The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, running a bit late, so in a nutshell, gas is down a few cents all over, with Costco/Sams @ $2.88, except that one station up on US60 at $3.99 and one up on I-17 wanting $4.79. I guess if you're up there and need gas, you pay the price.

Temps are still in the 70's until later next week. They drop to the 60's and there's a good chance of rain for a change. Nothing else significant going on, so I wish you all a pleasant day today and a safe one as well....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon Everyone, Well it is in the low 40's here with a breeze which is making it feel like in the mid 30's. Gas prices are slowly dropping here with the lowest being at $3.25 a gallon and the highest being $3.55. I just received two Cambria & Indiana hoppers in the mail today so that will be the project for today. Once they are put together they will be hooked up to the train under the tree. Work is slowly progressing on the C&I Engine. Not much has changed with that other than adding some handrails. Hope everyone has a good day. Take Care All.

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I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good evening.
       I have been busy.  I got the diesel fueled heater finished in the motor home and it works very well. 

       I have continued scanning my mothers photos and I am down to the last 2 albums and I should have them done by Monday. 

        I decaled some of the bicentennial box cars tonight. If they hold up with the decal solvent tomorrow I will be very happy. The decals applied easily, and I learned a little more about making them, biggest trick so far is coat them well with clear but apply is fairly dry so you don't run the ink, and let the ink dry for at least 24 hours. I did print a few extra decals in case I mess up.    

      It is cold here (above normal temp) but dry. 

       I have 4 books I want to read,  they were written by a friend in Texas and are all related. I read the first one about 3 years ago so I need to re read it so I can continue with the story line which starts during World War I.  They are good enough you can't put them down when you start so I have other things I need to finish. 

       Gas isn't as high as it was but it still needs to drop a lot before I will say it is cheap. 

It's so aggravating that gas prices go up so fast, and down so slow........
3.39 near me (high taxes) and $2.95 to $2.99 in Delaware (No state taxes)...about 6 miles away from me...

My last scheduled day off before the Holidays.....
No more 5 day work weeks for me  Smile Smile Smile

On the schedule for today, I have some light shopping to accomplish...  and a friend needs a GFI receptacle replaced.
When he plugged in his Christmas lights Monday, he let all the magic smoke out...
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning all, just a quickie this morning, going target shooting with my younger son and his step-son. Don't particularly like going on Saturday because it gets a bit crowded and you never know who is shooting where. Just as long as everyone faces the hill when they shoot, it's OK. Temps are in the high 70's, near records, but going to drop mid-week, still with a chance of rain. We are still at 3.5" for the year so we have a lot to make up and only a few days left to do it.

That's it for now. I hope everyone has a fine weekend, and has their Christmas shopping done. I was in Walmart yesterday around 7:00 in the morning and it wasn't that crowded, more than usual but still not bad. Lots of stuff still on sale, Christmas candy is just about gone though. Time to put up the Easter baskets.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Rain and 39 this morning but nothing significant. It's been a slow steady drizzle since yesterday afternoon and only a tenth of an inch. Definitely not a drought breaker.

With the nice weather yesterday I did manage to sit on the porch for a while. Not much going on around here. More basketball games on tap for today along with laundry.

Gas dropping again to $2.72.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
A Saturday Hello to Blue.
Some sun, HI in the 40s for the day. Friday night at the club house was oldies night, themed for Christmas. It was memories night for me, watching those old Lionel trains spring to life without pushing a bunch of buttons. Nothing on my menu for today, I miss watching my favorite football teams already.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Afternoon All. Well nothing really much going on today other than we are baking cookies. We have to run to the store to get a few more items and then everyone should have something for Christmas. It is a decent day outside today but come next week it looks like we might get some snow but not enough to cover the ground for the holiday. Last night though was a different story, I had taken the Conrail SW9 completely apart and started to paint the frame all black and also got the top of the cab painted black. I do need to remove the decals off the engine hood and cab so that I can start painting those the proper colors of black and yellow. I am also on the search for a SW9 frame for the engine shell. One that is powered would be better than having a dummy engine but if I have to have a dummy, it would be ok.

Later toinght it will consist of taking apart a steam engine to see why it has stopped running. I'm hoping it is an easy fix ( yeah not in this hobby ) and get it back on the tracks. I do however have to get to the hobby shop to get more knuckle couplers so I can finish updating all the couplers. Hope everyone is having a good day today. Take Care Everyone.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Well as if today was going to well for me, I had the train running under the christmas tree and all of a sudden I hear this loud winding noise. I run into the living room to find the my train ground to a halt and the engine just sitting there running and not moving. Here the rear end motor truck was just turning and not really moving the wheels. Turns out the gears got worn down on the worm gear and looks like a little wear and tear on the gear in the truck. A simple fix to say the least. Can't go to the local hobby shop tomorrow as they are closed so I will go monday to get the parts I need to fix it. So right now my PRR SD9 was called into service to pull the train for the night and tomorrow. 

The SW9 was bought second hand which you all know things can go wrong even things go wrong with brand new locomotives. Ah well, this will test me at how good I can fix something as I also found the problem with the K4s that I have also.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning folks

It is 52 and our high is supposed to be 59. It is raining heavily as has been since yesterday afternoon. Currently we have gotten over 2 inches of rain with close to another inch coming. I have not been out to the job site yet, but I can imagine what it looks like as the Schuylkill River is now under a Flood Warning.

On Saturday things did not go as planned. My wife’s knees were bothering her to the point where she canceled going out. My daughter did go out to Five and Below to grab some things for the family in need. She came home and said it was a good my wife did not go as it was crazy. After my daughter got home, I ran to the produce store and the grocery store. During the day I managed to get a few loads of wash done. I started painting the details on the walls of the Ashmore Hotel. I also put away a bunch of rolling stock that was sitting on the layout.

Sunday, my wife felt better and her my daughter went out. They went to Walgreens, Target, and Micheals to get the last of the supplies they needed for the family in need’s Christmas package. I did a few more loads of laundry and cleaned the Guinea Pigs’ cage. I ran to Micheal’s to get some new paint brushes as mine were either worn out or missing. I continued painting the details for the walls. I realized I was not thrilled with the color of the walls after painting the mortar. They are too dark. I experimented with a couple of methods, and I think I have the one that works.

I checked the basement before leaving for work and there is some water. I will be cleaning up after I get home tonight. Maybe I will have time to get back to the hotel walls.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Rain overnight, high of 37 today with wet snow in the forecast.
We visited our daughter and family yesterday as she has a cast on her left arm, SIL is recovering from a mild stroke and one grandson just had his wisdom teeth yanked.
Mayhaps today will be a quiet one.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. well its Monday again don't know what happened to Friday Saturday or Sunday it's like being on a runaway sled things just go by. Did do a bit of modeling but not much.
stay safe and warm Jim.
Good Evening All. Well we are under a winter weather advisory until tomorrow morning. The snow started to fall around 1 pm today and for the past hour has been coming and going. Can't say much for the rest of the area around us. I did make it to the hobby shop today and got some parts along with more knuckle couplers. So tonight will consist of getting the SW9 back up and running and replacing couplers on more railroad cars and engines. Have a good rest of the evening everyone.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Well a very early good morning everyone. After a couple of hours I managed to get the engine up and running again. Had go rerun a couple of wires and add a new light to the front end. Now it is all set up and running under the tree. I did get a few cars couplers changed over. Now for later today, it will be getting my girlfriends Conrail GP40 #3091 back up and running. This is yet another simple fix as it is just reattaching the wires back up. Some minor repairs are to be needed attended to on the shell along with some paint to get it correct. 

Below is going to be a project for over this winter. Yes I might be hung out to dry with the CN fans here but it was the only one the local hobby shop had. I know the C&I didn't have a calf units on their roster but it's going to be a what if they did. So it will be stripped of it's paint and then will be painted in the classic black over yellow. It will be an unpowered unit for right now. All the workings are there to hook it up for it to be powered but right now with having an older power pack it does get difficult to run more than two-three engines at a time. 

We did however get some snow and it doesn't look like it is going to stop until sometime tomorrow. Nope Gas is still sitting at $3.25 ( lowest ) and now the highest is about $3.49. The kids are getting more and more excited as it is now 6 days until the jolly man makes his once a year appearance. Hope everyone has a great day today. Take Care All.  Icon_cool

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I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

22 now going to maybe the low 40s this afternoon. Upper 40s to low 50s for the remainder of the week with possibly some rain. No white Christmas this year.

Well, the colonoscopy is in the rear view mirror (pun fully intended) and according to the doctor's notes I won't be needed another one. No results yet on the two polyps removed. Won't know about those for a week or so. I did notice this morning my left shoulder is uncomfortable. They must have had me in an awkward position on the table yesterday. This morning I'll be heading to Menards for a number of items. Finally got the last of my rebates back so I can go spend more. It helps as they are having a 12% rebate on everything between now and Christmas.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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