caused a lot of damage.
We are staying in today, mayhaps some errands tomorrow.
If you want to see some fun 3 rail go to OGR and find WSW videos. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good evening.
        Looks like a good storm coming and we have a humid 86 right now but the wind is cooling things.

        I finished building 4 Amfleet cars this evening but I find they need some conductive lube on the wipers so the locomotive can handle them a little easier. I have some graphite somewhere that should do the trick.  I still need to decal them but I will wait until I am really in the mood for those tiny decals. 

        I have a guy coming to help lay a vinyl plank floor tomorrow. I told him I need someone with knees that can kneel and I will do all the cutting so he won't have to get up and down. 

         I trimmed about 35 x10 feet of the neighbors hedge hanging into the alley that accesses my drive way. He gave me the stink eye but knows not to complain. The hedge is planted in the right of way and it gives him some privacy from the business next door but I need to keep it cut baack so the delivery trucks can come in without problems. 

         Have a safe trip to your sons place Tom. Keep cool. 
I saw the respirologist today. He's pleased by my progress and said I could cut back on my puffers a bit.
I did a little progress on a couple of coach kits. I put the silver around the windows to represent frames. I found an old silver marker that still works.
I noticed that one of the cars has what looks like a hair in the paint on the side.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

It's a soggy 96% humidity and 73 degrees outside. High in the mid to upper 90s today with heat index near 105. Last night at 11 PM it was 80 degrees with 81% humidity. Decidedly not pleasant.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. I did have the chance to try out the cell phone holder for my bike. It worked well. No I'll be able to listen to some tunes while I spend as much as almost 2 hours at a time on the bike. This morning I'll be heading to Walmart and the grocery store.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. So far, just about every day this month the power company has raised my thermometer for a few hours to help lower the strain on the grid. Last night I was really uncomfortable and they had it set for 85. I can override that, but it was just about the end of their "rush hour" cycle, so I left it and sure enough, right at 8:00, it dropped to 81. I keep the temps a bit higher than a lot of folks, must be my metabolism, some that I know set theirs in the low 70's.

We are breaking records everyday:

Consecutive days at 110 or over: 28
Number of days over 115
Number of days at 119 or higher
Consecutive days with lows at 90 or over
Highest temp for that day (Yesterday 118)
Number of days without rain: 126

There was a monsoon storm roll in last night, not sure where it rolled to but it didn't roll up this far. To be sure, officially, even Phoenix didn't get measurable rain. Things are so dry right now, I've got to go out and water my cactus. Now cactus stores water and doesn't need anything more than what it gets from rain, but there is no rain....

Looks like gas is going up here, Costco & Sam's at $3.65, most others up around $3.99

I hope all is going well for you all, enjoy the day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks,

It is 88 heading up to 92 on the first day of our heat wave. We may get some storms later.

I tried out the new floor cleaner that wife got for the downstairs. I tested it on the kitchen floor and was happy with the results.

I converted my two Bowser Reading ALCO Century C-630 locomotives to DCC. It was very easy. Just remove the coupler pockets, side the shell off, remove the jumper, put the DCC chip in, close the shell, and put back the coupler pockets. Only problem I encountered was I could not change the couplers. Bowser uses a plastic coupler similar to McHenry or EZ-Mate. You can only use a whisker type coupler in the box and it has to be a long shank. Unfortunately, I did not have Kadee whisker long shank center couplers. On very nice feature of the coupler box is the lid snaps onto the bottom. Therefore, the box stays together as you maneuver it through the shell and into location on the body of the locomotive. I tested the locomotives and assigned addresses to them.

Tonight, I will create a consist with the two Centuries and run some trains.

I have an appointment with the cardiologist after work. This should be routine. My former primary doctor handled treating my A-fib put my new primary feels more comfortable having a cardiologist handling it.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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