The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon.
        It is good to read the good news about your wife Tom. she has had a rough time and deserves all the good feelings she can get. 

        I have been having some issues with my left hip which is probably arthritis. I get some real sharp pain but there are times it is fine.  I lost my chiropractor  to the great EP train derailment. She left town and no longer accepts insurance. I don't see how she thinks this is a wise move because if I have to go out of town I will go to a DC that is in network. 

        I had a nice fire last night and it was cool enough to really need one.      , I have enough wood left to have a nice one tonight. WE woke up to 41 degrees this morning and the same is forecast for tonight. 

        Retail sales were up .6 percent last month and inflation was 3.5 %. Isn't that a net loss of 2.9%? No one wants to admit how bad it really is. Now locally the real estate values are soaring and the taxes will be going up but the politicians say they won't be as bad a raise as they could be.....say what?  We no longer own homes, we just rent them from the government. 

        Guess what!  I have grass to mow Icon_e_surprised 

Cheerio and video
Greetings, gang.

58 now going to the mid 70s, at least that's what's being claimed by the NWS. Got almost a half inch of much needed rain yesterday.

It's Saturday and that means the end of the week. Not much going on around here. Laundry this morning and college football this evening. Maybe a short bike ride this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
        Hurricane Lee is going to hit New England and Canada but I pray it won't cause any damage because it isn't even a tropical storm anymore. Still lots of rain to be concerned about though but we probably won't see Jim Cantore  fighting it. 

        I am still in coffee mode and it isn't 10 AM here yet. Nothing firm planned for the day but I will probably do some more yard clean up.

         I am really having some rotator cuff issues and I am realizing I did not have these prior to the covid shots which I got one in each arm.  I will not be taking any more of these jabs that have been rushed through the testing to get them on the market. 

         Woke to cool temps once again but a nice warm up is predicted.  

         Stay safe everyone
And a good Saturday morning ta ya all. Yes, I did sleep in, almost 1 1/2 hours, us old folk need their beauty rest.

Yeah Tom, good news that your wife is getting around better on her own, you both have to be pleased.

I can understand the need for that fire Charlie, went out to breakfast yesterday and it felt cool, only 80. Today, even cooler 74 is the low, may have to dig out my long-johns. Nope Just so you know what we've been going through this summer, he's a shot I took of the local weather report the other day:


Nothing else going on, a few house chores today, I have three sinks I need to change over to pop-up drains and I may start doing those. A lot easier to install than the one's with the pull-up rod. Depends on how I feel what I do. There is college football.

Just some Big Blue statistics, but from what I see, we have uploaded 41,369 images since we started, that does not include all the ones that are linked to other storage sites. That's a lot of photos, and darn good ones too.

Take care, enjoy the weekend and stay safe at whatever you wind up doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 47 outside my window this morning. Supposed to be near 80 today.

Not a bad day yesterday. Watched a decent F1 race yesterday. After that I took a bill to the mailbox and then went for a bike ride. In the afternoon I watched a football game for one of the great-grandsons. Not much planned for today. Need to clean up a batch of acorns from the front yard. After lunch I'll take a trip to the gym and them maybe a bike ride after that. This evening I need to check in to see if I have jury duty for the coming week.

Gas was down to $3.74 yesterday so I filled the car before it went lower.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, happy Monday. Today should be the first day in the 90's, maybe until next spring. No rain in the forecast, so what's new? Well, Costco is up to $4.59 for gas, most others $4.75, only a dollar more than Tom is paying...

Watched some football, Arizona was ahead by 28 to 14 going into the fourth quarter. I switched channels for a while, and got back to the game on the last play and watched them go down in flames, 28 to 31. Glad I don't root for the "home teams" of any sports. To be sure, I can't even keep track of what team plays what sport.

Have a great week everyone, and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning

        Tom, I actually envy you for the jury duty.  I had to opt out several times because I was away from home when called and now with my prostate issues I would not dare try it but I would volunteer if I could avoid accidents.  

        I worked on a newly purchased ebay con cor superliner last night. I got 4 at a bargain price but they need some work. The weights are all rattling around inside and I am going to install lights. I will also body mount the couplers. 

         Gas is out of control here as is electric and natural gas. I knew this was coming when they started switching from coal to gas for generating electricity. Locally they are saying there is a shortage of natural gas, and I just read we have a 25 day supply of diesel fuel which is not good when folks start filling their heating fuel tanks.  I hope this isn't true but I will count on the worst. 

         Had a nice week end. I didn't get much done but I felt good and most of the aches were minimal.

Good morning folks

It is 62 and a sloppy, muddy mess on the project site this morning. High is supposed to be 72 with more rain showers.

We had a good weekend around the house. I did heavy-duty cleaning of the living room floors including lifting the covers off the radiators and cleaning under them and between the pipes. Saturday, we made trips to the grocery store, Kohl’s, and a nursey. We found mums and got six plants. We potted four in the front but did not get the last two potted at the pond. Sunday, we took it easy. We made a trip to Target where my wife and daughter picked up some Halloween/Fall decor. I got a couple of additional storage bins.

As good as the household stuff went the model railroading was frustrating. It started with the MTH Little Joe. On Friday night it ran perfectly with no issues. Saturday it was a different story. In DCC it started stalling at several locations around the layout. I checked connections and voltage and found no problems. I switched directions and it stalled at a whole new set of locations. I then tried several other DCC locomotives and none of them stalled. In a last-ditch effort, I tried DC, and it ran better but not perfectly. Sunday, I continued my attempt to run a train with the Little Joe. I was able to get it to run with 20 cars in DC successfully for the most part. However, it would randomly slow down with no rhyme or reason and it did not happen in the same location. I tried to make a video, but I ran into issues with lighting as I was getting too much glare from the lights off the train. I fiddled with the lighting and finally got things the way I wanted but it was late, and I had to stop for the night. Given my experience with the Little Joe locomotive and after reading some reviews of it and other MTH HO locomotives I do not think I will be purchasing any in the future.

Tonight, I hope to make the video of the Little Joe train.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, it's early and at least the mornings are cooling off, 5:00 and it's 70. High yesterday was still too high, 103, we are suppose to be in the 90's, but the TV lady said we could see a few 100's later in the week, just no rain. Looks like we have to wait until Saturday before we get into fall. 

Gas is jumping in leaps and bounds, Costco & Sam's now at $4.64, most are either $4.69 or $4.75 except the Cheveron down the street, they've hit $5.29 as is that one up on US60. Madness and greed.

Charlie, I agree with you, would love to serve on a jury. I haven't been on Jury duty since the 1960's. The few times I got called since then, I was excused because I was a small business owner, and about the time I retired, I hit the age limit. At 75, you can ask to be excused just because you're old, but I have never gotten a jury duty summons since the early 90's. I think I would enjoy doing jury duty, a nice diversion and a contribution to your community. Oh, and there's that $12 a day plus mileage stipend.

That's it for now, got things to do but not enough energy to do them. I'll just take them in smaller chunks starting with things that have to be done. Garbage pickup today, they used to pick up around 3:00 in the afternoon, but they're planning on going back to recycling and now they pick up around 7:00, so I best get the bins out there before I go to breakfast.

Y'all have a great day, stay safe, stay warm and stay happy....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun, hi of 70 this afternoon. Everything is covered with Blue Ridge Mt dew this morning.
Only thing on my menu for today is a date with the footsie doctor.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

64, cloudy, and windy this morning. Supposed to clear off but remain windy with a high in the mid 80s.

Fairly routine day yesterday. Got probably the last batch of acorns hauled away. Routine trip to the gym. No jury duty this week. I've been on a couple in the past one criminal and one civil. Not much fun but interesting. The hardest part was avoiding the news while the trial was going on. After the trial was over my wife was surprised at the not guilty verdict. The way the paper reported the trial made it sound like the guy was going to jail until the second coming. The problem was that the prosecution did not provide evidence that supported the charge. After it was over the bailiff mentioned that people were surprised that it took that long to get the verdict.

As far as the age thing goes I was selected back in 2015. When I went in to see if I could be excused they asked how old I was. When I said I was 70 they told me since I was 70 I was automatically excused. When I called this time they told me the age limit had been removed.

All stay safe.


PS The DA filed amended charges against the guy later the same day. He was convicted on those charges.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greeting, gang.

Cloudy and 57 this morning. Supposed to partially clear off later on and get to around 80. I have complete faith in the forecast since it was so accurate yesterday. They only missed the predicted high of 85 by about 10 degrees. Only got to 75 around 10 AM. By lunch time the temperature was down to 67. And the clear sky. I'm sure it was. I just couldn't see it through the heavy cloud cover.

Had a pleasant dinner with some friends last night and that was pretty much the high point of the day. Gym this afternoon. I've switched to afternoons because the pool is less crowded as in only one or two other people swimming laps. I debating whether to mow the lawn. Some places need it and other spots haven't grown for a while. Maybe tomorrow.

Glad I filled the car Sunday because by yesterday the price had dropped a nickle to $3.69. I hope the oil company spends that extra 50 cents wisely.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, Tom, our weather-people must have gone to the same school as yours did. We were suppose to be in the 90's, we hit 102 once again. We're suppose to be in the 90's for another week. The only thing they got right is no rain. Today they say a 1% chance of rain. That's when they set off a large flock of pigeons that fly around town.

As for gas, we've hit $5.00 a gallon in a lot of places, Scottsdale is worse, I see up to $5.39 there. How can that be, other remote parts of Arizona are still in the $3.50 range. You cannot tell me that it's cheaper to haul gas up to Bullhead City than it is to pipe it to Phoenix. This is madness.

Been going to Walmart for groceries, seems like the people who price tag the shelves can't keep up with those who change the register prices. I usually just let it go if it's a few cents difference, but for instance, peaches were $1.98  pound in produce,  but $2.28 at checkout and I had around 4 or 5#. She needed a manager to make the change at self-check so I said I didn't want them. A week later, same thing, this time I went to a regular checkout and she made the change. It's an insult to the customer, plus pure profit for Walmart. Think about it, suppose they only sell 100# in a day in that store, that's $140 they have cheated customers out of in a week, just on this one product. Now, if all 10,500 stores had the same discrepancy, that could mean $1,470,000 in extra profit just on peaches. Could only be a few stores with peaches, maybe other products in other stores are mispriced, and most folks don't pay attention at checkout.

That's my grumbling for the day. Have a great day everyone and of course, stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning
     It looks like we all slept late today. 

     It is cool here and a nice day is expected. This locomotive is sitting in the back yard of the house I sold to my son. NS is dedicating a new training center for first responders in East Palestine. I had to finally take a minute to take a train picture. I haven't done that for a long time.     

      I got the grass cut yesterday, fixed a decoder that was a real pain and today we will deliver some blankets to the county animal shelter which is low on them. 

      I have some more junk wood I need to cut to fit the fire pit. The evenings are getting cool enough to enjoy sitting around a fire and chatting with friends. 

       Hoping ya'all have a great day.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 61 outside my window this morning. Supposed to get to the mid 70s this afternoon. That will be about the time the rain starts. 70%-90% chances of very much needed rain between now and Sunday evening.

Pretty quiet around here. I did manage to mow the yard for the first time in well over a month. The agenda sheet for today is pretty much empty.

Gas keeps dropping in price. Down to $3.62 yesterday when I was out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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