The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
We have another gloomy day w/hi of 67. Warmer later in the week.
I haven't ventured out this week. We have orange cones everywhere. 
Near us, we have 3 N/S roads tore up and 2 E/W roads. It took a collage education to do this all at once.
Finally got a date from the hospital for removing the stent and stone. At least I now know when.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning good people, ah, for just a gloomy day, haven't a clue what one looks like. Hit 106 yesterday, today supposedly will be our last 100+ day for a while. Yeah, they said that before.... We should be in the mid-80's by Sunday and staying there for a while. As for gas, we've passed the $5.00 mark, some stations nearby are $5.39, while up I-17 at Cordes Junction they're looking at $3.99. Tell me now how it costs a dollar less to haul a gallon of gas some 50+ miles up a freeway. Something's wrong and nobody is doing anything about it.

So much for that, got here early enough to catch a spammer. Usually, they register and dump their garbage at the same time. This one registered yesterday morning, and waited until a few hours ago to come back and post. I haven't a clue what he was selling but it was some long drawn out list of how great they are at doing whatever it is they do.... blah, blah, blah...

Y'all have a great day, play well, stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Today was changeover day from summer to winter clothes. I get to take boxes off the shelf and carry bits up and down the stairs and then put boxes back on the shelf. *

* not on the shelf. They are stacked on the floor.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and pleasant at 63 degrees this morning. Supposed to be in the mid to upper 80s for the next several days. Somewhat unusual for the start of October.

It's been pretty quiet around here lately. Only thing remarkable is the precipitous drop in the price of gasoline. Just over 2 weeks ago it was $3.91. Yesterday when I was out it was down to $3.39. Today I need to start rounding up a batch of leaves. otherwise no major projects on the agenda.

All stay safe,

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, another bright and sunny day, yesterday 104, today 98, but they haven't been right all summer including yesterday, so we'll see how close they come. No change in gas prices either. Seems like they're taking in the shorts in California, pushing $7.00 there.

Got a chiropractic adjustment this morning and pick up some meds and that's it. Next week is a bit more busy, but it should be cooler.

Yup, another weekend is upon us, a new month too, time for the stores to start putting out their Christmas stuff that they just put away a few weeks ago. Whatever, have a great weekend, not sure just how much football I can take. It's more and more becoming a variety show than a game. Just watch the Americas Got Talent season, same thing, just that player get an obnoxious amount of money if they win or not, and obviously use some of that to take choreographed dance lessons.

Have a great weekend folks, do what you want to do and have fun doing it. Be safe as well...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Just checking in fellers.
Day 4 of gloomy skies. Hi might be 70 this afternoon. 
Had a chat with some club members, lot of activity going on converting MTH wood sided coaches to a northern Mich.RR.
They are nicely done but Lionel has the molds now and of course upped the price. I know you are H O guys so you'll just to deal with me. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Hazy and 70 outside my window this morning. Supposed to get to about 90 this afternoon. At this time of year 70 is our normal high for the day. By next weekend highs are supposed to be in the 60s so the nice weather will be ending soon.

Decent day yesterday. Rounded up a small herd of leaves and hauled them away yesterday. Then went to the gym. The pool was somewhat cooler than normal but still ok. Today I'll get the yard mowed and then put down the fall fertilizer. Later on I'll get a hair cut. College football at 2:30 but with all I need to do I may just tape it and watch this evening.

Gas $3.36 yesterday morning so I broke down and filled up. By afternoon it had dropped another 3 cents.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, ahh, Saturday, slept in as usual, ten hours this time. I guess old folk need their sleep and I don't take naps.

Temps today suppose to be in the mid-90's, it was suppose to be in the hing 90's yesterday, but for the 10,000 time this year, they were wrong, we were still into the 100's.

Uh, Tom, I know how they managed to drop your gas prices three cents, Costco and Sam's here raised their prices by four cents and the average price in the Phoenix area is now $5.03... The lady on TV said to expect prices to drop soon. I think she's the same one that gives the weather reports...

Got things to do today, stuff I put off all week, but need to get done, so y'all have a great weekend, I'll do my best as well...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

90 is the predicted high for today. It's currently 68 and clear. For this coming Saturday the predicted is 57. Looks like fall is going to fall big time.

Decent day yesterday. Got the yard mowed and sidewalks cleaned up. Laundry is done for another week and my hair is cut for another month. I did forget to put down the fall fertilizer so I'll take care of that today. Also need to make a trip to the cemetery to take care of the graves for my wife and son.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue.
We have sun, temp is 61/75.
Had a Saturday afternoon of college football. No plans for today. My wife will go to church, I will watch from home.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning and a fine Sunday to you all. Temps yesterday were suppose to be in the 90's, they were not, today suppose to get to 84, I wonder how far they're going to miss that forecast... No change in gas prices either, we just seem to get beat up every which way. The monsoon season ended yesterday, 0.15" all summer. that's just another weather record we broke so far this year.

That's it for now, maybe some football, didn't watch much yesterday, I'd rather work on a few projects I have waiting, depends on how I feel.

Have a good day and enjoy whatever it is you wind up doing.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 63 heading up to 80.

I know I have not been here much the last week and a half. Work was crazy with a bunch of long, wet days. We had rain eight days in a row. My work boots are still not fully dry. Saturday was the first day we saw the sun for most of the day. Those long days at work meant I was exhausted by the time I got home. Also, I think the dreariness of the week put me in a little bit of a funk.

Last week was my 32nd wedding anniversary and my daughter’s 28th birthday. On Thursday, which was the anniversary, my wife and I went out and got hot roast beef sandwiches at our favorite local ale house. Friday, which is my daughter’s birthday was the big combination anniversary/birthday dinner.

Saturday my wife and I got our flu shots and covid boosters. Then we hit PetSmart and Kohl’s to drop off an Amazon return. Once we were back home, I started the outdoor Halloween decorations. I installed a new light in our bedroom closet and did some laundry.

Sunday, we made a run to Target to get a few things we need for our upcoming cruise. Back home I worked on the outdoor decorations. I am almost finished but an issue with a timer not working caused me to do some temporary wiring.

The only modeling, I did over the weekend was putting some rolling stock away.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, just a quick stop by, we finally got into the 80's, 88 yesterday, suppose to be lower today, but we're good with what we had. No rain, no change in gas prices, not sure about eggs, but everything else is up so why not eggs?

Got things planned for today, so enjoy the day and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 68 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Upper 80s later and then a 60% chance of rain tonight followed by much cooler temperatures tomorrow with a high of only 70.

Made some progress on a couple of projects yesterday. This morning i need to male a trip to Menards for some additional supplies followed by a stop at Walmart for groceries and other stuff. Also need to pay the bills so I can stay in the house for another month.

Gas was down to $3.29 which is over a 60 cent drop from 3 weeks ago.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, hit 88 yesterday, today about the same, then back into the 100's by Friday. Mother Nature just doesn't quit. No changes in gas prices, $4.99 up to $5.39 is normal and no one has a good reason why. We are easily back to the $100 fill ups.

Had so many shootings over the weekend, it's beginning to feel like Chicago here.

That's it for now, nothing planned for today, do as I feel like. Ya all do likewise if you can...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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